
Ziline Peña, the girl saved by horses and adoption

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The case of Ziline Peña Arias has caught the world’s attention. Ziline is a girl saved from the terrors of Haiti thanks to horses and adoption, she found in horses a refuge. Thanks to her adoptive parents, in Argentina’s La Rioja province, Ziline had opportunities that the hundreds of thousands of Haitian orphans don’t have. Today we will discover a little more about Ziline’s story, hope and how Ziline is girl that was saved by horses and adoption.

Ziline Peña, the protagonist of the documentary “Entre el mar y la montaña” (“Between the sea and the mountain”)

Who is Ziline Peña Arias, the girl saved by adoption and horses?

Ziline is a 15-year-old girl who is part of the Argentina national volleyball team. He has represented this country in international competitions, leaving high on behalf of his country.

Up to this point everything seems normal, until we discover that Ziline was a Haitian orphan who was adopted with only 2 years by her parents from Argentina.

Such circumstances have been portrayed in the documentary “Ziline, entre el mar y la montaña” (“Ziline, between the sea and the mountains”). This fabulous documentary shows us how the life of a child can change thanks to the love of a couple.

It also shows us the incredible human potential that is being wasted in poor countries. A reflection on the world that exists and the one we want to build.

Without a doubt, Ziline’s life leaves us great lessons and shows us how she was saved by her adoption and by the horses. Let’s learn a little more about the circumstances surrounding Ziline Peña’s early years. Let’s start.

Ziline Peña Arias – Saved by the horses

The situation in Haiti

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in Latin America. This nation has faced numerous social and economic challenges throughout its history.

In economic terms, Haiti has faced a history of poverty and inequality. The Haitian economy is mainly agricultural and depends on the production and export of commodities such as coffee, cocoa and mango.

Some elements that have affected the economy of Haiti have been:

  • Lack of infrastructure
  • Deforestation
  • Recurrent natural disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes
  • Widespread corruption and political instability

All of the above hinders the economic development of the country. The consequence of all this is high rates of poverty and misery.

But to all this were added the devastating earthquakes in 2010 and 2021, as we will see below.

The earthquakes of 2010 and 2021 in Haiti, destroying lives…

Devastating earthquakes in 2010 and 2021 wiped out Haiti’s population and precarious infrastructure. Both earthquakes had a brutal impact on Haiti’s social and economic situation.

UNICEF estimated that before the 2010 earthquake there were 380,000 orphans in Haiti.

Both earthquakes destroyed much of the infrastructure and basic services. The reconstruction of the country has been very slow and living conditions remain absolutely precarious for all Haitians.

This has resulted in a lack of access to basic services such as:

  • Quality basic medical care
  • Education
  • Adequate housing

In addition, political instability and corruption make it difficult to meet the needs of the population. This is replicated in the lives of hundreds of thousands of children in Haiti who cannot escape this reality.

Ziline’s life is a look at the missed opportunities of hundreds of thousands of orphans who cannot be adopted. But let’s learn a little more about the opportunities they may have and the challenges of living in Haiti.

Belle-Anse – The village where Ziline Peña Arias the girl saved by horses was born

The orphans of Haiti, Ziline Peña’s life before she was saved by her adoption and the horses.

The combination of factors, coupled with the earthquakes of 2010 and 2021, have contributed to Haiti’s high rate of orphans.

Many children are orphaned due to extreme poverty and lack of access to health care. Additionally, many children are abandoned due to the inability of parents to care for them.

The earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 also generated a mortality that increased the number of orphans. It is estimated that only due to the earthquake there were more than 230 thousand deaths.

Lack of resources pushes some parents to abandon their children or hand them over to orphanages. The inability to provide the children with a proper life is destroying the Haitian family.

The lack of infrastructure and resources in orphanages places Haiti’s orphans in precarious conditions.

This lack of support makes it difficult for orphanages to meet children’s basic needs. This has led to a crisis in which orphans struggle to achieve their well-being.

These are the challenges that Ziline Peña’s life would face, had she not been adopted by Gustavo Peña and Patricia Arias. His life changed a lot thanks to the will of the couple of the province of La Rioja in Argentina. Thanks to this, Ziline had the opportunity to demonstrate some of the Haitian talent that is dying in the bowels of the Caribbean nation.

But before we meet Ziline, let’s learn about the province of La Rioja, where Ziline Peña, the girl saved by horses, currently lives.

The orphans of Haiti, Ziline Peña’s life before she was saved by her adoption and the horses.

The combination of factors, coupled with the earthquakes of 2010 and 2021, have contributed to Haiti’s high rate of orphans.

Many children are orphaned due to extreme poverty and lack of access to health care. Additionally, many children are abandoned due to the inability of parents to care for them.

The earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 also generated a mortality that increased the number of orphans. It is estimated that only due to the earthquake there were more than 230 thousand deaths.

Lack of resources pushes some parents to abandon their children or hand them over to orphanages. This inability to provide them with a proper life is destroying the Haitian family.

The lack of infrastructure and resources in orphanages places Haiti’s orphans in precarious conditions.

The lack of support makes it difficult for orphanages to meet children’s basic needs. This has led to a crisis in which orphans struggle to achieve their well-being.

These are the challenges that Ziline Peña’s life would face, had she not been adopted by Gustavo Peña and Patricia Arias. His life changed a lot thanks to the will of the couple of the province of La Rioja in Argentina. Thanks to this, Ziline had the opportunity to demonstrate some of the Haitian talent that is dying in the bowels of the Caribbean nation.

But before we meet Ziline, let’s learn about the province of La Rioja, where Ziline Peña, the girl saved by horses, currently lives.

La Rioja, a province of Argentina

This Argentine province located in the northwest of the country. Its climate is dry and semi-arid. Thanks to the fact that Argentina has an equestrian tradition, La Rioja also has associated schools and sports clubs.

The Riojan vocation for the horse is reinforced by being a province dedicated to agricultural and ecotourism activities, marked by the rural landscape.

Thanks to this, some schools teach children to ride from a very young age. This is how Ziline got his first approaches to horses.

In addition, the horse in Argentina is highly appreciated. Argentina is one of the places where equine therapy has developed the most, and perhaps all the benefits of contact with horses helped Ziline overcome her life story.

Its rural and tranquil environment is the opposite of Haiti’s poverty, precariousness, and violence.

Certainly, a major change that gave him opportunities he wouldn’t get anywhere else.

Location of the province of La Rioja – Argentina

Ziline Peña, discovering a new life in Argentina.

Ziline Peña Arias was blessed with a life different from her birthplace. Thanks to the will and love of her parents Gustavo Peña and Patricia Arias, Ziline got a home that gave her opportunities to develop.

Along with this, the early contact with horses indicated his way of life and his passion.

Ziline’s whole story began with parents in extreme poverty, fishermen from the Belle-Anse district of Haiti. Unable to raise Ziline, they handed her over to her grandfather, who soon after took her to an orphanage in Port-au-Prince. With little less than a year Ziline was already in an orphanage and there she was when the earthquake of 2010 occurred.

On the other hand, in Argentina Ziline’s future parents discovered that they could not conceive naturally. Due to this circumstance, Gustavo and Patricia came into contact with an orphanage in Haiti where an Argentine worked. Seeking to help with the tragedy of Haiti and at the same time find a small heart to give love to, the Peña-Arias began the process for adoption.

That’s how Gustavo and Patricia began to see images of orphans. In that process they came across an image that made them fall in love, the photo of Ziline. From the first moment they fell in love with his energy and began the paperwork.

Gustavo and Patricia traveled 15 days to Haiti to live with her, get to know each other. Special moments that founded the bond that has been going on for more than fifteen years.

The process took them a year and a half and after that they traveled to Haiti to take her to her final home. The first stage was adaptation by language. However, after the first few changes Ziline adapted very well.

Ziline Peña, an extraordinary girl saved by horses.

With her inexhaustible energy, Ziline at a young age was put in a kindergarten where she had her first contact with horses and learned to ride. With only 4 years, Ziline already knew how to ride and on the back of a horse she would find her destiny. This passion made her life easier, and we could say that Ziline was saved by her adoption and by the horses.

Such was his energy and talent that already at 9 years of age he was representing Argentina in the South American Games in Sao Paulo in 2017. In his first presentation he won two medals in first and second place in different disciplines.

It has won numerous awards around the world, demonstrating the potential that is being lost every day in countries like Haiti.

Ziline reflects on the situation in Haiti. It pains her to know that there are many children who cannot escape that reality.

His adoption gave him opportunities that others do not have, his parents love, and horses gave him a purpose and a passion in life. Ziline’s life is an opportunity to reflect on what we must change and hence the need for the documentary.

Ziline Peña Arias – Saved by the horses

The documentary “Ziline, entre el mar y la montaña”

Ziline, entre el mar y la montaña” (“Ziline, between the sea and the mountains”) is the documentary by filmmaker Fernando Bermúdez that tells the life story of the young Ziline. She arrived with 3 years to Argentina and ended up representing it in the world of voleo in France.

The documentary ” Ziline, entre el mar y la montaña” will have both national and international screening.

The documentary was filmed in France, Uruguay, Haiti, La Rioja, among other locations, which makes it very visually appealing. This seeks to portray the life of Ziline from birth, through its adoption and its participation in the “voleo” world championship. This documentary shows us how Ziline Peña was saved by horses.

The documentary is scheduled to premiere between July and August 2023, and has generated a lot of expectation. The Argentine communities, orphanages and the equestrian community are very attentive to its premiere. From here we look forward to it.

Lost potential in poor countries

The case of Ziline Peña clearly illustrates how the lack of opportunities in poor countries can limit the development and potential of people, especially children.

Ziline Peña’s case highlights the importance of providing opportunities for children in poor countries to reach their full potential. Adequate support is required in terms of education, healthcare, access to extracurricular opportunities, and a safe and stable environment.

Without this support, they risk wasting valuable talent and potential that could contribute significantly to the growth and development of their societies.

Some of the points that poor countries must work on to take advantage of their talent for the development of the country will be seen below.

Focal points for harnessing the potential of poor countries

  1. Access to quality education: In poor countries, schools are poorly equipped, under-resourced and under-trained teachers. This restricts learning possibilities, which in turn limits children’s potential to thrive.
  2. Access to health care and adequate nutrition: Lack of adequate medical care and insufficient nutrition can have a lasting impact on children’s physical and cognitive development. Without this, children may face challenges in their growth and development.
  3. Extracurricular and cultural opportunities: In poor countries, opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities, sports and cultural activities may be limited. These activities are fundamental to develop their potential as Ziline shows.
  4. Basic infrastructure and services: The lack of basic infrastructure, such as electricity and drinking water, has a significant impact on people’s development. Lack of access to basic services can limit the economic and social opportunities available to people in these countries.
  5. Insecurity and conflict: Insecurity and conflict in poor countries can severely limit opportunities for education and development. Children who grow up in dangerous environments may face trauma and stress that affect their long-term development and well-being.
  6. Access to technology and digital resources: The digital divide can be especially detrimental to children in poor countries, as it prevents them from accessing online learning opportunities and digital skills development.
  7. Women’s empowerment: In many poor countries, girls and women often face cultural and social barriers that limit their opportunities for education and development. This not only perpetuates gender inequality, but also deprives society of the valuable contributions they could offer.

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