Today November 25 marks the anniversary of the death of the Mirabal sisters. These heroines represent an icon of utmost importance against gender violence. Today we celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and it is appropriate to remember its history.
The Mirabal sisters undoubtedly set a precedent, all in legacy against gender violence.
The Minerva sisters (1926), Patria (1924) and María Teresa (1935) Mirabal were native to the province of Salcedo, in the Dominican Republic.
His indelible mark on the contemporary history of the Dominican Republic. This caused them to change the name of their native province of Salcedo to Mirabal Sisters.
The Mirabal Sisters province (“Hermanas Mirabal” in Spanish) is located in the north center of the country. There is the Mirabal Hemanas House Museum. It was the house where these sisters lived and became a museum at the death of the mother of the heroines.
Honor to whom the Mirabal sisters deserve the honor they gave until the last breath of their lives against the regime of Rafael Leónidas Trujillo. Indeed, these noble women were murdered in 1960.
The Mirabal sisters “Las Mariposas”
These women were not afraid to undertake a struggle to achieve freedom in their country. The Mirabal sisters called them “Las Mariposas”.
The active participation of the three Mirabal sisters against Trujillo, a president who did not allow dissent.
Minerva, Patria and María Teresa were continuously cornered by their opinions and political actions. In fact they went to jail several times.

Minerva also suffered the harassment of Trujillo, who when he was rejected in his love advances, complicated the life of the entire Mirabal family.
These women were prepared from an academic point of view while Minerva studied law and Maria Teresa mathematics
In addition, they married young people, with brave men, they shared the same struggle in the political cause,
Sadly the Mirabal sisters left their orphaned children.
Without a doubt, giving your life for freedom was worth it since these heroines will live in the hearts of Dominicans and women and men fighting for just causes.
Why did the international day of non-violence against women arise? The Murder of the Mirabal sisters
In 1960, the Mirabal sisters called Patria, María Teresa and Minerva were intercepted in a car by the secret police of the Dominican government of the time.
These ruthless men hanged and beat these women for the simple fact of being against the Trujillo regime.
They also threw them down a ravine in order to cover up the crime as an accident. In this event Rufino de la Cruz also lost his life.
The indignation of the population was immediately noticed as these noble women were leaders, they were mothers, they were women with a voice against the violence of the Trujillo regime.
Patria was 36 years old when he died, while Minerva 32 and María Teresa only 25.
The abhorrent murder of the Mirabal sisters moved the nation.
These heroines were simply exhausted from three decades of violence.
Subsequently the dictator of the Dominican Republic was killed.
The Mirabal had another sister, Belgium, who continued with the legacy of her heroine sisters.

Acknowledgments to the great work undertaken by the Mirabal sisters
The Mirabal sisters are considered today as heroines …
But there is more since they are a symbol of feminism and the Dominican Republic
In addition, as we mentioned before, the province of Salcedo was renamed to bear the name of the Mirabal Sisters as a tribute to their struggle.
They have a museum and a tribute on public roads.

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is celebrated every November 25th
Minerva, the boldest of the sisters.
“If they kill me, I will take my arms out of the grave and be stronger”
These wise words that at some point in their existence Minerva Mirabal manifested deep in the following generations of women from her country and from around the world.
Well, there are groups of women who still have a fervent fight against injustices and gender violence. To commemorate this, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is celebrated

UN indicators on violence against women
Although it has made progress in the area of women’s rights, it still suffers inequalities in the world.
Currently women are victims of physical or sexual violence in their environment.
The figures remain alarming as one in 2 women killed at the hands of their partner or a family member.
71% of trafficking victims worldwide are women and girls, this is worrisome therefore governments must emphasize creating policies that protect women against gender-based violence.
It is very sad but 3 out of 4 of them are used for sexual exploitation.
Violence against women is a cause of death and disability among women of reproductive age.
The bodies of the Mirabal sisters were killed. But their souls were embodied in the town that brought out the bloody dictator Rafael Trujjillo.
The Mirabal sisters became heroines that marked the contemporary history of the Dominican Republic….
Looking at these indicators reminds us of the need to celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. It is necessary to reflect and follow the changes to eradicate gender violence.
Now the butterflies fly high
Minerva one of the women who lost her life at one time expressed the following
“Nothing translates the entire tempest of my soul”
The unwavering spirit of this woman and her sisters left a true legacy not only for their country. But for all women worldwide, the message was very clear to continue the fight against injustices.
Today, this message is more valid than ever because the fight against gender violence.
There is still much to do because many women and girls in the world are victims of violence, abuse, torture, discrimination among others …
Therefore, institutions such as the United Nations Organization, various Non-Governmental Organizations and governments should promote the welfare of women. It is important to give weight to the celebration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
That they have access to education, medical care, security with these elements, women can emerge and continue contributing their valuable role in society …
If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Legal Word, go to: