//Venezuela, burning land and drum land
Venezuela, burning land and drum land

Venezuela, burning land and drum land

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Article # 112 of the series

Gustavo Mirabal in Venezuela

Venezuela is a wonderful country with unique landscapes that give it that authentic touch of being a land blessed by God. In the diversity of beautiful landscapes that has Windward. Therefore, in this installment we will address what is related to Venezuela, burning land and drum land

When we talk about a prosperous and blessed land we are referring to Venezuela. Despite the circumstances that the Venezuelan is going through, he always has a positive way of moving forward.

The warmth of the home and the freshness of the geographical environment goes hand in hand with the hospitality of the people.

Venezuela is undoubtedly in a blessed land where its inhabitants move on.

Barlovento - El Sistema Youth Orchestra

We are watching a video with the rhythms of the Barlovento region.

Venezuelans as entrepreneurs in a burning land and drum land

When we refer to the majority of Venezuelans, these are people with boldness, entrepreneurs, and creativity potential that carry it in their veins.

Therefore the popular phrase “pushed forward” is a sign of pure resilience of the Venezuelan population. These people are able to see at a difficult time an opportunity to see the positive side through jokes and humor.

Venezuelans who go ahead and draw a smile on their face. In addition, these people overcome obstacles and fight for what they want.

Therefore the premise of Venezuela, burning land and drum land is accurate.

Barlovento (Windward), burning land and drum land

Barlovento (Windward) region is iconic in the cultural traditions of Venezuela. Therefore it is necessary to highlight the value from the point of view of cultural heritage. This area of Miranda State has wonderful landscapes that captivate its own and visitors.

In honor of the Barlovento (Windward) people there is a song that says:

Spanish / English

Barlovento, Barloveno / “Barlovento, Barlovento,

Tierra ardiente y del tambor / burning land and drum land,

tierra de las fulías y negras finas que llevan de fiesta su cintura prieta, / land of the fulias and fine blacks who wear their brown waist,

al son de la curbeta y el taquiti taqui de la mina” / to the sound of the curbeta and the taqui taqui of the mine ”


We can notice that it is one of the most typical folklore songs of Venezuela.

The meaning of the word Windward is the following: “Where does the wind come from?”

Windward is the territory that is located in the state of Miranda, east of Caracas.

After the construction of the Guarenas-Caucagua highway, access from Caracas has become much more bearable.

For this reason a great tourist movement is generated in holiday seasons. It also happens on weekends and in times of holidays like carnivals or Easter.

In Windward there are several villages. The spa town of Higuerote, Carenero, Rio Chico, Tacarigua de La Laguna among others.

Venezuela, burning land and drum land
Venezuela, burning land and drum land

Song by Eduardo Serrano in honor Barlovento burning land and drum land…

Spanish / English

Sabroso que mueve el cuerpo / Tasty that moves the body

La barloventeña cuando camina, / The Barlovento when he walks,

Qué bueno que suena el takiti-taki-taki / How nice that takiti-taki-taki sounds

Sobre la mina. / Over the mine.

Que vengan los conunqueros / Let the conunqueros come

Para el baile de san juan, / For the San Juan dance,

Que la mina está templada para sonar / That the mine is warm to sound

El tikita-tikitá, tikita-kita-tikitá. / The tikita-tikita, tikita-kita-tikita.

Eduardo Serrano author of the song Barlovento
Eduardo Serrano author of the song Barlovento

It shows the sound of the drum in the traditions of the Barlovento (Windward) people.

In these celebrations the excitement and joy are spread in the people of the Barlovento people.

Therefore own and visitors enjoy a lot participating in the dances to the rhythm of the drum.

So it sounds tentative to enjoy these traditions and the beach and its hot sunsets …

The Barlovento region and its song …

Barlovento (Windward) is a town that enjoys the privilege of having a song. As this town predominates the descendants of African American groups.

In addition, Venezuela, burning land and drum land is defined. In this sense, the Venezuelan coasts are areas where traditions of African ancestors are usually celebrated.

It is there where the drum occupies a special role for dances …

We can see the cultural diversity that predominates in Venezuela. This makes this wonderful country authentic in its diverse traditions that are celebrated throughout the country.

That is why we talk about Venezuela, burning land and drum land.

Eduardo Serrano to the brilliant author of the song Barlovento (Windward)

The author of the song Barlovento (Windward), one of the most iconic songs of Venezuelan folklore gave free rein to his imagination. Well, without knowing the area, he dedicated a song to this town.

In 1941 he wrote the song called Barlovento and two years later he would go to know the town and its surroundings.

Only listening to other people’s stories resulted in one of the most representative songs of Venezuelan culture.

Without a doubt, this man has left a legacy in the local culture of this Miranda state people, but also in the diverse Venezuelan culture.

Venezuela a country to love

Venezuela is a burning land since its music as well as its culture is very varied.

Among this variety of drum music is one of the main attractions of the Venezuelan coast.

Besides the passion that people put in everything they do. This is undoubtedly an added value because the hospitality of Venezuelans is incomparable.

In nature we can observe many wonders. Among them a sunset on the shore of one of the Barlovento beaches. Likewise, observing the beautiful burning clouds, orange, red and yellow.

Without a doubt a show to contemplate in Venezuela burning land and drum land.

The culture of the festival of San Juan

This holiday is celebrated in Venezuela, it is so versatile that it is a range of different expressions. In this sense we can find from the siren songs in the homes of people who give promises in honor of San Juan.

Likewise, the well-known drum beats and the party that floods the entire Venezuelan coast. On the other hand we have the expressions reflected in the manufacture of toys, crafts and utensils with the figure of San Juan.

These being an ideal detail for believers in San Juan.

As for Venezuelan oral literature, it has several expressions dedicated to Saint John the Baptist.

Here are some:

  • Mermaid songs, poetry, folk tales,
  • Legends, ceremonies and rituals, songs, among other expressions of traditional Venezuelan culture.

In summary

burning land and drum land, carries this badge on the entire coast of the national territory. This goes from the West to the East of the country where own and visitors.

You can also enjoy the wonderful landscapes and traditions where the rhythm of the drum is revealed

In this way he invites those present to join the dances to the sound of the drum.




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