Physiotherapy with Equines

Physiotherapy with Equines The human being goes through his life for situations that limit his physical, mental or emotional development. Either because he is born with conditions that limit him or from an unfortunate event…

Horse Breathing

Rhythmic Breathing in Equine Therapy

Complementary strategies of relaxation in Equine Therapy Many times Equine Therapy is applied to alleviate the negative effects of diseases or conditions on patients. However, to help accelerate the processes of improvement or rehabilitation, it…

Contraindications of Equine Therapy

Indications and contraindications of Equine Therapy

Indications and contraindications of Equine Therapy Currently, alternative therapies are used by people as a main treatment or as a complement to medicine, improving all the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the patient. Alternative…

Equinetherapy and music

Relaxation strategies on horses music

Relaxation strategies music Equine therapy is applied in order to reduce the negative effects of diseases or conditions on patients. However, in order to accelerate the improvement or rehabilitation processes, it is necessary to combine…

Horses Handling

Advice for the proper handling of the horse…

We recall that in the previous article the horse is a sensitive animal with great strength. Due to its strength and to preserve the integrity of those who deal with the horse it is important…

Horses Nutrition

Horse Nutrition to prevent diseases (II)

Horse nutrition is the key to prevent many diseases. We will learn more about it in this article. "We are what we eat" Ludwig Feuerbach In this issue we will continue talking about the diseases…

Nutrition to prevent diseases in horses (I)

Nutrition to prevent diseases in horses (Part I) "We are what we eat" The famous phrase "we are what we eat" is by Ludwig Feuerbach, a German philosopher and anthropologist. Hippocrates said "Let your medicine…