A business of dubious ethics and excessive cruelty is spreading throughout Europe. The creation of “blood farms”, facilities where pregnant mares are locked up for their exploitation to extract their blood. A bloody business that is booming in a Europe that calls itself green and ecological. A Europe that exploits and promotes the exploitation of mares to eat more and more pig meat. It’s disgusting business that we are going to know a little more about today. Start.
This blood is used to obtain a hormone whose purpose is to increase the production of pork. It is also used in smaller quantities to increase the reproduction of horses and sheep. But its main and widespread industrial use is the production of meat from scratch. As if we were vampires, humans exploit pregnant animals to increase the production of pig meat… Perhaps one of the greatest ethical nonsenses in the history of mankind.
There are only 3 countries in the world that authorize the existence of mare blood farms: Argentina, Uruguay and Iceland. But hundreds of countries use these drugs that could be banned or restricted, at least in the food industry.
Today we will analyze the situation of mares subjected to this cruelty of blood farms and the business behind equine chorionic gonadotropin or PMSG (pregnant mare serum gonadotropin)
Table of Contents.
Uses of Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin PMSG
Equine chorionic gonadotropin (PMSG) is a hormone used in animal reproduction. It is especially used in:
- Pig and sheep farming for the production of pig and sheep meat: It is used to accelerate the heat of sows and increase piglet breeding.
- Artificial insemination programs for mares
- Heat synchronization in mares: In mares it is used to suppress heat in case of exhibition mares and for artificial insemination. The synchronization of heat can be sought so that with a stallion several mares are mounted in sequence.
PMSG is a hormone produced by the endometrium (membrane that lines the uterus) of pregnant mares. It is extracted from the blood of these mares for commercial use in blood farms.
This hormone is then administered by injection to stimulate follicular development and ovulation in animals. Among its main uses are:
- Mares: In equine breeding, PMSG is used to induce ovulation in mares that do not ovulate spontaneously or have irregular cycles. It is also used in heat synchronization programs to facilitate artificial insemination.
- Pigs: In pig production, PMSG is used to synchronize heat in a group of sows, allowing artificial inseminations to be performed in a shorter, scheduled period of time. This optimizes reproductive efficiency and piglet production.
- Sheep: In sheep farming, PMSG is used to induce and synchronize ovulation in females, making it easier to schedule matings and increasing the rate of conception.
Each animal species and each reproductive situation has its particularities, so it is essential to have a trained professional for its correct use.
Production of equine chorionic gonadotropin PMSG and exploitation of pregnant mares in blood farms
Equine chorionic gonadotropin (PMSG) is produced in “Blood Farms” from the blood plasma of pregnant mares. The production process involves the following general steps:
- Selection of pregnant mares: Mares that are in an advanced state of gestation, usually between 40 and 120 days of pregnancy, are selected.
- Blood collection: Blood is drawn from pregnant mares using proper and safe techniques, such as venipuncture. The problem is the frequency and amounts with which the blood is extracted from the mares, affecting their health.
- Fractionation: The extracted blood is processed by fractionation techniques to separate and purify the desired components. In this case, the goal is to separate the PMSG from the rest of the blood components.
- Purification: A purification process is carried out to isolate and concentrate the PMSG. This may involve techniques such as filtration, chromatography, and selective precipitation.
- Stabilization and formulation: Once purified, the PMSG is stabilized and formulated into a presentation suitable for later use. PMSG can be lyophilized (in powder form) or prepared in liquid solution.
It is important to note that the production process of PMSG is carried out in specialized facilities and under strict sanitary regulations. It seeks to ensure the quality, purity and standardization of the final product.

The concerns of animal rights activists about blood farms
Animal rights activists have repeatedly voiced their concerns. These have to do with the implications of drawing blood from pregnant mares on their well-being and that of their offspring. The perspective based on concerns commonly expressed by animal rights advocates includes the following concerns:
- Stress and negative effect on the well-being of mares: The extraction of blood from pregnant mares involves intervening in their natural state during a critical period of gestation. This causes physical and emotional stress to mares, especially when performed in large quantities or frequently. Prolonged stress negatively affects the well-being and health of the mare.
- Risks to the offspring: During the blood draw, there is a possibility that the mare’s offspring will also be affected. The practices associated with bleeding mares cause additional stress to pregnant mares. This has consequences for the development and health of foals. The mare may react badly to her offspring due to stress, or stress may generate hormones that are transmitted to her offspring through lactation.
- Early separation: The young are separated from the mare shortly after birth to avoid interference with PMSG production. This early separation can have negative emotional and social effects on both mares and their offspring.

Importantly, these concerns are based on animal welfare and the consideration that animals deserve to be treated with respect and consideration.
In addition, it is a practice that every day spreads more, multiplying the cruelty against these noble animals. We certainly have to do something to stop blood farms or minimize this practice. That is why we disseminate these cases and later we will show the news of the bad practices of this industry.