The family is the fundamental unit of society. That is why family is so important for the advancement of society. That’s why today we celebrate International Day of Families.
In the family, especially in the parents, we find our first teachers, that is why it is said that the first school is the home.
Hence the importance of healthy coexistence and putting values into practice. It is in the family space where an integral human being is formed, with values, who integrates easily into the dynamics of today’s society.
The support of families is something sublime for human beings. Unfortunately, there are millions of people who have no family and face a very difficult situation.
But what is family? A definition of “family” is:
“The family is a group of people who are united by blood and emotional ties and who generally live together”
Today this concept has been transformed. therefore the concept is also conditioned according to the individual characteristics of each family group.
Parents are not only obligated to provide financial support for the home. In addition, parents should set an example and show appropriate behaviors in front of their children.
Undoubtedly the example that children receive at home is projected at school. If the family is violent this will be what the child will show, if the family is respectful, in this way the child will behave.
It is of utmost importance that parents maintain spaces to dialogue with their children. The recreation space strengthens the bonds of father and children.
In addition, teaching your children to respect other people and animals is vital. In this way they respect the opinions and conditions of people.
This date is timely to reinforce the importance of families. Already in the 80s, International Day of Families was celebrated. But it is in the year 94 when it was made official by the General Assembly of the United Nations.
Without a doubt this is a wise decision, since the family is the central nucleus of any society.
This is how international Family Day is celebrated since 1994. It’s twenty-six years of this beautiful celebration.
May 15 of each year is a representative date to highlight the value of family throughout the planet.
The family is the basis for human beings to integrate more easily into their environment. Indeed, a human being will or will not form in his family the ability to achieve the levels of coexistence where the rules and norms established in his society are respected. It all depends on your family’s behavior about it.
The international day of families is a day to reflect and to thank God for the beautiful family we have.
Today, International Family Day, is an auspicious day to address the importance of this in society.
The family plays a fundamental role in society, this is the way in which human beings have reproduced. Marriage is the first step to it, even if it is no longer considered so important today.
It is in the family that these new men and women form their personality, their values and their style of coexistence. It is therefore important for parents to set a good example and teach their children based on values.
The importance of the figure of father and mother is the same for both, since they not only share expenses, but emotional support in difficult times.
In addition, emotional ties are established between the different members that comprise it. (Father, mother, children, grandparents).
Everything is changing, that is why there are currently other family models. This has been generated thanks to social and economic changes.
Today, society has had to adapt to the new roles that both women and men have played. For this reason, unconventional family structures have been created.
The changing reality of the modern world, the family as a concept has become a broader concept.
From families that are kept at a distance for immigration and work issues, to different models for sexual orientation issues. In these new models we can also incorporate issues such as adoption.
Undoubtedly, these are controversial issues, but they do not cease to be a reality. Migration, especially in Latin America and Africa, has caused families to be scattered across different countries.
In many cases, mothers or even grandmothers are responsible for raising children while their fathers are dedicated to earning a living in another country. Deficiencies in the emotional part occur in the face of economic needs. In many cases this can lead to social problems such as juvenile delinquency.
Children from broken families can end up in the hands of organized crime. That is why Governments and society in general must pay attention to this situation in order to adopt protective measures for the family.
On the other hand, same-sex family unions are immersed in the new social dynamic. One of the most important roles of governments is to raise awareness to avoid discrimination against children in these families.
Without a doubt, these children did not choose their family, as no one does, and it is also good to ask yourself: is a child on the street better than in a homoparental family? They are necessary discussions in our society but here we will not deepen but we will leave the task to our readers.
The cinema has become an excellent space to generate reflection. And it is that the accessibility to the information they provide us and the power that cinematographic language has makes it an ideal medium to generate debate.
The ease with which the message can be grasped makes it ideal to get together as a family, either with our young children or our teenagers and share with them a good message. That is why choosing movies is important to convey what we want.
Below we will make 3 recommendations to share with the whole family and 3 recommendations to share with older children. Reflection on the role of the family is important on the International Day of Families.
The International Day of Families is a very special day to get together as a family to watch a movie and share. If we have small children we can choose films that are for all audiences, including the little ones in the house. That is why today we present 3 films chosen for the theme related to families and for their history to reflect on. We hope you enjoy them.
An ideal film for the little ones in the house. This film reflects on new family models. A hunter turns into a bear and becomes the older brother of a small bear. A film that talks about adoption, affection and families without fathers or mothers. Without a doubt a touching film that every family should see.
This film tells the story of a family broken by the absence of the great-grandfather of whom it is forbidden to speak. A man who is supposed to have left to follow his dreams in the world of music and therefore music is forbidden in his home.
A film that tells us about rediscovering our origins, the value of family and forgiveness to discover that we are all human and make mistakes. In addition, the staging is very colorful and for the Latin American public, and especially for the Mexican public, it is a very appropriate film.
The Big Fish is a beautiful reflection on the evolution of the relationship between parents and children. Children have their parents on a pedestal until they discover they are human. The Big Fish is a film by Tim Burton about fatherhood and how difficult it can be. However, love is always present. A beautiful movie that we should all see.
The family is the central nucleus of society and is the basis for society to advance in harmony.
In the world of film and television there are many films and series that address the importance of family and the dynamics that can be presented.
It should be noted that in families not everything is rosy, but on the contrary, you can go through different situations such as duels, illnesses, material losses among others.
Hence the importance of families being as solid as possible to get ahead in any adverse situation that may arise.
Values such as love, communication, resilience, patience are key to a good relationship of families.
Throughout the following sections we will address what is related to various films that abort family issues.
The film world has been able to approach the issue of family from many perspectives and most of them with a strengthening message.
On a day-to-day basis, we can experience difficult situations within our families, although the love and support of each of its members is essential to get ahead:
In these sections we will address what is related to the following films: Wonder, Pay It Forward, and Finding Nemo.
Wonder is a film that makes us reflect deeply. This great film shows us the protagonist named Auggie Pullman. This child was born with a malformation on his face. After a decade of attending clinics and hospitals, he must assume a key moment in his life: going to school.
This film shows us a united family that always supports each other and have been able to address the situation. However, when the protagonist goes to school, he has to face a cruel world and it is in these moments when the problems begin.
Although there are always wonderful people and, in the end, Auggie manages to get ahead and continue his studies.
We continue with the films titled “Pay It Forward” and “Finding Nemo”.
This is a hugely inspiring movie about an 11-year-old boy who comes up with a wonderful idea. The experiment specifically for social studies class.
This with the purpose of improving the world under a simple premise:
‘He will do a series of favors for three people and, in return, they will return the favors by doing something for three others, and so on.’
Undoubtedly, such a unique initiative becomes a phenomenon that crosses borders and leaves a positive effect on society.
This is an animated movie suitable for the little ones in the house. The protagonist is Nemo, a small fish that is very loved and protected by his father. Unfortunately, it goes astray outside the Great Australian Barrier Reef.
After being caught on the reef, Nemo will end up in a fish tank in Sydney.
His father, a clownfish, sets out on the quest and sets sail on a committed adventure with Dory, a fish with very short memory.
Simultaneously, Nemo and his new friends already hatch a plan to escape from the fish tank.
In this film we can see the altruistic love of his father who is willing to do anything to get his little son back.
These films are ideal to share with the family and reflect on the themes they present. They are even films suitable for making forums with parents and representatives in schools.
Empowering parents with these issues can be extremely interesting to make a difference with parents. In effect this will be reflected in a better behavior of children and adolescents.
In the framework of the international day of families Gustavo Mirabal with his wife Carolina Chapellín and their children enjoy a special day to share.
Each member of this family values a healthy, harmonious and valueful life.
The example parents have set their children is admirable. They have taught them to respect others and to do altruistic actions.
On the other hand, the example of love and compassion for animals makes these children human beings with great nobility.
Carolina Chapellín de Mirabal has been a selfless mother and given to her children. She shows her children the importance of values such as honesty, responsibility, respect among others.
For his part, Gustavo Mirabal is one of those parents who talks to his children and speaks frankly to them about the world.
This is a wonderful family, thus becoming an example to follow …
International Family Day is a day for reflection on its importance and how we can improve our world from our homes.
In this 2020, we had an unusual situation due to the current covid pandemic – 19. For this reason it is an opportunity to share some popcorns and see a reflective film on the importance of family. It is also ideal for playing a board game or just talking about a topic that you are passionate about.
The celebration of International Family Day is an occasion for families to express their solidarity. Also, to reflect on how to improve the relationship between all its members.
It should be noted that this important celebration takes place worldwide on May 15.
Gustavo Mirabal and Carolina Chapellín de Mirabal extend congratulations to all the families of the world.
If you want to visit Gustavo Mirabal’s photo or vídeo galleries visit:
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