Gustavo Mirabal (eng)

Gustavo Mirabal Castro – Equestrian Passion

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The passion of Gustavo Mirabal Castro, lawyer by profession and rider and breeder of horses of heart, has origin in the passions of his father Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos.

Belonging to the elite of Venezuelan society of yesteryear the Mirabal are part of racing history of Venezuela.

Gustavo Mirabal Senior (Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos “the father”) was a member of the Congress of the Republic, Minister of Development and Governor of the Miranda State. Likewise, Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos among his passions was the love of horses.

Gustavo Senior was the owner of the Trabucazo stud. Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos was also the owner of Tropigold, the champion horse of the eighties.

Perhaps due to his experience and success in the equestrian world he was entrusted with the presidency of the INH (National Institute of Racecourses) at the end of that decade.

The equestrian passion flowed in the veins of the Mirabal family

Gustavo Mirabal & María Carolina Chapellín de Mirabal

Gustavo Mirabal was born a few years before the equestrian success reached the Mirabal family.

At age 9 his father Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos took him for the first time to the stables to have direct contact with the horses. There he discovered a love for life.

A year later he participated in his first equestrian competition. It was held at the Club that saw it grow, one of the most exclusive clubs in Venezuela.

At age 15 live the experience of being son as Tropigold champion horse owner.

Another of the horses of Gustavo Mirabal father who left a deep mark not only in Gustavo Mirabal Castro but in the Venezuelan hippo was Laser Ray. Also in his twenties he saw how his father directed the INH, which left a deep impression on his life.

With his law firm Mirabal & Asociados he develops a successful professional life but away from his passions. Thus with effort he manages to build the necessary economic base to carry out the project of his life, raise horses of successful competition and complete the path that Tropigold had started.


A biographical sketch of horse gave birth to the passion of Gustavo Mirabal

Tropigold was born on February 20, 1978 in the “Haras Varsego”. It was sold to the Stud Trabucazo (of which one of the owners was Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos the father of Gustavo Mirabal Castro) to defend the colors of the Venezuelan flag.

It was the son of the champion McKenna’s Gold and an Argentine mare. He managed to be the twoyear-olds Champion of 1980 with his great harvest of successes.

A late injury prevented him from being the winner of the national triple crown at three years. After his recovery Tropigold continued running and reaping a little more irregular successes but always imposing respect for his presence in the national equestrian.

His campaign culminated with 15 performances and 11 victories. A total in prizes of Bs. 3,420,405. a true fortune for the time. This explains the good economic and social position of the Mirabal family.

Gustavo Mirabal, amateur rider

The Vienna contest was “engraved” in the memory of Gustavo Mirabal Castro . It is in this contest where he achieved the undisputed victory in the 3 amateur category tests.

But it was not the victory that gave relevance to that special day. These victories made Gustavo Mirabal be worthy of an interview on the track.

A few minutes later he could see how a lot of Venezuelans approached excitedly to hear the national anthem and see the Venezuelan flag hoisted and waving in the wind of foreign airs.

Special moments that leave the name in high country and that speak of the feeling of Venezuelan pride.

The story of “G & C Farm”

The passion of Gustavo Mirabal Castro had been noted in the eighties and only needed a mixture of adequate conditions. Economic resources, contacts in the equestrian world and a passion of generations were conjugated so that a wonderful project was born.

Gustavo Mirabal starts a horse breeding facility in El Hatillo with which he was successful.

Later he moved to Florida and in 2009 founded during the winter equestrian festival G & C Farm. Taking the Venezuelan flag to the top, G & C Farm became for 10 years a benchmark of elite facilities for jumping equestrian competitions and spawning champions such as G & C Don Vito, G & C Unicstar, G & C Arrayan, G & C Close Up and G & C Wolf.

Joys and new adventures

The greatest joy of Gustavo Mirabal in G & C Farm was the victory of G & C Arrayan in the grand prize at Cannes.

Gustavo Mirabal witnessed his victory with his son Gustavo Mirabal jr and his wife María Carolina Chapellín de Mirabal. While the couple celebrated jumping with joy, their little one did the same, without knowing very well what was happening.

An enormous joy, the success of years of hard work, shared with loved ones is priceless.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, María Carolina Mirabal, his friends and Donald Trump

In March of this year 2018 Gustavo Mirabal Castro announces the closing of “G&CFarm”, leaving this business and also the retirement of Gustavo Mirabal from the amateur equestrian competitions.

Maintaining love for the horses he retained some of them in partnership with the Olympic Sergio Alvarez Moya. The rest of the horses gave them for sale to follow the path started by Tropigold and followed by G & C farm.

These horses have left the name of Venezuela and the Mirabal family aloft. Gustavo Mirabal, son, followed and completed the dream of Mirabal, father … Venezuelan international champions and our flag held high.



If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:




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