International Women's Day 2020
The woman as the maximum creation of God fulfills a fundamental role such as giving life. However, in the history of mankind the role of women has always been left in the background. Despite this, women were gaining space in all areas. Yesterday international women’s day was commemorated and today we are going to make a small tribute to your contribution to society.
The role of women is very important in today’s world. This to the point that today we can find women doctors, researchers, presidents, military. In short, the list becomes endless since there are many areas where the woman has left an important legacy.
However, not everything is rosy because there are countries where women cannot live a normal life because of the retrograde culture they are under.
There is a day in the year where he is honored to be the most wonderful on the planet, that is, women. This special day is celebrated on March 8.
This date is a day to celebrate all the achievements of women. However, it is also a call to continue the struggle for the identity, contribution and empowerment of women in all areas of society.
On the other hand this date is celebrated in many countries of the world even in some it is listed as a national holiday.
The March 8 movement is becoming stronger. Therefore it is an auspicious date for groups, and women to be the voice of other women.
A continuous struggle is to end the persecutions, murders of women, gender violence, wage gap and differences in all its forms.
That is why it is said to be a celebration but at the same time it is an invitation to continue fighting for our girls, teenagers, women, mothers, grandmothers. In short, we are all the same cause, the idea is to live in a better world of more security and opportunities for ladies.
International Women’s Day was decreed by the United Nations Organization (UN) in 1975. However, this date has been celebrated for many years. This is considered an unstoppable struggle of more than a century of experience.
When this massive women’s movement began, women asked for basic rights such as being able to vote in elections. They also asked for the right to occupy places of responsibility in politics and in society in general. One of the most important and that has allowed the exponential development of women: the right to work and training.
Today, the celebration of International Women’s Day is held to demand basic rights in underdeveloped countries.
In addition, other rights inherent to women are also requested in first world countries.
The precedent for the celebration of Women’s Day began in the United States with the celebration of this date but only in his country. This occurred in the period from 1909 to 1913.
In 1910 a historical milestone occurs because it is set on March 8 as the date of International Women’s Day. This was carried out with an extremely relevant purpose and was to achieve universal female suffrage
For that same year in Spain, as of March 8, 1910, women gained access to Higher Education on equal terms with men.
In the year 1911 An event that marked a different direction in this celebration was the fatal fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in New York. In this event, 123 women and 23 men lost their lives since they could not evacuate the site.
This fact had a significant influence on the labor law of the United States. Therefore it also had its effects on subsequent celebrations of International Women’s Day.
Then in 1913 and 1914, Russian women celebrated International Women’s Day for the first time. This emerged as a peace movement, on the eve of the First World War.
The celebration of International Women’s Day takes place on March 8, 1914, in the old continent. These are commemorated through rallies against the war. Those were very difficult times that this generation lived in this place and the woman was left with the burden of war in the house. The loss of husbands and grandchildren made them fight against war.
In 1917 Russian women were protagonists of this great story because they were going through times of war and their motto was very simple and straightforward “Bread and Peace”. It should be noted that they achieved the right to vote on an unpublished Sunday.
For the year 1975 the International Year of Women was finally decreed, as the United Nations Organization made it official. In 1995, two decades after its formalization, the Beijing Declaration was signed by 189 governments. This is a plan to fully achieve women’s rights.
A century of celebration of such an important cause as International Women’s Day. UN women also enter into force, a UN entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. This was achieved in 2011.
Later in 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Objective number 5 is established, which consists in achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.
In order to make the celebration of this special day more striking, a different motto is held each year. This is very interesting as a permanent campaign is maintained in favor of women’s rights.
For this 2020 the motto is the following:
“I am from the Equality Generation: For the rights of women.”
This campaign known as “Generación Igualdad” aims to bring together people of all genders, races, ethnicity, religions and countries.
This in order to fight for equality, end gender violence and obtain economic equality.
It also seeks to achieve sexual and reproductive health for all people, as well as independence over each one’s body.
Nor should we forget feminist leadership, technology and innovation for women, feminist actions for climate justice.
The celebration of International Women’s Day is an auspicious occasion to call attention to those women who are victims of abuse, torture, harassment. It is alarming to see the figures of feminicide in Latin America and this must be put to a halt.
More education and empowerment for women to prevent them from being victims of dire events. So to take care of each other and establish a brotherhood.
More than a celebration is the commemoration of a difficult date that reminds us that we must continue fighting. Let’s fight until women have and fully exercise women’s rights.
Women deserve a better place in society and we will give it to them.
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