Thomas Jefferson was a prominent politician of the United States of America. He is considered one of the founding fathers of the North American nation and went through the positions of president and vice president. In addition, he is recognized for being the author of the American declaration of independence. Today we will learn more about the life of Thomas Jefferson and his role in the independence of this important country.
Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1973, in Virginia. From an early age he was an avid student. He learned languages such as Latin, Greek, and French and also studied history and science. He also had access to the writings of Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon and John Locke. These three scholars marked Thomas Jefferson’s way of thinking. They were also inspirations for the American Declaration of Independence.
His love for knowledge was so great that he founded the University of Virginia. His knowledge was so broad that during J.F. Kennedy’s reception of 49 Nobel Prize winners, he said:
“I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent and human knowledge ever assembled at the White House — with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.”
This equated Thomas Jefferson’s extensive intellectual background with that of 49 Nobel laureates… Beyond the possible exaggerations, Thomas Jefferson will remain for posterity as a great American who defined the future of his country.
Let’s learn a little more about the life of Thomas Jefferson and the American Declaration of Independence.

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Biography of Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was born into a wealthy family. His father was Peter Jefferson was a landowner and surveyor and his mother was the daughter of a powerful landowner.
At the age of 9 he attended a school where he learned several languages including Greek, Latin and French.
Sadly, his father Peter Jefferson died when Thomas was 14. He inherited twenty square kilometers and hundreds of slaves.
After his father’s death he quickly returned to his studies. He devoted himself to expanding his basic knowledge with history and science.
At the age of 16 he started university to study mathematics and some of the most renowned political philosophers and lawyers. With this began the formation of his political thought. His appetite for knowledge was voracious and he was said to study more than 15 hours a day. His extreme dedication sometimes separated him from family and friends.
Upon graduating from mathematics at the university he began to study law with the famous George Wythe.
After graduation his training led him to be one of the most outstanding lawyers in Virginia. He had overseen representing the most powerful families in the region. Thanks to this, his influence grew.
In 1969 he was elected to represent the citizens of the county in the Virginia legislature. That position led him to take.

Road to independence from the United States
While representing his county in the Virginia legislature, the movements that would lead to independence began to take place. While in this position there is the so-called “Boston Tea Party” in Boston and later the enactment of the so-called “intolerable acts“.
The enactment of the intolerable laws was the disproportionate reaction of the English empire to discontent and revolts in its colony. This movement only stirred the waters even more and led many citizens who remained neutral to speak out.
At that time Thomas Jefferson wrote a resolution against “intolerable acts.” These ideas were entrusted to the Virginia delegation to be taken to the first continental congress but were still considered very radical at the time. However, Thomas Jefferson’s ideas later became part of the principles on which the American Declaration of Independence was based. Among those ideas was the following:
- Legal and constitutional objections to “intolerable acts”. They were contrary to the established legal establishment.
- The natural right of self-government: At this point it is established that the settlers had the right to be governed by themselves. He considered the British Empire to be a remote government and did not understand its problems.
- Objection to the British parliament legislating on the colonies. It was clear that the British parliament exceeded its powers in legislating in the colonies when they had their own legislative bodies.
This document was brought to discussion at the first continental congress. However, it can be said that he laid the ideological foundations for the American declaration of independence.
Declaration of Independence
Before the declaration of independence there were political tensions. These tensions ended in the first battle of the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Lexington.
That battle was the product of the sending of a British military contingent whose purpose was to silence the demands of the colonies. However, the colonies decided to arm their own army made up of militias from each of the colonies.
Later there were other battles that were consolidating the military power of the colonies. To this was added the support of some Spanish colonies. The political step that would begin the stage of the Independent United States of America was inevitable.
The Second Continental Congress would end up giving formality to the independence process. On June 11, 1976, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman, Benjamin Franklin and Robert Livingston were commissioned to prepare the document to formalize independence.
These in turn drew the general guidelines and Thomas Jefferson was entrusted with the drafting of the first draft. The second draft with the changes suggested by each of the committee members was presented to the Second Continental Congress.
The congress edited the draft and finally submitted the final draft for consideration on July 1. After long deliberations and speeches, it was adopted on 2 July. But it is considered that the formal day of the declaration of independence on July 4, 1776, since that day the resolution was formally published.
No doubt the important role of Thoma.

Thomas Jefferson, one of the fathers of the American Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson marked a before and after for the United States of America. So much so that he was later made vice president and president of the nation. Thanks to his contribution, the ideal of freedom, justice and equality began to take its first steps in the Americas.
Of all the words of Thomas Jefferson in the American declaration of independence, the following words resonate:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Undoubtedly a visionary man and whose name will be engraved in the memory of the next generations for posterity.