When it comes to breeding and reproducing horses, these are spaces that are used for resting and sleeping these mammals. Therefore, the ideal is to maintain hygiene and equine Biosafety measures that provide security to them. Therefore, we will expand more deeply in this installment based on this important issue, such as equine biosecurity.
This guarantees the welfare of the horses as well as the personnel in charge of these spaces.
Biosecurity is a word whose meaning is a word whose meaning is to protect life.
Currently, people who have horses should pay special attention when it comes to disease risks in horses. Therefore, the corresponding measures must be taken to avoid a fatal outcome. Well, this means that it can be lethal and therefore bring great losses to the agricultural producer.
For this reason, owners as well as state institutions can do to improve biosecurity in the space where these equines remain, as well as their surroundings. Most of the time the horse lives in an environment in which the owner or the personnel in charge of these spaces manage to maintain equine Biosafety. Therefore, they are well protected against infectious diseases with consistent management and surveillance practices.
However, when the horse is directed to an event, a race, they take it out of that inspected environment and display it to unknown horses. This is why it is important that the immune system of the horse is as resistant and strong as possible.
Ideally, to avoid infectious diseases in the horse it is advisable to follow the following guidelines with this to ensure that the spaces are as clean as possible.
As in most breeding and breeding farms, visitors attend either by knowing the spaces or closing a business. Therefore, it is very important to maintain strict rules of equine Biosafety that we will mention below:
For those veterinary medicine professionals who practice in the field and at home, it is of the utmost importance that you take into account Equine Biosecurity. Since these present specific risks for the transmission of the disease.
The factor involved here is decisive because the veterinarian must attend appointments in different places on the same day. Here there is a latent risk of transmitting infectious diseases. Therefore, one of the preventive measures that the veterinarian must take into account are the following:
To make a good management of horses that present an infectious disease, isolation measures must be taken. So the horse is removed from the group and treated last after having attended the healthy horses
The person in charge of handling the animal should wash their hands before and after treatment. Also you should not put the clothes of sick horses with their other clothes. As for the tools and equipment used in the facilities where the sick horse is, they must be thoroughly cleaned.
These preventive equine biosecurity measures can greatly prevent the threat of disease outbreak being very real. The application and practice of equine Biosafety measures as their routine protect their horses
An ideal way is to stay alert for any outbreak that spreads in the town where you have the farm. Then activate with the necessary protocols. In the meantime, you should try as far as possible the preventive measures of equine biosecurity.
Keep up with current disease outbreaks and contact your veterinarian to identify the best policies to protect the health of your horses.
The best medicine is preventive this applies to humans and animals. Biosecurity is essential to prevent diseases through vaccination by reducing the incidence of viral diseases.
This is why horse owners are urged to comply with equine vaccination schemes. This will represent lower costs in the long run and better quality of life for horses. On the other hand, if you apply equine biosecurity, it will result in the well-being of your horses and therefore improve your productivity. Protecting the health of your horse will also protect your investment and your pocket.
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