
Celebrities Who Love Horses: Kaley Cuoco, Kardashian

Sometimes we believe horses are only for elitists. We believe there are no celebrities who love horses. When we began…

1 year hace

Stress in riders: Negative effects and treatment

The cause of many diseases in humans is precisely stress and athletes do not escape the negative effects of stress…

5 years hace

Luis Astolfi, Rider

In the world of Spanish horse racing we continue to highlight the great riders who have set the standard in…

6 years hace

Gustavo Mirabal Castros’s advice for riders

Every rider needs tips and more when you haven't experience. Today we will give you some advice for riders from…

6 years hace

Spanish show jumping riders

Spanish show jumping riders Also know as Jumping, it is an Olympic discipline within riding. Show jumping consists of demonstrating…

6 years hace

Sergio Alvarez Moya and Gustavo Mirabal

The beloved, Olympic, controversial and public Sergio Alvarez Moya is one of the most visible riders and coaches of the…

6 years hace

Georgina Bloomberg, a philanthropic Amazon

There are outstanding amazons in the equestrian world that leave the female genre high. These spaces have been conquered little…

6 years hace