World day of education
World Education Day – April 1st
Education is the most powerful tool to change the world. In this sense, it is the most appropriate way for countries to go towards true development.
Knowledge is said to be power, therefore empowerment is that knowledge that man appropriates. Nothing and no one can take that knowledge from the person who acquires it.
Education itself is a universal right, so all children on the planet should have compulsory education until high school. However, in some countries access to education is very difficult. Well, the rulers do not take care that education reaches everyone.
Access to quality and free education is the dream of millions of children in the world. So you are a child and you go to a school you are in advantage compared to many.
The UN and UNESCO took April 1 into account as World Day of Education
While it is true that much progress has been made in education. There is still a long way to go, which is why international organizations, NGOs and state authorities are working towards it.
“The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to education. They agree that education must be oriented towards the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity, and must strengthen respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. They also agree that education should enable all people to participate effectively in a free society, promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and among all racial, ethnic or religious groups, and promote the activities of United Nations for the maintenance of peace ”
As this article indicates, education is the true way out for a country to emerge. To the extent that its inhabitants are trained, they will have more options to get a job with good remuneration. In this way, their quality of life will be positively impacted.
This same article indicates that education should be free and accessible to all. Unfortunately there are countries where the educational system is private, leaving thousands of children and adolescents without access to it.
World Day of Education is celebrated on April 1, although more than a celebration it is a call to the governments of the world to guarantee this right.
As we can see, these figures set off alarms to create educational inclusion policies. At this point in 2020 there should be no child without studying. We need remenber that Human Rights include education right. That’s the reason to celebrate World Day of Education, to remenber how much we still need.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has the following objectives in mind:
The nations of the world have a duty to guarantee free access to education.
Free education should be aimed at the entire population without discrimination of any kind. However, there are still countries where women do not have the right to education. Undoubtedly, this situation must end because the role of women in society demonstrates the importance of education.
Because of that objetives UNESCO promotes the World Day of Education.
As well as April 1, this other date is January 24 where they celebrate International Day of Law.
For these purposes, it is extremely important to draw attention to these two dates a year in order to demand that governments comply with an educational system of quality and excellence. Now this must be accessible to all inhabitants.
“Education is a human right, a public good and a collective responsibility.”
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed January 24 as International Education Day. This decision was made to carry out the celebration of the role that education plays in peace and development.
Most countries are expected to have an excellent education, where there are opportunities for equality and equity for the general population.
Likewise, learning opportunities throughout life must be taken into account. In this sense, this will allow achieving gender equality, in addition to eliminating the poverty that leaves out millions of children, youth and adults.
The nobility of education is infinite, it is a world of possibilities for humans and for their personal, spiritual and academic growth.
The advantages of the power of education are:
If the opportunity is given to these towns that today are plunged into misery. Indeed, tomorrow can take a turn and change the destiny of their lives.
Well, educated men and women are the fundamental engines to change reality.
World day of Education is celebrated on April 1 of each year. This is the right time to call on governments. In this sense, so that they fulfill the sacred duty of guaranteeing this universal human right.
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