The Universal Declaration of Human Rights represented the culmination of a process to establish the foundations of international law. Due to the events of the Second World War, in its last days a conference is established to establish rules of the game between nations. Its purpose is world peace and stability through the guarantee of human dignity. Learn more about this exciting topic, history and evolution.
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Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos. Historia y preámbulo
However, the countries belonging to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (ICO) have had numerous objections to this declaration. The vision of Islamic countries is that the universal declaration of human rights corresponds to a “secular interpretation of Judeo-Christian tradition.” Likewise, in their opinion, the UDHR does not consider cultural and religious elements of non-Western states.
This is how in 1990, after many deliberations, 45 ICO ministers signed on behalf of their countries the Declaration of Human Rights in Islam. This document is also often referred to as the “Cairo Declaration”.
Later we will deepen the role of the “Cairo Declaration” and its function. But let’s start by knowing a little more about the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”
Birth of “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”
Known as the San Francisco Conference between April 25 and June 26, 1945, 50 allied nationals gathered. Finally, the purpose of these nations was to establish an organism that avoided new world wars.
Upon completion of the conference, the creation of the Charter of the United Nations is achieved. This is how the signing of the United Nations letter on July 26, 45 laid the foundation for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Finally and thanks to the United Nations mechanism, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is signed on June 26, 1945
In the vote, only eight states, of the 58 member states, abstained. The states that abstained from voting were:
- Saudi Arabia
- Belarus
- Czechoslovakia
- Poland
- South Africa
- Ukraine
- Soviet Union
- Yugoslavia
In this way, the rights considered inalienable for human beings were reflected in a document of 30 articles. We will briefly discuss the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The reasons for establishing Human Rights should be clear. Legality establishes this type of prerogatives in order to avoid misinterpretation of the law. That is why the preamble speaks of the Why human rights? It is clear to us that the search for peace in the world and its stability is only possible with the search for the defense of human dignity.
This is how the preamble lays its foundations on the following precepts:
- The human family has equal and inalienable rights. That is why the recognition of these rights and their dignity is the basis for the freedom, justice and peace of the world.
- World wars and acts of barbarism of humanity throughout history have only been possible through ignorance and disregard of these rights. That is why it is considered essential to leave them established.
- The preamble states that the aspiration of humanity is a world free of misery and fear in which everyone enjoys freedom of speech and belief.
- The defense of human rights is a mechanism that protects the dignity of the human being. But the defense of human rights is also a way to avoid rebellions. The intention is to promote stability by avoiding the need for men to rebel against tyranny and oppressors.
- This common vision of the rights of human beings is the foundation for harmonious relations between nations.
Definitely the preamble of the Declaration of Human Rights has much to give. Next we will touch on other aspects of the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Other elements of the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights represented an advance for humanity. With it, the countries pledged to preserve certain common values, without specifying how. This puts us in a common goal for humanity. Here are some valuable elements of this Declaration:
- Countries committed to respect such rights as the basis for the relationship between countries.
- All signatory nations pledged to establish mechanisms for the “effective exercise” of these rights. This means that these rights are not a dead letter. Countries are required to present mechanisms to guarantee such rights.
- It is reinforced at every point that this vision of Human Rights is a common vision. In this way there is no way to “shake” the commitment of his defense. The full fulfillment of their commitment is key to peace.
In one way or another in the preamble is the key to the commitment to the protection of human rights. Having a common vision of it is the source of agreement so that any deviation can be noticed and corrected. Beyond the possibility of excessive deviation is limited by the vision of the rest. A straitjacket to make its implantation really effective.
We must be content that the nations reached this point. This way massive injustices are avoided just as we can avoid a new world war. The human being is not above others to subject him to treatment that does not correspond to human rights.

Impact of human rights in today’s world
This common vision has put obstacles to tyrannical and pseudo-democratic regimes. If we are going to see many countries have problems in one other aspect of human rights. However, the common perspective of human rights puts great obstacles to non-democratic forms of government.
Human rights have changed the landscape of the world. Although they have been manipulated at times, you cannot fail to recognize the progress they mean. An agreement on the rights of human beings on a global level tells us about a sense of universal and global humanity.
This common vision is the key to the advancement of humanity in a joint direction. Human rights will lay the foundation for a peaceful future where all nations can contribute to the realization of civilization.

Some of the elements that will allow progress and realization of human rights are:
- It is guaranteed that men are born free and equal. We are all part of the “human family.” It stops dehumanizing the other who is not and / or does not think like me.
- The possibility of acts of barbarity based on the disregard of human rights is cut off.
- Guarantee of education as a means of liberation and equality among men.
- Human rights are a way of giving stability to governments. Their contempt is the key to economic and political instability.
What is the status of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in countries of Islam?
As we have said, the criticisms by the governments of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation have to do with their cultural and religious context. However, the incorporation of many of these nations into the modern world in conjunction with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has led to a reinterpretation of their traditions.
Many countries have abandoned practices such as corporal punishment, stoning among others. This has been the product of an internalization of a new reality. The less punitive interpretation of Sharia has led to a modification of the legality in Islamic countries.
Also the Cairo Declaration or Declaration of Human Rights in Islam have served to make visible the deviant interpretations of Sharia in some countries. In this way the Declaration of Human Rights in Islam serves as a guide for the application of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Gradually in each country and culture, human rights take relevance to go to the recognition of human dignity. And the recognition of human dignity framed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a guarantee of stability and peace.
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In future issues we will deepen each of the articles that make up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We hope this is one of the issues that gain importance little by little. All nations are obliged to promote human rights through education. We put our grain of sand. Until the next issue.
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