The year 2025 promises to be a period of great transformations in the economic, technological and social spheres. The global outlook for 2025 is the key to transform the world. The global outlook focuses on…
Madrid Horse Week, Gustavo Mirabal favorite equestrian event
The Madrid Trade Fair Institution (IFEMA) is the governing body and organizer of the events that take place in the capital city of Spain. This is carried out under the baton of this governing body,…
What is Institución Ferial de Madrid (IFEMA) or…
Institución Ferial de Madrid (IFEMA) In Europe, the various countries that make it up have very old customs which have evolved over the years. These continue to be organized according to current needs. Within the…
Hubbert’s Peak Oil Theory and its Implication in…
Financial planning for both individuals and countries is critical to seeing the sustainability of our future. One of the most relevant aspects for financial planning is to consider the socio-economic environment and disruptive events. One…
CO2 or carbon capture, an opportunity or a…
The global future looks worrisome. Inflation, real estate crises, a multitude of developed countries and the loss of purchasing power of the middle class are some of the dangers that besiege peace. In the middle…
Global Inflation in 2024, effects and how to…
Inflation remains a significant concern globally in 2024. Global Inflation in 2024 is the result of a confluence of economic, geopolitical, and environmental factors. That is why today we will analyze the situation, what are…
The Horse in Pop Culture: From Movies to…
The Horse in Literature and Other Forms of Pop Culture In addition to film and television, horses are also protagonists in literature and other forms of popular culture. From books like Black Beauty to video…
World Environment Day 2023, #BeatPlasticPollution on June 5th
World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5 June. This United Nations initiative seeks to promote global awareness and action in favor of the environment. World Environment Day was established in 1972. The UN…
World Nature Protection Day
World Nature Protection Day Planet earth is so far the habitable and suitable planet for human beings. Unfortunately, over the years, the growth of the industry coupled with the lack of education and awareness the…