The horse is an animal that has always been next to man fulfilling various functions. From company and friendship to medium mobilization routes that for humans would be extremely long. One of the countries with great nomadic tradition is the Turkish people. That is why today we will analyze the role of the horse in Turkish culture. The horse in Turkish culture
If we see throughout the history of man the horse represents a symbol of great importance. From its physical aspect transmits beauty, strength, freedom. It is impressive what a horse transmits.
Those who have had the opportunity to share with horses know that it is so. In this sense it is intended to address the importance and traditions of the horse in Turkish culture.
The horse in the framework of the culture of Turkey has a very special meaning, that is, it goes beyond its physical aspect. It turns out that it has a magical and spiritual aspect, this is a sacred representation for the Turks.
In view of the fact that these people have always moved from one space to another, they have frequently made the horse their means of transportation in remote areas. Consequently the horse has become a life partner for the natives of the Turkish country. For this reason the equine has a double meaning in them both at the level of friend and a protective spirit.
Based on this we can deduce the great importance of the horse in Turkish culture.
Origins of the horse in Turkish culture
In relation to its history there are several mythological versions of the horse in Turkish culture. Thus, as for each ethnic group they have a different result:
- For the Altaic the horse has a heavenly origin, it was given as a gift from the heavens.
- The Yakut ethnic group talk about their coming from the solar world.
- Likewise the shamans is also a communication vehicle but this time it is not physical but astral and they call it Argamak.
Although they are groups that belong to the same geographical area, they differ from the origin of the horse. However, we can see that each one gives a different but spiritual meaning
The horse in Turkish culture and its spiritual world

In relation to the meaning of the horse in other spiritual planes comes alive as it is a means to convey news of planes invisible to the human being itself.
The intuition of these animals prevents possible negative effects for the person. On the other hand he is a faithful servant of the gods, a combat companion and a wise counselor to his master.
This way the versions of legends arise among them the ones that we will describe next:
The lake of milk
One of these legends tells us that there are horses with wings, in turn these have special skills where they can swim under deep water, or furrow the sky. They are from the lake of milk found on a mountain called Kif.
According to legend, the enlightened Hizir in search of an effective solution to death threw wine into the lagoon. As a result he was able to catch a pair to which he eliminated his winged characteristics, then he joined them and there the horse was born
The Horse as a gift from Allah
On the other hand, the Islamists have their own version of the horse in Turkish culture. What they narrate is that when the god Allah sent Adam to the world, he gave him a horse with wings. Then he takes the nerve to cut the horse’s wings. Consequently the vitality of its wings happened to be of the extremities that is to say the legs.
The feeling of sadness invaded the horse for not having the possibility of returning to the paradise where it came from. In fact he lost two of his four eyes and I am left with only two which is as it is known today.
Other myths of the horse
Myths are also told where they tell how horses of race from the union of a sea horse and a mare from there were born with the ability to swim.
The great value that the horse has in Turkish culture
Due to the experiences of living in a different place every so often through the history of the Turkish community allowed sharing with the horses. Having a nomadic lifestyle had an important influence on the perception of the horse in Turkish culture and highlighted its importance
On the other hand, war fighters made a union with the horse that crosses the border of this dimension. This led to the perpetuation of this union throughout the different generations of the Turks.
When we speak of sacred animals in Turkish mythology, the horse is the king of this story. According to these the horse receives its power from God in turn represents death and intuition.
What’s more, what in other cultures mentions the dog as man’s best friend in this country dethroned him because this place undoubtedly is occupied by the horse. In the rituals that the caciques perform, the horse has great relevance as an immolation animal
In relation to the genesis of the horse they differ from several mythological theories where it can be created from any elemental of nature such as water, fire, air, among others.

Sayings about the horse in Turkish culture
This majestic and imposing animal has its particularities within the Turkish culture. Among these unique characteristics they describe the horse “as a bird”, “perceives the adverse”, and that “is indefatigable”.
It is also said that the horse in Turkish culture “puts his master on alert in a situation of danger” and is a “faithful friend”. Without a doubt he is considered a great friend, guide and defender of the Turkish.
The horse an animal domesticated by the Turkish people
According to the writer Schmidh states that the “horse was domesticated by the Turks”
When the inhabitants of Turkey undertook a trip to another distant place like the one that they realized of Asia towards Anatolia. They also took with them the deep roots of their autochthonous culture. In fact, the Turkish horse gained great popularity in various geographical areas through which they passed.
The relevance of the horse in Turkish culture remained intact during the Ottoman periods. The different governments lived with the horse. In addition, he served in the various wars in which they had an active participation.
The horse as the main component of the walk culture was extended to other countries such as Iran, India, Europe, among others by means of the stellar that left in its wake the transit of the Turks through these lands. That is to say, they not only sowed that devotion for the horse in their compatriots, but also others.
Under the Ottoman Empire the selection of specimens was achieved for their proper training. This is how Turkish used a pennant made with the horse’s tail as an emblem of power. These pennants denominated like the tuğ extended in the period of the oriental ones.
The attributes of the horse that make him the best friend
To finish with the theme raised in relation to the horse in the Turkish culture and in his life. We can see all the attributes that the equine animal represents for these. Therefore the horse is a very well cared for animal and loved by these.
This vision of the horse as a guide and power animal has been handed down from generation to generation. In this way, these beliefs will continue to be preserved in relation to the mythical animal, such as the horse.
Just as the horse has a magical and spiritual representation for these people, it also has it for other countries. Only that it focuses from another perspective, in short the horse in the real plane is synonymous with courage, freedom, strength.
Of course after the dog the equine occupies a special place in the life of the human. Where every day continues to conquer different spaces with their wonderful qualities. Despite this, for some people even the horse is man’s best friend.
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