Gustavo Mirabal (eng)

The Venezuelan Lawyer, Gustavo Mirabal Castro

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Gustavo Mirabal Castro is not only a Venezuelan lawyer, but “the Venezuelan lawyer” par excellence. There are things that characterize Venezuelan lawyers and topics that they are always passionate about. That is why today we will talk about “The Venezuelan lawyer”, Gustavo Mirabal Castro. We will talk about his passions and what the Venezuelan lawyer par excellence, Gustavo Mirabal Castro, really does to him.

But first we make a reflection … Are all lawyers “good lawyers”? The obvious answer is that this is not the case. That is why today we will talk a little about the things that make lawyers good. We will also make a brief reflection on the ethical nature of the law and how a true lawyer cannot be without adhering to professional ethics.

Without more to add let’s discover what characterizes lawyers.


What characterizes a lawyer in general?

Lawyers must meet several characteristics to be successful in their career. This leads them to work on many personal and professional skills. These same skills lead them to be successful in other fields of work.

It has been shown that most politicians in the world have studied law. Let us remember that both politicians and lawyers must have extensive knowledge of the legal framework of a country. Likewise, the oratory skills that lawyers develop are especially advantageous for a politician.

That is why the law career and being a lawyer can be an advantage in many disciplines or professions. This is also the case of Gustavo Mirabal, to whom his law studies opened a door to the world of finance.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro became a financial advisor thanks to his work as a lawyer in his first jobs. Among them we find some smaller banks, “Británica de Seguros, and the Construction Bank. In these places he discovered his passion for finance and the laws surrounding this world.

This made him more aware of the need to advise financially, not only companies, but people to preserve their wealth. But he started in commercial law and little by little he was using his knowledge to advise people.

But how did it get to this point. Soon we will know, but first we will tell you the tools and features that every lawyer must have.

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Venezuelan lawyer Gustavo Mirabal Castro as financial advisor.

Given the growing knowledge regarding finances, Gustavo Mirabal decided to apply these tips to his life. He immediately noticed a change in the way he spent and invested. In addition, he understood that he had to use all possible legal elements to limit his assets from being damaged by abusive tax laws. This is how he developed a personal policy of seeking to apply to his patrimony all the possible tax benefits.

Little by little it became clear that to gain access to tax benefits, specialized advice was required. Thanks to his contacts and friendships, Gustavo Mirabal learned what was necessary to take his first steps and then specialized in the financial area.

The next step was to use this knowledge to help others maintain and grow their wealth.

For this, he founded a Family Office. A Family Office is a financial advisory office that works with large family estates. In this way, these large estates receive legal, tax and financial advice to protect the patrimony. In these cases, the estates receive two kinds of benefits:

  • Investments to grow wealth and protect its value.
  • Applicability of tax benefits.
  • Selection of investments and financial actions that maximize tax benefits.

Thanks to this, its patrimony and that of its clients is well protected. Gustavo Mirabal has shown with results that being a lawyer can be a “good business”.

The truth is that his knowledge of the laws and his ability to read a lot and learn has helped him learn everything necessary to be successful in the world of finance. Financial world requires continuous learning, and that is why Gustavo Mirabal Castro was in love from the first moment.

Venezuelan lawyer gustavo mirabal castro

What are the characteristics of the Venezuelan lawyer?

Without a doubt, the Venezuelan lawyer is guided by ethics and probity. It is true that there are individuals who, guided by greed, can get outside the norm, but the reality is that they are little less than lawyers. No matter what title you have, a true lawyer is guided by the Venezuelan lawyer’s code of ethics. Without complying with the code of ethics, we are left with only an empty title without any meaning.

  • Some of the elements that characterize the Venezuelan lawyer are:
  • Act morally in every situation.
  • Probity in any situation.
  • Honesty and transparency both in its actions and with its clients.
  • Must be efficient in obtaining justice in a timely manner.
  • Veracity in its actions. You must stick to the truth in your actions, always to protect the interests of your client.
  • Loyalty to the norm, but also to your customer. This is a key point.
  • Must have a “disinterested” interest in justice.

This means that he is moved by justice and not money for doing his job. This does not mean that your work is voluntary, but you will see above all the justice and fees will depend on the activity to be carried out and will not depend on the opportunity for enrichment.

A Venezuelan lawyer must always be at the service of his client’s interests. A lawyer defends the interest of his client so that it is the situation in front of him, he receives the best possible advice or defense.

Therefore, some people consider lawyers to protect bad people. It is not about this, but about each person having an optimal defense according to their situation. But we will clarify this a little later.

5 Qualities Of A Good Lawyer

What characterizes Venezuelan lawyer Gustavo Mirabal Castro?

Gustavo Mirabal is characterized by following the ethical path of the Venezuelan Lawyer. Every point of what we saw above applies perfectly to Venezuelan lawyer Gustavo Mirabal Castro.

He is also characterized by a passion for continuous learning. That is why he has not only undertaken in financial advice, but also in investments and real estate.

Likewise, he has been an entrepreneur in the sports world and has successfully participated in international sports competitions. His tenacity is one of his best virtues.

Undoubtedly, the Venezuelan lawyer Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a sample of the wide range of virtues of lawyers. That is why we invite you to value the lawyers in your life and to value this noble profession.


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