Erin Brockovich
When film productions are based on real events they can be shocking. Sometimes, real life can become much more interesting to the public. Usually, most of the time they leave a message that somehow touches the viewers deeply. In this installment we will address what is related to the great movie called Erin Brockovich.
When it comes to fighting to enforce the rights of people there are people with great determination. Battle against corruption and the bureaucracy of the judicial system in any country is a challenge. If we must also deal with large corporations in the United States and the difficulty is out of proportion. A fight between “David” and “Goliath”. It is there where the essence of this film is found, in which the protagonist Erin Brockovich assumes the role of achieving justice.
Erin Brockovich begins looking for his place in the world and ends up seeking justice for a person affected by environmental issues. This problem was generated by a huge company called Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). Their search is to ensure that “the big ones don’t crush the little ones” and are compensated for damages.
Erin Brockovich decides to take a steep path for a huge company to compensate all those affected and assume their responsibility.
The American-produced film production called Erin Brockovich was starred by movie star Julia Roberts.
The script for this movie is based on the true story of Erin Brockovich – Ellis. Erin Brockovich is an environmental activist who achieved a significant judicial victory against Pacific Gas and Electric.
The protagonist of the film is a woman with multiple problems in her life. Well, she faces a frivolous world being vulnerable since she is a divorced mother. In addition, she is unemployed and additionally to make her situation worse, she has a car accident.
If you who have problems, try to be a divorced mother with 3 children, alone, unemployed and with an accident that leaves 17,000 dollars in medical debt.
Then to add more firewood to the fire, he loses a trial against the person who hit him, an emergency doctor. And since she is a divorced mother, she is judged unfairly. This leaves her with the aforementioned medical debt that she had to cover given her responsibility the mentioned doctor.
The lawyer who defended Erin Brokovich is a well-meaning man who almost assured him a victory. But due to the prejudices for which the aforementioned lawyer was not prepared, the case is lost. That is why Erin Brokovich urges him to work to compensate her for the loss of the case. Ed Masri, whose heart is gold, has no choice but to help her and Erin starts working at the firm as secretary.
When this woman starts working at the firm in the archives section. That is why he begins to read the files to be able to store them correctly. In that process there was one in particular that caught his attention. This file was that of Donna Jensens, where the protagonist in some way puts the magnifying glass. Without understanding why there is a series of medical records among the documents of a real estate litigation Erin decides to go further.
In this way Erin Brockovich begins to investigate certain irregularities such as medical checkup media. In addition to the suspicious medical help the company called Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) gives to the residents of the area.
This powerfully attracts the attention of the bold woman. From there he discovers the causality between the pathologies of the client with the contamination of the local water sheets caused by the gas and electricity corporation.
What causes these adverse effects in the population is the use of hexavalent chromium in their processes. However, the company had indicated that the chromium used in its industrial processes is really trivalent chromium.
Her curiosity and intelligence lead her to investigate water quality records in the county. The spiky hairs stop when they discover that the chrome that P.E. & G. used was the dangerous hexavalent chromium.
It is definitely not an easy road faced by the daring woman Erin Brockovich. Well, it is the bureaucracy of the justice system coupled with the power of that company and additionally the null collaboration of their co-workers. However, this does not become an excuse for her. The determination of the woman makes her take the reins and come to talk directly with the people affected in California.
In the union is the strength and this is achieved by Erin Brockovich with his charisma and approach to people. In this way, he manages to gain the trust of people affected by the bad procedure of the PG&E company.
Erin Brockovich gave continuity to what he had started, so in the following years he devoted himself to collecting all the necessary evidence. So he proceeded to look for the corresponding contamination samples. Then he met a lot of the people affected and consequently sick of Hinkley California. With all these advances he manages to mount a case and insert a class action suit.
For the year 1996, the United States judicial system ordered the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) to pay compensation of $ 500,000 to the people of Hinkley for each affected person.
The exact figure was 600 sick people. Consequently, Pacific Gas and Electric Company had to pay three hundred and thirty-three million dollars. Without a doubt an unpublished amount in a case with these characteristics. In addition, a milestone was established since jurisdiction was established as a judicial precedent for equivalent processes.
For its part, the protagonist Erin Brockovic who led this fight from the beginning had the reward of 2 million dollars for the case.
Starting the millennium the movie “Erin Brockovich” was released, the film that illustrates the process that made it famous. This production was produced by Steven Soderbergh and was starred by the great actress Julia Roberts.
The person who undertook this battle in real life decided to start his own company. This is called Brockovich Investigation & Consulting, and it also lectures around the world.
After the fight that I won for the first time, this woman decided to take this path against transnationals such as Bayer Pharmaceutical. This is to prevent women from the side effect of the Essure contraceptive. At present, the case has had different demands and is still in the process.
Erin is an example of the determination that some women have to exercise leadership in their environment. In the particular case of this woman he undertook a steep path. She never fainted, although obstacles were presented along the way. An exceptional woman who provided unconditional support to a large number of people affected by the bad actions of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E).
The best reward was to see how each of these people received the corresponding compensation.
After this, he not only founded his own company, but also dedicated to empowering people around the world. He has also undertaken a fight against other companies to compensate their victims.
Julia Robert plays the leading role of Erin Brockvich. A woman with determination that does not rest until she achieves what is proposed. These actions for the victims of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E).
Albert Finney as Edward L Masry born litigator and a lawyer who defended any type of cause with utmost professionalism and ethics. This is who guides the steps that the protagonist of the film must take.
Aaron Eckhart as George, the Mexican-American motorcycle boyfriend of Erin Brockovich-Ellis.
Marg Helgenberger as Donna Jensen Although the role of this character in this movie is small. However it is powerful. Marg’s performance is inspired by her mother Kay’s battle with breast cáncer
Mention has been made of the main characters of this fabulous story that not only marked a milestone in the legal field of the United States. They are an example of what the fight for justice means.
The movie Erin Brockovich is inspiring not only for those who are interested in the legal area. This movie is also for activists and people struggling for environmental conservation.
Once again he urges us to assert our rights as citizens and to be aware of the care for the environment. In addition to ensuring that companies are responsible and their processes impact ecosystems as little as possible.
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