
Are there vaccines for horses ?

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In the world of health the best is prevention and primary care. This also applies to veterinary medicine. So the owner or owner of the animal should be aware of the importance of vaccines for animals that he has at home or on his farm. In this sense we will deepen in relation to vaccines for horses.

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To carry out an exhaustive control, a vaccination form should be used as it is done with humans. This is of utmost importance to keep track of vaccines for horses. This ensures a stricter control and guarantee each of the vaccines and their corresponding reinforcements.

The most frequent contagious diseases that affect horses can be caused by different agents. Among them we can mention the following bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. It should be noted that but viruses and bacteria are the most significant.

Viral agents can cause variations in the different systems of the equine. And prevention can avoid many problems.

How vaccines for horses help us?

The diagnosis can be predicted according to several factors such as the age of the animal, the season of the year and through the clinical signs. Despite this, to reach a conclusive diagnosis, the results obtained in the laboratory tests are taken into account. All this entails transfers, expenses and inconvenience that can be avoided.

Also the animals under quarantine and finally the identification of the viral agent involved. This also implies that the horse ceases to be productive during the disease, diagnosis and healing process.

Here are enough reasons for the owner or person responsible for the horses to keep the vaccination scheme on horses up to date. From there you can prevent a large number of diseases in your animals, which in a way will guarantee the success of the horse industry.

Vaccine for horses

Pathogens that can be prevented by immunizations

  • Equine Influenza Virus type A (equi1 and equi2).
  • EHV-1 equine herpesvirus (Subtype 1 or fetal strain causes abortion and paralysis, Subtype 2 or respiratory strain Rhinopneumonitis), EHV-2, EHV-3 (Coital Exanthema).
  • Equine Viral Arteritis Virus, Adenovirus and Equine Infectious Anemia Virus.

All these agents have the peculiarity of causing a series of signs at the level of the respiratory system very similar. In addition this is accompanied by fever, decay, bilateral rhinitis, dry cough, productive cough, anorexia among others.

Vaccinating a horse

Against which bacterial agents can the horse be immunized?

On the other hand there are also bacterial agents. These are more dangerous for all living beings. While viruses usually have a cycle that closes with healing, bacteria do not heal without treatment. Among the bacterial agents we can mention the following:

  • Streptococcus equi (Papera or Equine adenitis).
  • Clostridium tetani (Tetanus).
  • Salmonella thypimorium (Salmonellosis).

The consequences on the horse’s organism are given by subsequent bacterial contamination. This is what causes the most complicated pathophysiological changes. In fact they can be chronic respiratory consequences until abortions in pregnant mares.

It should be noted that one of the pathologies of this group that is lethal is the Equine Infectious Anemia virus. This infectious pathology becomes immunosuppressive, so it is chronic and unfortunately has no curative treatment. Consequently, animals that are infected with this serious disease are usually slaughtered. However, not everything is bad because if the owner of the farm takes the necessary provisions regarding vaccines for horses none of this will happen.

We can see the scope and negative consequences of these viral diseases so the owner must take appropriate measures to fully comply with the vaccination schedule in all animals that are there.

Vaccines for horses of mandatory character

To prevent viral and infectious diseases in horses, a vaccination scheme must be followed. According to the laws there are some of which are mandatory.

This is because they not only put at risk the horse itself but all the horses (or other animals) that come into contact with it. The focus is to prevent a specific disease from becoming an epidemic, a public health issue. Listed below are mandatory vaccines:

  • Equine encephalomyelitis: Foals should be given 2 doses with 30 days of distance between them. Subsequently, a revaccination should be performed every year.
  • Equine influenza: They should be applied after 3 or 4 months of age. At that time the first dose is given. Then another dose is reapplied after the interval of 2 or 6 weeks. The equine influenza vaccine is required a booster every year.
  • Equine infectious anemia: the positives must be identified by the Coggins Test every 6 months. It should be noted that every animal positive to the test should be slaughtered as soon as possible. This to prevent the disease from spreading causing an epidemic.

Optional vaccines

As we have already mentioned above, if vaccines for horses are met in the established times and doses, it will be covered for any preventable disease. That is why the obligatory vaccines have already been mentioned, however, the optional type vaccines are also found, that is, the owner can make the decision to place them or not.

  • Tetanus: Three doses are applied to foals two to six months old. Then adult horses are placed once annually. To the mares in the tenth month of gestation.
  • Equine adenitis: It is applied after weaning, that is, after six months two to three doses. In adult horses two vaccines per year
  • Equine rhinopneumonitis: they are essentially supplied to pregnant mares in the fifth, sixth and seventh months of gestation. While at the colts 2 doses with pause of 4 weeks and subsequent reinforcement at 6 months.
  • Equine infectious abortion: they are supplied to pregnant mares in the fourth, sixth and eighth month of gestation.

As we can see this immunization scheme is flexible and the owner of the horses can make the decision to supply them or not. However, for prevention reasons you should apply them.

In this way they are covering themselves for any eventuality. Additionally they also reduce complications and future expenses. It is also a topic that you can consult with your trusted veterinarian and this will indicate the options.

Yes there are vaccines for horses, and they are important !!

Throughout this delivery we could see the great relevance of vaccines in horses. Therefore, it is considered that of the few actions that protect horses from serious disorders and consequences of diseases including death.

When vaccines are given to horses by their trusted veterinarian, they place a protective shield between the animal and a series of diseases where even some of these can be lethal.

This is because vaccines prevent the most frequent diseases in horses. These diseases are: tetanus, brain myelitis, influenza, rhinopneumonitis, rabies, equine adenitis. Also other frequent diseases are West Nile Virus and Potomac horse fever.

Vaccines in horses are a transcendental part of the proper management of farm animals. In addition, if the corresponding measures are taken, such as habitual deworming, extensive provision of drinking water.

Also the application of a good nutrition program and a positive environment. All these actions will result in the welfare of the animals that are housed in the farm.

The most important thing is that in the long run you will be saving a lot of money and hassles if you follow the instructions to the letter. And not least, it will give a better quality of life to your horse, your friend.



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