//Argentine equestrian painter Hugo Diez

Argentine equestrian painter Hugo Diez

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Argentine equestrian painter Hugo Diez

Plastic arts has talent everywhere. In this time, it’s Argentina’s turn with one of its leading artists, Hugo Diez. Hugo Diez has been responsible for capturing various paintings related to the equine world.

Hence the interest of addressing everything related to this talented painter today.

Hugo Diez is in the prestigious list of most relevant painters of the contemporary expressionist genre. It should be noted that one of his most important sources of inspiration is nothing more and nothing less than horses.

Well, these majestic and imposing animals have been present throughout their lives. That is why this artist has been greatly inspired by horses to produce authentic paintings with a unique style.

In this way, he achieves the objective of surprising the spectators and therefore capturing the attention of a follower audience. Hugo Diez as a plastic artist has a very unique way of doing his works because he accurately captures what he has in mind.

He manages to surprise his viewers because his expert hands take care of everything. His hands know where on the fabric to place the correct tone.

Now this artist does not have an academic background as such. This gift carries it in his veins. This talent began to express him when he was a child. From then on he has not stopped expressing his great talent.

The beginnings of him really went all out. He made a mural two and a half meters wide and two meters high. Undoubtedly, this made Hugo Diez very happy since the people contemplated his magnificent work.

Basic data of the Argentine painter Hugo Diez

His full name is Hugo Ernesto Diez was born in Trenque Lauquen, Argentina on December 20, 1957. He studied at the National College. Later this attempt to study the career of Veterinary Medicine, which never ended. Since he devoted himself body and soul to the art of expressionist painting.

For this artist, the awards and recognitions are not as important as the direct appreciation of the viewer in relation to his works. This is what he considers the best prize he can receive. The results are reflected in the amount of works sold, because people like it. That is why he can continue to dedicate himself exclusively to doing what he likes best, to paint.

Academic aspects of the Argentine painter Hugo Diez

As we mentioned earlier he does not have great academic training in the world of arts. However, he made a failed attempt to pursue a career in Veterinary Medicine.

In relation to his family there were no precedents of tastes for plastic arts. However, his parents gave his unconditional support to the artist. That is why he was able to develop with freedom in the world of painting specifically of the genre expressions contemporary.

His parents played a very important role in the artistic development of this man, because with each painting he made, they gave him a positive reinforcement. On the other hand, he would not spend much time incorporating in his artistic expressions who would be the protagonist of his works.

He participated in the academy founded by González Garone and Rodolfo Campodónico, two of the greatest references of that moment. However, this Academy did not last long.

As this man grew up surrounded by animals, he made the decision to study the career of veterinary medicine. He got a job to which he devoted very little time. He quickly got a job in which he met the Dorignac family, closely linked to the sport of polo. This is a sport in which horses are very important is very practiced in Argentina.

Meanwhile, in his spare time, he worked in painting. Soon the day came to choose that painting would be his definitive occupation.

Hugo Diez felt total admiration was for the Argentine painter Fernando Fáder. Fáder was one of the most relevant impressionist artists worldwide.

Hugo Diez and his idea of success

Success is very subjective because everyone perceives it in a totally different way. What for one can be successful for another not.

Hugo Diez expresses the following in relation to success.

“I live from this, so I need to sell to live and to continue painting. I believe that behind the success there is a huge quota of sacrifice, work, work, work and work. It is constant trial and error until what you want appears ”

Hugo Diez perception of success consists in discipline and effort. This means that you must work. He is instructed as he investigates and immerses himself in the subject he wishes to capture in his magnificent paintings.

To achieve success, this potential must be exploited and this is only achieved when people have perseverance and discipline. This way you will really achieve your goals

The role of the farmer in Hugo Diez  paintings

Hugo Diez gives prominence to the farmer in his paintings. The work of the farmer is not simple and is one of the noblest occupations that exist.

In his paintings, he reflects the country man synonymous with sacrifice and dedication.

Hugo Diez expresses the following:

“I try to rescue what still has value; a cultural value, because there everything is handmade, manual, where there is practically no access to agricultural machinery. That is the part of the field that I like to highlight, develop”

Hugo Diez, as an artist, feels the inspiration to capture the woman and the man of the countryside in his paintings. In Argentina the rural world abounds, which has a sacrificed side. This gives it strength and makes its culture as well as its customs last over time.

This expressionist artist Hugo Diez loves to emphasize what can remain intact, despite the technological advances of today.

In summary

The talent that emanates from the plastic artist Hugo Diez shows in his innumerable paintings that he has shaped throughout his career. This has given priority to their culture, to their hometown. It also gives importance to its past and of course to one of the protagonists of his unique paintings, the horse. And Hugo Diez admires the horse deeply.

The artist Hugo Diez transmits subtlety and originality in his works, which attracts his potential clients.

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