Aesop's Fables - Among fables and truths...
Among fables and truths we see each other. We constantly recreate and learn and unlearn in the process of being people. This is one of the fundamental aspects that the fable reflects as a didactic literary genre and that is studied less and less in educational fields.
In everyday life we have experiences that allow us to grow and probably. This growth is full of flavors. This growth is often the product of painful learning, difficult circumstances.
Sometimes, learning can also be a product of moments of joy and understanding of reality. From that experience that means putting yourself in the place of other people. Among fables and truths we see ourselves, all the time, in different areas of life.
When we think of artistic expressions, we sometimes stop at creative processes. Other times we stop in the aesthetic experience, in production, in the beauty of the work of art. But rarely do we stop to consider the motivations that lead a person to create those works of art.
Among fables and truths we see ourselves, in infinite artistic expressions, not only in literature. We can also fable with music, in the plastic arts, in the world of dance.
Literature is a recreation of human existence. That is why we find the universal classics. In the classics the realities and contradictions of the human being, the truths and the lies are represented.
Among fables and truths we see ourselves from the world of classical literature until today, in the 21st century.
The representation of Don Quixote’s idealism, in the face of Sancho Panza’s prgmatism, leads us to reflect on the great topics of life.
Idealism and dreams. Beyond the political positions and the companies of life.
Everywhere in the world, in all countries there have been and there will always be people with ideals. People wanting to change things to spare.
We will always meet people who want to fight and transform reality. Fighting for the sake of justice and freedom.
In Venezuela, as in other countries, there are leaders and political parties. We can mention the Copeyanos, the adecos, the Masistas, the revolutionaries of yesterday and forever.
Professionals from all areas: lawyers, educators, doctors, entrepreneurs, among others. All of them fight for their ideals and for the transformation of the country.
Spanish / English
¿Qué hacías durante el verano? / What did you do during the summer?
He asked the beggar. / He asked the stony.
-Día y noche a quien me encontraba, / -Day and night to whom I was,
le cantaba, no te disgustes. / I sang to him, don’t be upset.
-¿Le cantabas? Me alegro. / -Did you sing to him? I’m glad.
¡Pues bien, baila ahora! / Well, dance now!
Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695)
In the fable of the ant and the cicada, the cicada when winter comes is devoid of food. She is going to borrow them from her neighbor the ant. This one, fearing not having enough for both of them denies the loan.
The ant recriminates him for having spent the summer comfortably. He claims for not having collected food for the cold season.
It is, like all the fables of La Fontaine, Aesop and other authors. It is a story for educational purposes.
Since in this case the relentless work of the ant is rewarded with survival. On the other hand, the carefreeness of the cicada pays for it with life.
The fables of Samaniego were published in 1784. The moral Fables collect a total of 157 compositions.
Samaniego’s fables were distributed in nine books and preceded by a prologue. They were composed for the students of the College of Vergara, whose pedagogical work collaborated.
Spanish writer (Laguardia, 1745 – id., 1801), famous for his moral Fables. Together with Tomás de Iriarte, he is considered the best of the Spanish fabulists. The violent enmity between the two has passed into the history of literature.
Belonging to a noble and rich family, after the first studies (carried out in the paternal home). He was sent to study law at the University of Valladolid, where he remained for two years without completing the degree.
On a pleasure trip to France he became enthusiastic about the encyclopedists, and stayed a long time on French soil.
There the inclination to the scathing criticism against politics and religion so pleasing to the men of the century was infected.
And a certain libertine and skeptical spirit that induced him to mock privileges. Because of this, he even rejected high employment, proposed by well-known characters in French high society.
His work belongs to the genre of teaching literature. His intention is within the didactic character of neoclassical and illustrated literature. Usually his writing responded to the maximum aesthetics of instructing delight.
They had to influence him, the choice of gender his knowledge of French literature, especially La Fontaine. Although Samaniego is not a mere translator. On the contrary it updates the traditional matter from the classical sources (Aesop and Fedro).
Samaniego increases the explanatory data and dramatizes the scenes. This to improve the effect in relation to the didactic function it intends. Thus we reach our affirmation: Among fables and truths we see ourselves
Samaniego, like other authors of his time and authors of later times, ventured into the genre of didactic literature, which at some point might seem a contradiction because of his libertarian spirit.
One thing is the experience of life and another thing is what is reflected in the creative processes. As we have seen in so many occasions the literary experience, the vital and creative processes are independent.
That is why we talk about the relationship of fables, literature and reality. In this literary genre we find a representation of moral aspects. Most often represented in animals.
Animals are characters that tell us about the confrontation among that truth and the ‘parody of it. The idea is that they usually leave us a teaching. As we know from Aesop, the Greek classic and great fabulator.
Aesop is the creator of this genre of literature, and inspiring of all other experts in the subject
“Among fables and truths we see each other.” In fact, we well know that later creations in the world of fables are based on those created by Aesop. This has been stated by most writers who have cultivated this literary expression.
It only takes a brief tour of the presence of this genre in the history of literature to verify that this is so. That its authors have been able to recognize it, as in the most emblematic case, which constitutes La Fontaine.
For this reason among others mentioned, we talk about “Among fables and truths we see each other”
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