//Rocinante, the horse of Don Quixote de la Mancha

Rocinante, the horse of Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Rocinante is the name of the horse of Don Quixote de la Mancha, classic character of literature. This horse and the history that contains it has inspired a multitude of artists. Today you will meet one of the most famous horses in literature.

Rocinante -Asfalto-

We all remember the history of Alonso Quijano, a hidalgo who called himself Don Quixote de la Mancha.

Helping the poor and achieving the love of Dulcinea del Toboso (Aldonza Lorenzo) are the main story of this story.

Now in all that route there is a horse that always accompanies the Quixote. Today we are going to talk to you about Rocinante the co-star.

The horse is a strong animal, warrior, by nature fast and very close to man.

In this novel, he along with Sancho Panza his squire are that best friend who helped Don Quixote during all his adventures.

Rocinante, the only steed

The author of this novel, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, decided that his protagonist had to be accompanied by a steed, a term that is applied to fast horses, large, strong and of great muscle mass.

The steed is used in battles and competitions.

A particular horse

Although in his adult stage Rocinante did not have a good diet and became little more than skin and bones, the author narrates the excellent health he had in his childhood as a foal. It cost Don Quixote de la Mancha a lot to place his name, which can be read in Cervantes’ novel:

“Four days were spent in imagining what name he would put … and so after many names that formed erased and removed, added, undid and returned to do in his memory and imagination, at last he came to call Rocinante, name a its high, sonorous and meaningful appearance of what it had been when it was a nag, before what it was now, that it was before and first of all the steeds of the world “

Rocinante lost weight and even so:

“it is better to mount than the famous Babieca del Cid and Bucephalus of Alexander the Great,” says a paragraph in the novel.

Don Quixote riding Rocinante
Don Quixote riding Rocinante

A story that traveled the world

The story of Don Quixote, apart from reaching all parts of the world, has served as inspiration for a diversity of artists. Both for musicians, screenwriters and television have become Don Quixote and Rocinante in inspiration. As if this was still not enough, comic strips have been made, such as that of Don Quixote (from 2000) by Will Eisner. It is also present on the Internet, as in the YouTube video portal.


The love of Don Quixote for his friend Rocinante has served as an example and admiration. It has even inspired many in his treatment of horses.

Perspective about horse and man has changed, they are friends, teammates, members of a whole to achieve the common good.

The story of Don Quixote de la Mancha and his faithful Rocinante were a form of parody on the novels of Cavalry and ended up inspiring many to reflect that it is never too late to walk towards your dreams.





If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.es or http://gustavomirabal.com


