
6 Best Horse Songs by Gustavo Mirabal

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The horse is an animal that has served as an inspiration to writers, filmmakers, sculptors, painters, and songwriters. That’s why today we’re going to look at the 5 best horse songs by Gustavo Mirabal especially for Venezuela.

In this article, we will find the five best songs that pay tribute to this beautiful animal.

It is not for nothing that the horse is one of Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s favorite animals.

The horse is one of the animals that has had a great impact on the lives of millions of human beings.

In addition, their great contribution to the evolution of humanity is something worthy of admiration of these sweet and noble mammals.

Horse Songs

Next, we’ll look at the best horse songs ever… According to Gustavo Mirabal Castro

#1 Caballo Prieto Azabache (Jet Tight Horse)- Antonio Aguilar

The number 1 of our top 5 horse songs corresponds to the magnificent Antonio Aguilar with his old song that arises from his 1968 film Caballo Prieto Azabache. So, to this day this song has been around for more than half a century, so a few generations have enjoyed it.


Spanish lyrics

English Translation

Caballo prieto azabache
Como olvidar que te debo la vida
Cuando iban a fusilarme
Las fuerzas leales de pancho villaAquella noche nublada
Una avanzada me sorprendió
Y tras de ser desarmado
Fui sentenciado al paredónYa cuando estaba en capilla le dijo villa a su asistente
Me apartas ese caballo por educado y obediente
Sabia que no escapaba y solo pensaba en la salvación
Y tu mi prieto azabache también pensabas igual que yo

Recuerdo que me dijeron pide un deseo pa ajusticiarte
Yo quiero ser fusilado en mi caballo prieto azabache
Y cuando en ti me montaron y prepararon la ejecución
Ni voz de mando esperaste

Jet Tight Horse
How can I forget that I owe you my life
When they were going to shoot me
Pancho Villa’s Loyal ForcesThat cloudy night
An outpost surprised me
And after being disarmed
I was sentenced to the wallAlready when he was in chapel he called villa to his assistant
You take that horse away from me because it’s polite and obedient
I knew I wasn’t running away and was only thinking about salvation
And you, my jet-black one, thought the same as I did

I remember they told me make a wish to execute you
I want to be shot on my jet-black horse
And when in you they mounted me and prepared the execution
You didn’t even expect a commanding voice

These lyrics are a tribute to Pancho Villa and his horse, undoubtedly a contribution to the history of Mexico.

#2 El Corrido del caballo blanco (The Corrido of the White Horse) – José Alfredo Jiménez

Following the order of the top five of the best horse songs is for José Alfredo Jiménez. With this song inspired by a trip he made in 1957 from Jalisco to Ensenada, Baja California.

Spanish lyrics

English Translation

Este es el corrido del caballo blanco
Que en un día domingo feliz arrancara
Iba con la mira de llegar al norte
Habiendo salido de GuadalajaraSu noble jinete le quitó la rienda, le quitó la silla
Y se fue a puro pelo
Cruzó como rayo tierras nayaritas
Entre cerros verdes y lo azul del cieloA paso más lento llegó hasta Escuinahuatl
Y por Culiacán ya se andaba quedando
Cuentan que en los montes ya se iba cayendo
Que llevaba todo el hocico sangrando

Pero lo miraron pasar por Sonora
Y el valle del yaqui le dio su ternura
Cuenta que cojeaba de la pata izquierda
Y a pesar de todo siguió su aventura

This is the corrido of the white horse
That on a happy Sunday it would start
I was aiming to get north
Having left GuadalajaraHis noble rider took the rein, took away his saddle
And he went bareback
I cross Nayarit lands like lightning
Between green hills and the blue of the skyAt a slower pace I reach Escuinahuatl
And in Culiacán he was already running out
They say that in the mountains it was already falling
That his whole muzzle was bleeding

But they watched him pass through Sonora
And the valley of the Yaqui gave him its tenderness
He says he was limping on his left leg
And in spite of everything, he continued his adventure

Traversing Mexico on horseback is a real feat and this is what is conveyed in this beautiful horse song.

#3 El cantador (The Singer) – Vicente Fernández

At number three is the talented singer of Mexican rancheras, this is none other than the beloved Vicente Fernandez with the singer of 1978. This man loves horses so much that he owns a ranch where they raise horses. It is currently promoting the production of miniature horses.

Spanish lyrics

English Translation

Nació bajo de una higuera
Su madre fue yegua fina
Le llamaban La Catrina
A el potrillo “El Cantador.”Era un potro con más brío
Que otro caballo cualquiera
Y como yo lo hice mío
Resultó muy corredor.Era lindo mi caballo
Era mi amigo más fiel
Ligerito como el rayo
Era de muy buena ley.Cuando era de falsa rienda
Daba ventaja a su madre
Muy pronto dejó a su padre
Con dos cuerpos le ganó.
He was born under a fig tree
His dam was a fine mare
They called her La Catrina
To the colt “El Cantador.”He was a foal with more verve
Than any other horse
And like I made it mine
It turned out to be very runner-up.My horse was cute
He was my most faithful friend
Light as lightning
It was of very good law.When I was false rein
He gave his mother an advantage
Very soon he left his father
He beat him by two lengths.


A faithful friend, that’s the main message of this song, which sees the horse as man’s best friend. Since ancient times, the horse has been at the service of humanity.

That is why we must take care of them, love them and respect them because they are our best friends and allies when it comes to work.


#4 Caballo Viejo (Old Horse) – Simón Díaz

This song, released in 1980, has been recorded in more than 12 languages and became a symbol of Latin music for the world. Venezuelan singer Simón Díaz is the one who performs this beautiful song and is a Venezuelan icon.

Spanish Lyrics

English Translation

Cuando el amor llega así de esta manera
uno no se da ni cuenta
el carutal reverdece
el guamachito florece
y la soga se revientaCaballo le dan sabana
porque esta viejo y cansao
pero no se dan de cuenta
que un corazón amarrao
cuando le sueltan las riendas
es caballo desbocao
When love comes like this
You don’t even realize it
The Carutal Greens Up
The Guamachito Blooms
And the noose burstsHorse is given savannah
‘Cause he’s old and tired
But they don’t realize it
That a heart ties
When the reins are released
It’s a runaway horse



#5 La muerte del Rucio Moro (The Death of Rucio Moro) – Reinaldo Armas

This hit released in 1991 by Reinaldo Armas, this Venezuelan singer and composer is considered an outstanding singer of llanera music. This song reflects the sadness a person feels when losing their beloved horse.

Spanish Lyrics

English Translation

Caramba ñero
Se oscurecieron mis días
Alzó en vuelo mi alegría
Cuando menos lo esperaba
Triste mañana
Sentí perder un tesoro
Mi caballo rucio moro
Donde yo siempre coleaba
Lo hallaron en el potrero
En el potrero
Con la nuca reventada
Parece que una centella
Le dio una vuelta e’ campanaQuién se iba a imaginar
Que a mi caballito
Algo malo le aguardaba
Para quitarme la vida
Dejando mi alma enlutada
Damn Pal (or Bro)
My days are darkened
My joy took off in flight
When I least expected it
Sad Morning
I felt like I was losing a treasure
My Moorish Dapple Horse
Where I always kicked
They found him in the paddock
In the paddock
With the back of my neck blown out
It looks like a spark
He turned it aroundWho would have thought
That to my little horse
Something bad awaited him
To take my own life
Leaving my soul in mourning


#5 Seven Leagues

Siete Leguas is a song that pays tribute to Siete Leguas, the favorite horse of the leader of the Mexican revolution, Pancho Villa. The song, in its most recognized modern version, was composed and written by Graciela Olmos, a noted fighter of the Mexican Revolution and singer-songwriter.

In the past we have published several articles on our websites related to Siete Leguas, Pancho Villa’s horse.

This Corrido was, and continues to be performed, by the greatest singers of the genre in Mexico, among which are: Pedro Infante, Luis Aguilar and Vicente Fernández.

This is one of the most important horse songs that we can mention because of its artistic and historical value.

Spanish Lyrics

English Translation

Siete leguas el caballo,
que Villa más estimaba,
cuando oía silbar los trenes,
se paraba y relinchaba,
siete leguas el caballo,
que Villa más estimaba.
En la estación de Irapuato,
cantaban los horizontes,
ahí combatió formal,la brigada Bracamontes,
en la estación de Irapuato,
cantaban los horizontes.Oye tú Francisco Villa,
que dice tú corazón,
ya no te acuerdas valiente,
que atacaste paredón,
ya no te acuerdas valiente,
que tomaste a Torreón.

Como a las tres de la tarde,
silbó la locomotora,
¡arriba, arriba muchachos!,
pongan la metralladora,
como a las tres de la tarde,
silbó la locomotora.
Adiós torres de Chihuahua,
adiós torres de cantera,
ya vino Francisco Villa,
a quitarles lo pantera,
ya llego Francisco Villa,
a devolver la frontera.

Seven leagues the horse,
that Villa held most dear,
When I heard the trains whistling
He stood up and neighed,
seven leagues the horse,
that Villa held most dear.
At Irapuato Station,
The horizons sang
There he fought formally,
the Bracamontes Brigade,
at Irapuato station,
The horizons sang.
Hey you Francisco Villa,
That your heart says,
You don’t remember brave anymore
That you attacked the wall,
You don’t remember brave anymore
that you took to Torreón.About three o’clock in the afternoon,
The locomotive whistled,
Up, up, guys!
put on the machine gun,
About three o’clock in the afternoon,
The locomotive whistled.Farewell towers of Chihuahua,
Goodbye quarry towers,
Francisco Villa has already come,
To take away the panther from them,
Francisco Villa has arrived,
to return the border.


Horse Songs in Spanish

The horse in the Spanish-American world is an eternally present animal. Perhaps in the cities this animal has been forgotten, but in the countryside it continues to be a helper, a means of transport and a friend.

Horse songs remind us of the role of the horse in our lives and in our history. Perhaps we will find a place in our hearts to listen to them. Latin America and Spain are inextricably connected by these songs.

Immortal Horse Songs

Throughout this article we could see that the horse has been immortalized in famous songs that have even been covered in more than a dozen languages.

The horse is an animal that deserves to be honored with beautiful songs.

Throughout history, songs, paintings, sculptures, films, and television series have been created in honor of horses.

Gustavo Adolfo Mirabal Castro is an admirer of equestrian culture in all its expressions. So in your music collection you can’t miss the 5 best horse songs mentioned in this installment.

He has also enjoyed the equestrian sculptures of the sites he has visited. It should be noted that some of his favorites are those located in the capital of Spain.


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