//Cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain

Cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain

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Since ancient times the horse has contributed in many areas of human life. Therefore, this animal has been included to maintain order and safety in cities in different countries. Currently, these cavalry bodies in the security institutions of the Spanish country are more valid than ever. That is why we will dedicate this section to deepen into the Cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain.

Both in Europe and in America, horses have been incorporated into the Security Corps. Many of these institutions even have a history of more than a century.

Horses are animals that are easily tamed. In this way man has used them in the mountains, transport. As well as they are located for the practice of various riding disciplines.

Police Horse Training | Extraordinary Animals | BBC Earth

In view of the fact that the horse has a great appearance, it has been chosen to become the Cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain. This with the purpose of maintaining order and harmony in the Spanish country.

For the formation of the Cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain the best breeds of horses have been chosen. These have chosen the horses of pure Spanish race, those of Hispanic, Arab, Hannoverian or Portuguese, among others.

Home of the National Police Corps of Spain

The formation of the Cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain took place in 1825, having a trajectory of almost two centuries. The creation of this cavalry regiment was made with the purpose of preventing theft.

Therefore, in 1940, the Grouping of Cavalry Squadrons of the Armed Police and Traffic Corps emerged. Subsequently it was called Grouping of Cavalry Squadrons of the Spanish National Police Corps.

Then for the decade of the 80s it was called the National Police Corps with the current organization. The purpose of this institution has always been maintained because the purpose is to provide defense and confidence to the citizens.

Mounted police - Seville, Spain (November 30th, 2016)

Main functions of the National Police Corps of Spain

The mission of the National Police Corps of Spain is to guarantee the safety of citizens. Likewise, the prevention of chaos in the population is important. In addition to patrol work to address situations with criminals, this action is carried out in spaces where vehicle access becomes complex.

They also provide their services to provide protection of national or foreign personalities that participate in the performance in protocol acts.

It also helps benefactor services such as searches, research or natural disasters.

The Cavalry Units of the National Police Corps of Spain, are an essential element for the various intervention activities of the state security forces. In this sense we can mention the riot, in the great public events.

Finally, the deterrent power they have in the face of the exaltation of public order and their unquestionable work of suggestion before the criminals.

Cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain
Cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain

Training of the Cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain

The horses are extremely intelligent animals, the samples are abundant because all the areas in which they have performed have played an excellent role. So the horses that are part of the team of the National Police Corps of Spain are trained in such a way that they are able to withstand strong situations.

The training of these horses must be constant so that they perform to the maximum in their patrol work. In this way he will be providing what is necessary for the police.

The process that entails adapting the horse to complicated environments brings them closer together with experiences of real firearms. They also have to witness the energetic sounds derived from the detonations, the sirens. Other situations such as the presence of cars or helicopters, flares or smoke boats, including artificial substances.

As we can see, it is not easy at all to the different situations that the horse is exposed and that he has to handle assertively. So at all times they must remain calm so that the Spanish National Police Corps can perform the work that corresponds to it.

His training begins when the animal is three years old, that is, it has already passed the foal stage. Hence, the horse is acquiring all the skills required to serve as a horse of the National Police Corps of Spain.

The years of service of the horses can be a little more than two decades. Then it is the right time to retire for your rest. So these are adopted by disabled societies for equine therapy activities. In other cases to rest permanently in a home.

Officer of Cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain
Officer of Cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain

Localities with cavalry units of the National Police Corps of Spain

The National Police Corps of Spain has support cavalry units in different cities such as Madrid, Seville, and Valencia. These are the three units of Cavalry that Spain has today.

Hence, the city of Madrid has 3 operating groups. As for the other two cities, they have more troops and Seville has two operating groups and Valencia one. Likewise, it is redistributed in the following way each operating group is in turn composed of two subgroups and these by two teams.

On the other hand, the Units have a Subgroup that provides support in relation to the different office, stables, hardware, maintenance and saddlery work.

As we can see, it is a multidisciplinary team that works there in the National Police Corps of Spain.

Police officer ridding a horse
Police officer ridding a horse

Formative itinerary of the cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain

The training course for applicants to be part of the Cavalry of the National Police Corps of Spain takes place at the facilities of the Cavalry Unit of Madrid. The course is organized in collaboration with the Training Division, the General Commission of Public Safety and the U.E.C. from Madrid.

Applicants who wish to enter must be selected through an exploration of knowledge, psychotechnical tests, physical experiences and finally a personal interview.

The duration of this training course is approximately one month. This teaches the theory that reveals the parts of the team, the anatomy of the horse. As well as the experience where riding is taught, and everything related to the handling of the horse.

After this, the participants have a three-month phase to consolidate their knowledge. This way you will be sufficiently prepared to fulfill your duties fully.

The cavalry units today

For Gustavo Mirabal the horse and his role in society is very relevant and that is why his support for the dissemination of his task. The contribution of the horse has historically been high but the cavalry bodies of the police.

The role of the horse in the various cavalry units of the mounted police officers in Spain is worthy of admiration. Your contribution is invaluable to society in general. That is why horses are a treasure in the lives of millions of human beings to the point of becoming their best friend.

That is why it is good to respect and treat them with the greatest possible love. Surely he will pay them back in large.


CNP - Spanish Police Cavalry / Police Horse





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