//Peruvian Apero or Harness
Peruvian Harness

Peruvian Apero or Harness

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The Peruvian Apero is the set of harnesses or accoutrements that the horse carries, conformed by the following elements elaborated all in leather and by hand by fine Peruvian saddlers who adorn it with fine pieces of silver such as:

  • Estribos (stirrups)
  • Pellón
  • Manea
  • Pecho petral (petral chest)
  • Bajador (dropper)
  • Lazo (Tie)
  • Chicote
  • Espuelas (Spurs)

Next we will describe each one of the parts of the Peruvian Apero or arreo.


The stirrups of the Peruvian Apero

This serves for the chalan to support the feet. The Peruvian stirrup is made of plain or carved corrugated box, handmade in olive, guanábano, orange, pacae or arabisco wood, with pieces of silver or other metal. The shape is truncated pyramid and is unique in America. It has four obligatory fixed toes, two perpendicular rods, a fixed piece called “campana” (bell in english) from which comes another in the form of a hand in which the spike is placed. In the side mount, a stirrup leather or styled leather stirrup called a sneaker is used. You can wear ornaments of precious stones and the initials of their owner.

The pellón of the Peruvian Apero

Peruvian Apero or Harness
Peruvian Apero or Harness

It is one of the most unique pieces of our tool and only exists in our country. It is a handmade woolen cloak of trapezoidal shape that is placed on the frame to give greater comfort to the chalán. The most valuable is the pellón of San Pedro de Lloc, hence the name of Sampedrano, although also that of Chota is highly valued. It is made with finely finished lamb’s wool strands in one or two ends. Therefore, its value depends on the fineness of the braided strands.

The manea of Peruvian Apero

Piece of common braid that serves to lock the horse and prevent it from moving when it is dismantled and there is no appropriate place to tie it. It consists of two pieces, which at their ends have a pin and a button joined by a ring.

The chest petral Peruvian Apero

It is a piece of strong leather that comes out of the half of the strap forward and forks to the sides by means of a ring, before joining the saddle. It is widely used in the saw to prevent the saddle from rolling backwards. The prize given to the champions in the competitions, is also called «pecho petral» (Petral Chest in english), although it does not serve for this purpose.

The bajador or dropper of the Peruvian Apero

It is a strong leather strap two centimeters wide that is placed half of the strap forward and passes under the tuning that fits the muzzle. This also forces the horse to face properly when sitting.

The tie of the Peruvian Apero

It is braided leather with more than four strands. The tie measures from ten to twelve meters and serves to lacerate or pialar an animal. It has a metal ring on one end and on the other, a non-braided sueded leather in the shape of an ear, which is secured to a button on the end of the loop.

The chicote of the Peruvian Apero

Start with a 0.40 m long orange or yoke handle or rope, linked to a piece of flat 0.20 m leather that continues with a 1.20 m long braided piece, followed by another of 0.80 m and ends with the prop in several points of cabuya or twisted mane. Likewise, it is used for cattle herders.

The spurs of the Peruvian Apero

They are the accessory of the clothing of the chalán. It is white metal or silver. They can be flat, carved or bevelled with an onion tip or snake head where the rosette is placed. This one is of iron with five points for greater punishment, or six to diminish it. It has a strap with holes and a double buckle with pin and toe. Complement the spur, the heel of embossed leather, like that of the saddle. There are snore spurs because they make noise and are suitable for dull animals; and others, called tomboy. In general they serve to spur the horse. The weight of the spurs should be 500 grams of silver.

The Peruvian Apero is an element of the national equestrian tradition. It is born with the horse of passage and stays in the heart of the nation. Some like the pellón have ancestry in the tradition of some regions as in this case it is preserved in San Pedro de Lloc and makes it more valuable for its tradition and technique. Apart from its functionality, the Peruvian Apero gives us knowledge about the tradition and aesthetics associated with the equestrian world. And is that the tradition and history of man are associated with the horse, his eternal companion.





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