//Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine
Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine

Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine

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We know that Holy Week has a special meaning in millions of Catholics around the world. That is why this week’s activities are often very significant. This year will be different because we will celebrate Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine

For the development of these activities are usually carried out on the streets and therefore attract crowds of people. However, in the face of the health emergency caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine is what we have to live this year.

This situation is common for the entire planet so the celebration of the Greater Week is totally atypical.

Religious activities are taking place from the Vatican if parishioners. This decision is to prevent the massive spread of coronavirus that has proved lethal in countries such as Italy, Spain and the United States.

This same scenario is presented from the metropolises to the most remote villages.

That’s why we’re in the presence of a Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine.

Celebrating Holy Week During The Global Coronavirus Pandemic | Sunday TODAY

Coronavirus pandemic leaves Holy Week under quarantine

The current covid pandemic – 19 or coronavirus has left drastic consequences on the entire planet. More than 70,000 people have died from the disease that originated in China.


On the list of negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic is the health crisis, food shortages, economic recession and stop counting.

In the religious world it has also had an impact. That is why this holy week will be very different from those traditionally celebrated. In short, it will be a Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine.

As an example it is that palm Sunday, it was broadcast through the radio and the internet. In this sense social networks have played an important role in covering these activities so important to parishioners of the Catholic Church.

This year will pass without certain religious celebration during Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine
This year will pass without certain religious celebration during Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine

Celebration of Holy Week in the Vatican

In the Vatican, the High Pontiff celebrated a mass if faithful in St. Peter’s Basilica. For this reason only a small group of religious have accompanied Pope Francis.

In this regard, the pope expressed the following:


“The drama we are going through forces us to take seriously what counts, not to get lost in insignificant things, to rediscover that life is useless, if it is not served. Because life is measured from love. Thus, at home, in these days holy let us stand before the Crucified One, which is the measure of God’s love for us”


In this way living the faith from our homes we are fulfilling the Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine.

On the other hand, Pope Francis has sent a message to the young people of the world:

“Look at the real heroes coming to light these days. It is not those who have fame, money and success, but they are the ones who give themselves to serve others.”

This reflection made by the Supreme Pontiff is very much in line with the role played by all those people such as health, citizen safety and food teams. These make a great effort to work for humanity when these adverse moments that have been left to us by the coronavirus pandemic worldwide.

Many of these unsaved heroes have passed their best on their neighbour.

Many doctors and nurses who have become infected with coronavirus have died. The world pays homage to these special people.

Ash Wednesday under coronavirus
Ash Wednesday under coronavirus

Words of encouragement for a Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine

Pope Francis during the homily on Palm Sunday spoke in order to strengthen the faith of Catholic Christian communities. That is why on 5 April he conveyed the following message:

“When we have our back to the wall, when we find ourselves at a dead end, with no light and no way of escape, when it seems that God himself is not responding, we should remember that we are not alone,”

Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine
Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine

Activities canceled by the Vatican – Easter under coronavirus quarantine

The Vatican has suspended the Crismal Mass on Holy Thursday.

In this celebration the blessing of the oil saints is carried out. These serve throughout the year to divide the sacraments.

Pope Francis will perform holy Thursday Mass. However this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, the traditional foot wash will not be performed.

This event is usually held in places such as migrant reception centres or in prisons.

On his part on Good Friday, a mass will be held in the Basilica.

While the Via Crucis will be held in St. Peter’s Square. This event is usually held in the Colosseum, where it was held uninterrupted since 1964.

There will be no faithful at the Easter Vigil on Saturday or at Sunday’s Resurrection Mass. In the latter Pope Francis will impart the blessing Urbi et Orbi. These events are very likely to be broadcast live.

In the case of Venezuela, religious celebrations are being broadcast on the radio. Some are streamed on social media.

Holy Week
Holy Week

Reflection of humanity in the framework of coronavirus quarantine

Many countries have taken strict quarantine measures to cut off coronavirus transmission.

That is why as parishioners of the Catholic Church we must celebrate from our homes. This time is an auspicious space for reflection, family sharing and better human beings.


Nazarene st. Paul will not take to the streets of Caraqueñas – Holy Week under coronavirus quarantine

Venezuela is one of those countries that currently serves a mandatory social quarantine. This measure was taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

For this reason, the Archdiocese of Caracas announced that the Nazarene of San Pablo will not go out to the streets and avenues of the capital.

Through Twitter they reported the following:

“A way for Holy Wednesday to reach their homes on TV and social media.”

Cardinal Baltazar Porras said that the Nazarene of St. Paul, the main devotion of the Caraqueños, “he will pour out his blessings, but through new technologies”.

On the other hand, I invite the population to follow these activities through the television channels. In this sense the Holy Mass will be broadcast through Vale TV.


Holy Week to reflect at home during coronavirus quarantine

The quarantined Holy Week is a call to reflection, to the revival of faith.

On the other hand, sharing with family and from home fulfill this prayer process to make this a better world.

On the other hand, I invite the population to follow these activities through the television channels. In this sense the Holy Mass will be broadcast through Vale TV.







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