
International Day Against Bullying

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Every two of May each year the International Day against Bullying or Bullying takes place. Undoubtedly the month of May begins with important ephemeris in the lives of men.

In other countries, Anti-bullying day is held on May 4. No matter what day it is used to promote the fight against bullying, the important thing is to make a joint effort.

This date, rather than a celebration, is a call of conscience to parents, teachers, and community in general. The duty to be is that children are raised within the framework of values. Parents must instill respect and compassion for others.

Unfortunately there are many families where violence is our daily bread. Children who grow up in a violent environment project it into their schools so they become aggressors to other children.

The consequences of bullying or bullying can be lethal. Society in general therefore has a great responsibility to avoid such actions.

We dream of a world where compassion, respect and love prevail in all families.

We leave you with a video to inspire you in your fight against bullying. Let’s move on.

Bullying or bullying concept

Bullying is the injustice or abuse of power suffered by schoolchildren in classrooms by other classmates.

Children or adolescents who are victims of bullying tend to have lower school performance.

This problem can be accentuated over time. As a result, the victim may fall into depression in such a way that she is absent from classes or drop out of school. In the worst case, the victim may get hurt or end up taking her own life.

Hence the importance of generating change as a society. We must set an example at home and in educational institutions should be complemented by teachers’ strategies.

International Day Against Bullying or Bullying is currently held every May 2. This being an ideal time to generate actions against this problem that affects children and adolescents.

School violence – International Day Against Bullying

May 2nd a International Day Against Bullying

It is worth having set aside a special day to make a wake-up call to the world and together we fight bullying or bullying.

This is a crucial moment where people and foundations come together to raise awareness in the population in relation to this rising topic.

It should be noted that this abusive and disrespectful practice against other people often has serious consequences and even death.

This initiative is very recent because it was from 2013 that this date was raised to raise awareness of the population.

For its part this idea was of the NGO “Bulliying without borders”, created by Javier Miglino. This man decided to put this great idea in place because it is of the utmost importance of this problem to be perceived by all.

This can raise awareness and in turn support people who are victims of bullying or bullying.

Bullying in schools

Severity of bullying or bullying situation

This practice persists today in educational institutions. This situation is very common in the United States.

In Latin America the situation is as follows: Uruguay ranks fourth in prevalence after Argentina, Peru and Costa Rica.

The situation is further complicated by the presence of the various social networks. So now it’s very common of a new term like cyberbullying. Victims use anonymity and through social networks such as Facebook and instagram commit their misdeeds.

Parent’s role in combating bullying or bullying

The role of parents is irreplaceable in detecting and addressing bullying. Here are some recommendations for parents:

  • It is of great importance to know who your friends and classmates are. In turn, know what the dynamics of the relationship with your environment look like.
  • If you ever notice a strange mark on his body ask him what happened. It should be noted that you must do it very subtly for your child to trust you.
  • Under no circumstances feed violence. Try to solve in the most civilized way by taking into account the physical and psychological integrity of the child or adolescent.
  • As parents you should teach the values in your home. Respect for love and compassion for others must be his motto. Therefore he should not lend himself to mocking his companions.
  • Express your full support and guide you so that the child who addresses some authority of the institution in case of being assaulted or observing an irregular situation among his companions.
  • If you find out your child is a victim of bullying or bullying, contact school teachers immediately
  • Continue to closely monitor the measures being taken at the institution to resolve the case.
  • Be very observant and notice behavior changes in your child. Usually when they are victims of bullying or bullying their eating and sleep habits are changed.
  • If you observe the above, you should seek professional help.
  • If the problem persists it is best to change it.
International Day Against Bullying

Teachers’ strategies against bullying or bullying

The second-largest responsible for managing school bullying is the teacher. The teacher spends so much time with the students as he does with the parents. It is also in this environment that students are most exposed. That is why teachers are given the following recommendations:

  • Take advantage of may 2nd, International Day Against Bullying, to socialize the topic with students
  • Promote values in the classroom through dynamics and readings.
  • Project films that address the topic to raise awareness of children and adolescents.
  • Promote relationships based on respect, love and compassion for others.
  • Address the issue of emotional intelligence and empathy in the classroom and outside the room.
  • Educate children and adolescents in rights in order to prevent peer violence.
  • Explain responsible use of social media

Undoubtedly these strategies coupled with active monitoring of students guarantees success against bullying. However, parents must take responsibility for examples in their homes.

UNESCO and its contributions

A recent UNESCO report, entitled “School violence and bullying: global status and trends, drivers and consequences”, revealed the following:

“One in three students between the ages of 13 and 15 has been harassed”

The report of the international body is based on data from the UNESCO Institute of Statistics.

We can see that this problem is more common than many people imagine. That is why it is important to take matters into your own hands.


Parents and teachers united – International Day Against Bullying

The role of parents, teachers and the entire educational community is of paramount importance for the prevention of bullying or bullying.

Every  May 2nd (or May 4th) is an auspicious time to get the attention of the media. Likewise, the government, organizations, educational communities to fight bullying or bullying.

We must all put love, compassion, and respect for others into practice. As adults set an example to children, children will be built a more respectful society in harmony for the coexistence of all.

That’s why every May 2nd we can see everywhere the slogan of International Day Against Bullying.




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