A good horse trainer
For a horse to follow the orders of the rider or owner, a training and a trainer are required.
This trainer must comply with certain characteristics that make him capable and capable of educating the animal.
In this article we will show what these characteristics are …
A good coach
To be a good coach you must be patient, respectful and not mistreat the animal. This are the values of a good horse trainer.
In this sense, leaving the route with friends, riding without using the reins or make a jump of 1.30 m, will be more effective.
No matter what it is, our goals motivate us to move forward.
Now, communication and motivation are key in the teaching process of the horse.
A motivated horse will do everything that is asked of him, but if the animal feels compelled, it will hardly react as requested.
The motivation for a good horse trainer
It is necessary a respectful and trusting relationship, control is gained by practicing it without physically straining or punishing the horse. In case of not reaching the objectives, it is necessary to review the training plan and the technique first.
It is essential to take the time necessary to achieve a realistic goal, plan the steps and appropriate exercises to achieve it and calculate sufficient time.
In no case is it justified to hurt the animal in our custody because it does not achieve the expected results.
Before getting on the horse, you must make sure that the horse responds to the training.

If the animal presents a rebellious behavior, nothing docile or reluctant should be expected.
The safety of the coach is also important. Therefore, the first thing is to gain the respect and confidence of the horse.
Only then can control be maintained.
Good control means being able to move on request the three main parts of the horse (head, back, back) in any direction and at any time.
The horse must be more and more responsive to the aid of the rider and he takes every opportunity to reward the horse with words, gestures and caresses, so the good relationship between the two is obvious.
Who is the leader

In the relationship horseman-horse or trainer-horse there must be a leader. A good horse trainer must take the reins.
You have to be at all times aware of the horse and willing to review your training method or take into account other proposals to facilitate learning.
An active rider constantly gives orders when handling the horse. Each of your movements or aids has a specific intention and expects a specific response from the horse.
That includes breaks during training. As the attention span of the horse lengthens, an active person begins to ask for more and more successive tasks to the horse, which at the same time will help him stay focused for a longer time.
Finally the attention of the horse is directed to the person and he acquires the habit of looking at the person to obtain the next request.
A rider just does not expect instant miracles, but is aware that any goal is achieved through small steps and constant practice. A good horse trainer are the miracle that rider needs
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