Lazlos the horse of the Prophet Muhammad

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Lazlos the horse of the Prophet Muhammad and spirituality in Islam.

The horse was an animal that carried on its back the man who thought, sighed and understood designs. Lazlos became brave as he walked through the penetrating desert dunes in Arab countries carrying the Prophet Muhammad.

We can see how from the different spiritual aspects the horse has a special meaning. In this sense Mohammed recognized that symbology of the horse. He did his faithful friend and companion of battles, as well as enjoying pleasant moments in this magic duo of the horse Lazlos and Muhammad. That is why we will address what is related to the imposing and famous Lazlos the horse of Muhammad

In this installment we can see the meaning of the horse Lazlos not only in the life of Muhammad but its importance in the religion of Islam

Importance of Lazlos the horse of Muhammad

Quickly the founding prophet of Islam thought of a name for such an important gift. He decided to call it Lazlos, which means “desert horse.”

Because he knew that more than a means of transport would be his companion. Lazlos would be his confidant and guardian of long days and nights in solitude to expand the purpose of Allah (God of this religion).

Among the most celebrated moments that Lazlos the horse of Muhammad lived, was his entrance to Mecca. Mecca is the sacred place of Islam and currently the main pilgrimage site.

In keeping, Muhammad faithfully entrusted his transit over the equine. In this way he managed to get followers, visit oasis and act as a mediator between neighboring tribes.

Similarly, in favor of consolidating the Islamic religion, he led armies, assaulted caravans of merchants, and fought  his enemies.

From this vision Lazlos the horse of Muhammad, woke up in the prophet an infinite love and gratitude for the horses, especially for the mares.

We can see how the horse Lazlos had great importance in the different expeditions carried out by Muhammad. All the achievements in his career were obtained in the company of a unique and magnificent horse such as Lazlos.

The Legend of Muhammad as creator of the Arabian horse race:

In the beginning of Islam, the prophet to achieve more followers thought of two main aspects: religious fervor and having fast horses.

Mohammed worried about having a better breed of pure equines tested them. He selected a group of horses and deprived them of water for seven days.

Later, when he left them free, Muhammad called them from the opposite side to the place where the water was. Mohammed was attended by five mares from which the Arab breed of horses would later be born.

However Lazlos the horse of Muhammad, was a favorite, since it allowed him to live great moments to maintain the principles of Islam.

According to this legend of Muhammad, the Arabian horse race, which today is highly valued as a racehorse, has a mythological origin. This, for the purposes of its history, gives it a special enhancement compared to the other breeds of horses.

The combination of the sacred with the horses is what makes Lazlos the horse of Muhammad have this special connotation. Hence the horse Lazlos became a favorite animal for the Prophet Muhammad. In this regard, the invaluable company that offered this famous equine to Muhammad was exceptional.

Quran phrases inspired by Lazlos the horse of Muhammad

In the Quran there are phrases that denote the transcendence of the horses of the Arab race for the spirituality of the human being.

Among which we can mention “The devil will never dare to enter a store inhabited by an Arabian horse”

He also wrote: “The more barley grains proportions to your horse, the more sins you will be forgiven.”

In short, both phrases warn about the purity of horses as animals at the service of man.

Also, the way in which man treats his horse can help him mitigate his sins. This was a part of the great Prophet Muhammad’s concerns.

There is no doubt about the recognition, gratitude and commitment that was born in Muhammad from his relationship with Lazlos the horse of Muhammad. That recognition, gratitude and compromises extend over all man and horse relationships. This allowed to maintain the lineage of the Arabian horses that among its characteristics highlights its beauty, intelligence and good health.

These features mentioned above in turn remain intact today being one of the most expensive horse races on the planet. The Arabian horses breed are unique with great bearing and style. In addition, the field of equestrian competitions are outstanding for reaching great prizes.

The role of Muhammad and Lazlos in history

In mankind there are different ways of thinking and believing in God from its essence as the creator of everything.

However, Eastern Arab countries specifically Muslims keep their precepts, philosophy and ways of life while maintaining the reference to the Prophet Muhammad.

Importantly, before Muhammad, there was a large list of messengers sent by God. They had the mission of helping humanity to take care of creation. They include: Abraham, Moses and Jesus of Nazareth.

With this story in Saudi Arabia between 570 to 632 A.D. horses like Lazlos, Muhammad’s horse was not only one of the main means of transport. It also accompanied man in times of war and peace.

Finally on the back of Lazlos, rest the most radiant moments of the great prophet. The precepts that defined Islam as a religion in the Middle East were defined on the back of Lazlos. Together with him he developed the prayers that Muhammad would recite to Allah in moments of meditation. It is conflict, serenity and glory, therefore its value in history as a noble and resistant animal.

In summary

Throughout history the horse plays a fundamental role in the life of the human being. A sample of this is precisely the role of Lazlos the horse of Muhammad. It is impressive how this horse accompanied him in each of his daring adventures and battles. Together they visited the sacred sites like Mecca, being the holy city of Islam. Hence the special meaning of this site.

Hence the special treatment that Muhammad gave to his beloved horse Lazlos. An example of how men should provide good treatment for their animals, especially horses.

Without a doubt, the horse Lazlos and Muhammad were a special pair. A sample of a link that crosses the barriers of time. Well, although ephemeral in time Eternal Chronos in Kairos time.

A beautiful example of love and friendship between equine and human that set a precedent …

Sources consulted

HatzadHassheni  (2014). [Blospot en Línea]. Disponible: [Consulta: 2018, julio 13].

HatzadHassheni (Análisis de documental). (28 de febrero de 2017). ¿Quién fue Mahoma y cómo nace es islam?. [Video en Línea]. Disponible:

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Jorien Livens, Luis Miguel Martinez, Gustavo Mirabal, Carolina Mirabal & Sergio Alvarez Moya

Gustavo Mirabal Castro: lawyer, businessman and equestrian athlete

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Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a Venezuelan lawyer. He is a successful businessman and equestrian athlete.

But beyond all the labels that we can put next to his name people want to know Who is Gustavo Mirabal?

We will uncover the secrets of Gustavo Mirabal’s life and we tell you about his life and experience.

Gustavo is a lawyer by profession and a passionate equestrian athlete. He has a close relationship with horses from a very young age

They have also turned both their passion and their professional career into two companies that have aroused envy.

Below we will give you some of the basic data of our Gustavo Mirabal Castro:

Name:Gustavo Adolfo
Last Name:Mirabal Castro
Date of birth:1965-09-09
Place of birth:Caracas
Webpage 1:
Webpage 2:
Place of residence:Spain and Dubai
Is known for being:Lawyer y Businessman
EnterpriseLisal Enterprises Limited
Email[email protected]


Gustavo Mirabal and his wife Maria Carolina Chapellin de Mirabal
Gustavo Mirabal and his wife Maria Carolina Chapellin de Mirabal

Law studies

Gustavo Mirabal studied at the Santa María University (USM) in Venezuela. He graduated in 1988. He get lawyer’s degree of the Republic of Venezuela.

Gustavo enjoyed his studies and was passionate about the laws.

After his studies he worked in important companies especially in the financial sector. Banking and insurance were its biggest employers.

Some of the companies in which he gained experience were Seguros Horizonte, S.A. and Británica de Seguros, C. A.

The experience obtained during his first works and his determination led him to become independent.

Gustavo founded his law firm called Mirabal & Asociados, S.C. However, his other passion remained dormant there, riding.

Mirabal & Asociados

Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a lawyer by profession, served this office through his “Mirabal & Asociados” law firm.

Through the firm, it offers services related to the commercial, commercial and tax areas.

Additionally Mirabal & Asociados deals with everything related to intellectual property, foreign investments and exchange advice.

Also, although to a lesser extent, it deals with litigation, finance and capital markets.

This has been displacing others from Gustavo Mirabal’s law firms, which we will talk about later.

In addition Gustavo Mirabal has positioned himself as a great professional and because of his sporting facet.

Commonly athletes are limited to developing their discipline. When they reach a certain age, they withdraw and everything comes up there.

In the case of Gustavo Mirabal, he developed an associated business facet based on his sporting facet. From here he promotes and helps other riders who leave the Venezuelan flag high.

Gustavo Mirabal and his new office in Dubai

Mirabal offices had grown. Its new office is located in the DIFC (“Dubai International Financial Center”). The new office aims to promote the internationalization of the services of your firm.

If we add the offices of New York, Madrid and Caracas to the Dubai office, we know that we are talking about professionals. Mirabal services are already on 3 continents. But also the proximity to the African continent and Oceania from Dubai is added.

From Dubai, it can offer its clients the establishment of companies in a privileged financial center.

Dubai offers numerous tax advantages and fully liberal trade legislation.


Gustavo Mirabal looking to the future in Dubai
Gustavo Mirabal looking to the future in Dubai

How the different offices are integrated

1-) Caracas – Mirabal & Associates:

Legal desk for the financial and insurance sector. This is the oldest office. This was Gustavo Mirabal’s first law firm.

His experience with banking and insurance helped him choose this as his target market.

Its clients belong fundamentally to banking, insurance and other financial services. It also has customers from the food and industrial area.

2-) New York and Madrid – LISAL enterprises:

Dedicated to the advice of important figures of the sports area. It serves both athletes and sports teams. It also serves figures of acting and music.

LISAL is responsible for comprehensive advice in the area of contracting with teams and sponsors.

LISAL also advises on the best places to live and capital management. All this in order to reduce the taxes received and improve profitability.

3-) Dubai – Mirabal And Associates:

Focused on the management of large individual, family and business capitals.

Each of the offices has specialized in a niche of legal advice.

They are definitely part of a well thought out strategy. The offices together seek to complement each other and cover an additional geographical area around the world.

Differentiating elements of Gustavo Mirabal

In the law sector, trust and experience make a difference. That is why Gustavo Mirabal has focused on getting an integrated team.

The infrastructure of the firm and its advice is in 4 major cities.

Here is the reasons why you should choose Gustavo Mirabal Law Firm:

  • A team of lawyers that already has offices in Caracas, New York, Madrid and Dubai
  • We offer the best in each continent, since we know them very well. We know the laws and conditions to invest and protect your money.
  • Each office has an excellent team.

The biggest differentiating element is the experience behind it. Gustavo Mirabal has the first hand experience.

Gustavo is an athlete, an entrepreneur and a lawyer who has managed his assets impeccably. Living in Caracas, United States, Spain, Dubai and having traveled the world allows you to offer you the best of the best.

In addition his international businesses have allowed him to know first hand the international laws. He knows how to deal with customs and legal issues in every part of the world he visited

Dubai perspective of Gustavo Mirabal Castro

“My personal vision is that Dubai is going to become one of the most important business centers” G. Mirabal Castro

In the words of Gustavo Mirabal himself, the competitive situation of developed countries is compromised. Since they have been setting high corporate taxes they have weakened their competitiveness.

The tax benefits of new destinations attract investors. Little by little they forget traditional destinations in exchange for some freedom and to improve their profits. Gustavo Mirabal explains it as follows:

“While in the European countries and the US have high tax burdens, the United Arab Emirates exempts companies based in its territory from taxes. They also exempt resident natural persons” Gustavo Mirabal Castro

Dubai Competitive Aspects

Gustavo Mirabal values the safety and climate of Dubai. In addition, the quality of life of the Arab Emirate is filled with multiple activities to enjoy.

Among the economic benefits and quality of life we have our ideal site. That is why Dubai has become a very attractive destination. Gustavo Mirabal comments:

“This combined with a safe country, with an exceptional climate for eight months. This country have the different options of sport, leisure and culture as it becomes a very desirable country to live”

The British retirees decided long ago that Dubai was the ideal place to retire. There they can invest, encouraged by tax advantages, to protect their pensions.

In dubai you can enjoy the weather which is impossible in the United Kingdom. The British are a few hours from the United Kingdom since the Emirates airline operates in UAE.

With all this we recommend that you know how to choose your place with Gustavo Mirabal. He and his professional team will help you with your legal issues. They will also boost and take care of your assets.


aborto vs adopción

Aborto vs adopción – Gustavo Mirabal

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Aborto vs adopción

aborto vs adopción

Dos temas que actualmente están en la palestra pública son el aborto y la adopción.

Ambos tienen una gran cantidad de defensores los cuales luchan a capa y espada por defender los derechos de una y otra postura.

Sin embargo hay una línea muy delgada entre los derechos de unos y otros.

Por un lado se encuentran los que defienden el derecho a la vida y la protección pero por otro los que ven en el aborto la salida.

Debido a ello hay un conflicto social mundial. Opiniones y sentimientos encontrados. Público que apoya ambas corrientes.

Pero una cosa sí es clara: mientras con el aborto se comete un asesinato a través de la adopción el bebé no deseado tiene derecho a la vida.

aborto vs adopción

Aborto vs adopción

No es fácil para una joven de escasos recursos económicos criar a un bebé sola, sin apoyo de su familia y del hombre que la embarazó.

Así como tampoco el padre de la criatura no tiene la madurez suficiente para criar un hijo. Entonces deciden abortar.

O quizá la madre del bebé amenazada por sus padres o el qué dirán se siente obligada a hacerlo.

En cualquiera de estos casos el que paga los platos rotos por decirlo de una manera coloquial es el bebé que se está formando, que no pidió ser concebido pero está ahí, escuchando y sintiendo.

Pueda que los defensores del aborto vean al feto como algo que no siente nada, pero, en realidad es una vida en formación y crecimiento.

Ellos también fueron un feto y les dieron la oportunidad de nacer.

Aborto vs adopción ¿qué será mejor? El procedimiento de extracción del feto no es sencillo y la madre se pone en peligro.

Miles de mujeres mueren cada año practicándose el aborto y otras terminan con problemas de salud porque no pueden volver a tener hijos así como son presa de la culpa y la depresión.

Lo cual la ciencia califica como problemas mentales. La pregunta es ¿vale la pena abortar?

Visto desde un punto de vista neutro podría decirse aborto vs adopción dos derechos humanos en juego: el derecho a la vida y a la familia.

aborto vs adopción

Polémica mundial – aborto vs adopción

El mundo parece estar al revés mientras unos defienden el asesinato o aborto hay quienes están en una larga lista de espera para adoptar un bebé.

Los estériles sueñan, anhelan un hijo y, aquellos que los tienen (sin desearlos), prefieren para matarlos para que su ego, reputación o vida no se destruya.

El embarazo no deseado se puede corregir pero no abortando. Se corrige con la prevención.

Si no quieres abortar entonces ¡Cuídate, planifica con los métodos anticonceptivos!

No se trata de matar a un inocente para que el estilo de vida que lleváis no se vea obstruido.

Tiene que ver con que las acciones tienen consecuencias y si las personas tienen sexo sin protección de ningún tipo, sin amor o creen que con un bebé amarrarán a un hombre están erradas.

Los bebés deben venir al mundo por las razones correctas. Por el amor entre un hombre y una mujer.

Así como por el deseo de formar una familia, un hogar.

aborto vs adopción

Las protestas

A menudo se ven en las noticias que hay una gran batalla legal en pro de la legalización del aborto.

Quienes defienden esa opción ni siquiera parecen poner en la balanza el aborto vs adopción sino que condenan al bebé a una muerte segura.

Las mujeres sostienen que con su cuerpo pueden hacer lo que les venga en gana y los hombres (no todos) tienen cancha libre para evadir su responsabilidad como futuros padres.

Marchas, caminatas, pancartas, panfletos se ven con frecuencia en las redes sociales apoyando el aborto.

Más quienes desean adoptar se encuentran entre trámites burocráticos y una larga espera hasta que le asignen un bebé.

Realmente es muy contradictorio. Sería interesante que se pusiera en debate el aborto vs adopción.

Se debe promover lo asombroso que puede ser adoptar un bebé, darle la oportunidad de tener un padre y una madre, un hogar, una familia.

La pregunta es ¿qué estamos defendiendo? ¿Un asesinato premeditado o el derecho a la vida?

aborto vs adopción

Las causas del aborto

Las causas del aborto pueden ser muchas.

Las mujeres pro-aborto sostienen que el practicarse el mismo en lugares clandestinos las pone en peligro.

Pero así sea un procedimiento legal aceptado en cualquier hospital o clínica  su vida está en riesgo. Seguirán muriendo. Miles y miles.

En vez de abortar cede la tutela y da el bebé en adopción. Dale la oportunidad de vivir. Él o ella no pidió ser concebido.

Los escenarios propicios para un embarazo no deseado son las fiestas juveniles donde el alcohol, las drogas y las hormonas hacen estragos.

La pornografía incita a las violaciones y cuando una chica queda en cinta tras ser violada por razones obvias no quiere ese bebé.

Pero en vez de matarlo como forma de vengarse de quien la violó puede decidir tenerlo y darlo en adopción.

Se trata de una persona no de un juguete que se puede tirar y listo. Borrón y cuenta nueva.

El dolor por la violación seguirá hasta que la mujer no supere ese trauma y posteriormente se le juntará la culpa por abortar.

¿Pero, por qué culpa si se deshizo del hijo de un violador? A pesar de ello el bebé es inocente y merece al menos una oportunidad.

El aborto vs la adopción son dos temas delicados pero es necesario pensar en ambos con cabeza fría.

aborto vs adopción

Derecho a la vida

Todo ser humano tiene derecho a la vida, a una familia, al amor, al respeto.

Así como a ser educado y ayudarlo para alcanzar todo su potencial.

Sean cuales sean las razones por las que una mujer decida abortar debería pensar primero en dar el bebé en adopción.

Es tiempo de crear conciencia en los jóvenes

La juventud mundial está muy contaminada. A diario son bombardeados con mucha información basura.

Cosas que no edifican su vida y los desvirtúan del valor de la transparencia, la honestidad, el amor, el respeto.

La pornografía los busca, la música con sus letras vulgares cultiva su mente y las películas muestran que el sexo con extraños es más excitante que una relación seria y tierna que espera hasta el matrimonio para tener intimidad.

Basta ya de pedirle a los jóvenes que sean responsables si lo que se les da es basura.

La generación actual carece de valores, de respeto a sus padres, maestros, etc. Creen que el libertinaje es la vida.

Si se despenaliza el aborto las cifras podrían aumentar porque será como quitarse una braga.

Los jóvenes seguirán teniendo relaciones sexuales sin protección y cuando queden en estado irán al doctor para que los saque del problema.

En vez de enseñarlos a abortar, a no asumir responsabilidades y condenar a un inocente a la muerte se debe exhortarlos a descubrir el amor, el respeto, la paternidad.

¿Por qué quejarse de una generación vulgar, irresponsable, abortiva y sin identidad clara cuando sólo les da basura para que consuman?

Es tiempo de crear conciencia en los jóvenes, de volver a los valores, al amor verdadero, los sentimientos reales y no hormonales.

Se les debe enseñar a ser hombres y mujeres de bien, con principios familiares.

Abortar vs adopción dos decisiones cruciales. Una trae muerte y la otra vida.














Fuentes consultadas:

Argentine equestrian painter Hugo Diez

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Argentine equestrian painter Hugo Diez

Plastic arts has talent everywhere. In this time, it’s Argentina’s turn with one of its leading artists, Hugo Diez. Hugo Diez has been responsible for capturing various paintings related to the equine world.

Hence the interest of addressing everything related to this talented painter today.

Hugo Diez is in the prestigious list of most relevant painters of the contemporary expressionist genre. It should be noted that one of his most important sources of inspiration is nothing more and nothing less than horses.

Well, these majestic and imposing animals have been present throughout their lives. That is why this artist has been greatly inspired by horses to produce authentic paintings with a unique style.

In this way, he achieves the objective of surprising the spectators and therefore capturing the attention of a follower audience. Hugo Diez as a plastic artist has a very unique way of doing his works because he accurately captures what he has in mind.

He manages to surprise his viewers because his expert hands take care of everything. His hands know where on the fabric to place the correct tone.

Now this artist does not have an academic background as such. This gift carries it in his veins. This talent began to express him when he was a child. From then on he has not stopped expressing his great talent.

The beginnings of him really went all out. He made a mural two and a half meters wide and two meters high. Undoubtedly, this made Hugo Diez very happy since the people contemplated his magnificent work.

Basic data of the Argentine painter Hugo Diez

His full name is Hugo Ernesto Diez was born in Trenque Lauquen, Argentina on December 20, 1957. He studied at the National College. Later this attempt to study the career of Veterinary Medicine, which never ended. Since he devoted himself body and soul to the art of expressionist painting.

For this artist, the awards and recognitions are not as important as the direct appreciation of the viewer in relation to his works. This is what he considers the best prize he can receive. The results are reflected in the amount of works sold, because people like it. That is why he can continue to dedicate himself exclusively to doing what he likes best, to paint.

Academic aspects of the Argentine painter Hugo Diez

As we mentioned earlier he does not have great academic training in the world of arts. However, he made a failed attempt to pursue a career in Veterinary Medicine.

In relation to his family there were no precedents of tastes for plastic arts. However, his parents gave his unconditional support to the artist. That is why he was able to develop with freedom in the world of painting specifically of the genre expressions contemporary.

His parents played a very important role in the artistic development of this man, because with each painting he made, they gave him a positive reinforcement. On the other hand, he would not spend much time incorporating in his artistic expressions who would be the protagonist of his works.

He participated in the academy founded by González Garone and Rodolfo Campodónico, two of the greatest references of that moment. However, this Academy did not last long.

As this man grew up surrounded by animals, he made the decision to study the career of veterinary medicine. He got a job to which he devoted very little time. He quickly got a job in which he met the Dorignac family, closely linked to the sport of polo. This is a sport in which horses are very important is very practiced in Argentina.

Meanwhile, in his spare time, he worked in painting. Soon the day came to choose that painting would be his definitive occupation.

Hugo Diez felt total admiration was for the Argentine painter Fernando Fáder. Fáder was one of the most relevant impressionist artists worldwide.

Hugo Diez and his idea of success

Success is very subjective because everyone perceives it in a totally different way. What for one can be successful for another not.

Hugo Diez expresses the following in relation to success.

“I live from this, so I need to sell to live and to continue painting. I believe that behind the success there is a huge quota of sacrifice, work, work, work and work. It is constant trial and error until what you want appears ”

Hugo Diez perception of success consists in discipline and effort. This means that you must work. He is instructed as he investigates and immerses himself in the subject he wishes to capture in his magnificent paintings.

To achieve success, this potential must be exploited and this is only achieved when people have perseverance and discipline. This way you will really achieve your goals

The role of the farmer in Hugo Diez  paintings

Hugo Diez gives prominence to the farmer in his paintings. The work of the farmer is not simple and is one of the noblest occupations that exist.

In his paintings, he reflects the country man synonymous with sacrifice and dedication.

Hugo Diez expresses the following:

“I try to rescue what still has value; a cultural value, because there everything is handmade, manual, where there is practically no access to agricultural machinery. That is the part of the field that I like to highlight, develop”

Hugo Diez, as an artist, feels the inspiration to capture the woman and the man of the countryside in his paintings. In Argentina the rural world abounds, which has a sacrificed side. This gives it strength and makes its culture as well as its customs last over time.

This expressionist artist Hugo Diez loves to emphasize what can remain intact, despite the technological advances of today.

In summary

The talent that emanates from the plastic artist Hugo Diez shows in his innumerable paintings that he has shaped throughout his career. This has given priority to their culture, to their hometown. It also gives importance to its past and of course to one of the protagonists of his unique paintings, the horse. And Hugo Diez admires the horse deeply.

The artist Hugo Diez transmits subtlety and originality in his works, which attracts his potential clients.

Sources consulted:


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Brexit Hat

Brexit in the United Arab Emirates – Post-contractual agreement

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There are many issues in vogue but one of the most important in Brexit but … Do we know how Brexit will affect the United Arab Emirates? How can the United Kingdom take advantage of this special relationship? It is clear that brexit in the United Arab Emirates will be important.

Today in Legal News we will talk about two very interesting topics:

  • How will Brexit affect the United Arab Emirates?
  • Post-contractual non-competition agreement: Benefits and how to implement it

Next we will discuss our main theme, Brexit in the United Arab Emirates.

Brexit in the United Arab Emirates

Brexit in the United Arab Emirates? Is Brexit not in the UK? Of course it is, but in practice the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates have a privileged relationship. That privileged relationship makes Brexit not only affect that side of the world.

In a similar situation there are several EU countries that import or export a product due to their commercial relationship. In this way we can talk about the effects of Brexit in the United Arab Emirates, or to make it shorter, Brexit in the United Arab Emirates.

UK | Arab residents opinions on Brexit deal

Special Relationship

To understand this analysis it is important to know the great link between the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. Some of the most relevant elements that have contributed to this special relationship are:

  • Previous to having a great business relationship United Arab Emirates was a British colony. From 1853 until 1971 the Emirates were considered a British Protectorate known as Truce States. The United Kingdom was responsible for the military protection of the territory and maintained a monopoly on international trade and natural resources.
  • Additionally, one of the makers of Emirates and the Dubaiti transport emporium is Maurice Flanagan, a British businessman. The Government of Dubai sought Maurice Flanagan to create its air transport company. Due to its privileged location it would become a regional transport hub. Maurice Flanagan was the founding CEO of Emirates and Executive Vice President of the Emirates Group. Emirates is currently among the 10 best airlines in the world. Currently more than 50% of Dubai GDP comes from the transportation industry.
Emirates Airlines - Developmental drivers detected by Gustavo Mirabal
Emirates Airlines – Developmental drivers detected by Gustavo Mirabal
  • Currently the legislation governing the DIFC (Dubai International Financial Center) is a copy of the commercial legislation of the United Kingdom. Even the judges are brought from the United Kingdom. There the legislation is published first in English. This is an area focused on attracting foreign investments. They do this through a liberal legislation that allows 100% repatriation of capital and 0% tax for 40 years.

This relationship explains why it is one of the favorite places to invest in the United Kingdom. It is also one of the favorite places to go to retirement of British retirees.

Brexit effect in the United Arab Emirates for British citizens.

Are You Ready for Brexit in the United Arab Emirates?
Are You Ready for Brexit in the United Arab Emirates?

Of course, the fall of the pound sterling is one of the transversal elements to the Brexit effect in the United Arab Emirates. The relationship between the pound and the dinar will make one or the other stronger or more competitive. It remains to be seen which elements of competitiveness can be incorporated into the British economy. Thanks to the freedom of decisions, measures can be taken to boost the British economy to measure. But in the meantime here we will see some of the possible scenarios:

2020 good time to buy pounds sterling

Soon the pound will again have a steep decline against Dirham. Trends have made the pound sterling oscillate but its tendency is to decline. There is still a place to buy and sell higher or wait for the decline to make investments in pounds sterling.

British workers in the United Arab Emirates have greater purchasing power. They can make important purchases in the United Kingdom.

Travel to the UK cheaper

It is logical that the weakness of the pound sterling leads to cheaper trips. It is logical that with the privileged relationship of the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates, it is one of the pillars to boost the British economy.

Investments in the United Kingdom

Although in the first of change the fall of the pound sterling does prevent losses, the truth is that in the long term is healthier. Competitiveness will grow and companies will begin to have a better position for international markets. If you can think of long-term investments, think of the United Kingdom if you win in Dirhams.

Brexit does not diminish the UK's appeal as an investment destination

Do you want to buy a home in the United Kingdom?

Take advantage of the strength of Dirham will allow you to get lower prices. The ideal time is after mid-2020 when it begins to fall unless the fall is carried out with the entry into force of Brexit. The effect of Brexit in the United Arab Emirates will be very important. You have to monitor the real estate market.

Pensions in United Kingdom

You may want to consider investments in the DIFC to multiply your income in British Pounds. Take advantage of making rapid changes or investing directly within the United Kingdom in the medium and long term.

What can Brexit learn in the United Arab Emirates?

Definitely the free trade zone of Dubai called DIFC is a lesson that the United Kingdom must study. It is possible that this is one of the lessons that could help boost the competitiveness of the pound sterling. It is time for us to project lessons learned from Brexit in the United Arab Emirates and the roads they have charted in economic growth.

Post-contractual non-competition agreement

When a worker handles privileged information of the company, the signing of a non-competition agreement post-contractual. These agreements stipulate a period of time where the worker cannot contract with competing companies. Such agreements guarantee compensation during the pact period.

Case study of a post-contractual non-competition agreement

Recently the worker of a publishing company having gone to work in the competition kept collecting the compensation of the pact.

Compensation of the post-contractual non-competition pact represented 50% of the salary. The non-competition agreement would last one year from the end of the contract.

The terms of the aforementioned agreement established that the breach would lead to the following compensation:

  • Return of the pact money (monthly amount equivalent to 50% of the wages received)
  • Payment of 100% of the salaries of the last year of the contract.
  • Payment for damages.

The sentence

Given the circumstances, the Supreme Court considered several elements for its sentence:

  • The former worker having gone to work to the competition charged the compensation of the pact.
  • The company fully complied with the payments of the post-contractual non-competition agreement.
  • There was an increase in the cancellation of subscriptions. Which the company could not prove reliably was the product of the resignation of the editor.
  • Clause of the pact was considered abusive. The worker’s compensation was 50% for the duration of the pact of one year but its breach implied the return of 100% of the salaries of the last year.

The former worker in anticipation of the trial made the return of compensation before the start of the trial. However, he had already received said money and only did so under the anticipation of the respective trial.

This led the Spanish Supreme Court to condemn the former worker to pay:

  • The indemnities of the pact which had already been returned.
  • 50% of the salaries received during the last year before the cancellation of the contract and not 100% as indicated in the non contractual competition agreement.

We see the sentence as a balanced and mediating sentence. From this precedent we can extract the following lessons:

  • Compensation for non-compliance must be in proportion to the compensation of the pact itself for non-compliance with the worker.
  • To establish clauses of damages must have mechanisms to be able to measure or prove it

Post-contractual non-competition agreement are fundamental. These will prevent critical business information from going to competitors. If you need support for writing such agreements we can advise you.


As we can see, we must be attentive and prepared for Brexit in the United Arab Emirates. The United Kingdom can take advantage of its special relationship with the United Arab Emirates to use its economy as a pivot and to learn. It is a stellar moment and an opportunity for the United Kingdom and its competitiveness.

If you would like advice for the elaboration of a non-competition agreement, contact Gustavo Mirabal Castro



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TV Series Damages

TV series Damages – Innovative legal drama

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Legal dramas are one of the most important bastions of American TV. The average American is passionate about laws. That is why today we will talk about the TV series Damages that gathers the best of the legal drama on TV. One of the best series of recent times with a cast like no other

American culture revolves around laws and their compliance. Compliance with the law, the nature of lawyers, legal gaps and justice are recurring issues. In the middle of this, excellent actors such as Willian Shaftner (fundamental role in Boston Legal) are presented. Without a doubt, TV has become a bastion of “legal culture”.

One of the elements that becomes one of the protagonists of the series is time management. In one way or another we know how everything ends and how it starts, the series helps us fill in the “empty spaces”. With this the plot turns become the source of intrigue. “Who is who?” Is the question….

The protagonists of the TV series Damages

Here we must make a point and separate since in Damages we really talk about “the protagonist girls”. Not only that, we must talk about great actresses who are capable of transforming a normal and sublime experience. Next we will introduce the main characters.

TV Series Damages - The Protagonist
TV Series Damages – The Protagonist


Patty Hewes

Glenn Close
Glenn Close

Whose full name in the series is Patricia Hewes, she is the founding lawyer of the law firm around which the story revolves. Patty has her own code of ethics and justice. She doesn’t care about law, religion, politics or ethics when it comes to justice. If Patty Hawes thinks that justice must be done, she will do it, at any cost. Patricia Hewes’ character in the TV series Damages is played by the amazing Glenn Close.

All the reviews have been positive for the TV Damages series, but the most positive have been for Glenn Close. Next we will know why.

Glenn Close does not need introduction, but just in case we will make a brief review. Glenn Close was born on March 19, 1947. She is an American actress, singer and producer. She has performed in the theater but has stood out greatly for his work in the cinema. During the 70s and early 80s she was a theater actress for brodway, the mecca of the theater. Because of this she has won two Tony Awards, which are the equivalent of the “Oscar” prize for the theater.

In addition to the Tony Awards, she has been nominated 7 times for the Oscar for the following films:

  • The world according to Garp: Nominated for Best Supporting Actress. Glenn Close share screen with Robin Williams, Mary Beth Hurt and  John Lithgow. Jhon Lihgow was nominated for an Oscar as best supporting actor.
  • The Big Chill: Nominated for Best Supporting Actress
  • The Natural: Nominated for best supporting actress. Share cast with Robert Redford, Kim Basinger and Robert Duvall.
  • Fatal Attraction: Nominated for Best Actress
  • Dangerous Liasons: Nominated for Best Actress
  • Albert Noobs: Nominated for Best Actress
  • The Wife: Nominated for Best Actress
Close and Byrne Get Silly Over 'Damages'

Ellen Parsons

Rose Byrne
Rose Byrne

Ellen is a young lawyer recently graduated. The young lawyer starts working with Patty Hewes at the Hewes and Associates law firm. Her boyfriend is mysteriously murdered and Ellen is involved in her murder. The role of Ellen Parsons is played by Rose Byrne a talented actor. An excellent complement to the cast of the TV series Damages with Glenn Close in the lead.

Rose Byrne was born on July 24, 1979 and although she is young she has a great curriculum. Rose is Australian born in Sydney. She has acted in blockbusters such as X-Men First Generation and in independent films such as 28 days later. She has also worked in genres such as comedy, science fiction and drama.

Apart from the TV series Damages. In what movies has Rose Byrne appeared?

  • Marie Antoinette: In this film she develops the role of the Duchess of Polignac Yolande de Polastron. This was both in the film and in reality the best friend and favorite of Marie Antoinette.
  • 28 weeks later: Embodies the role of Major Scarlett Levy. She is the officer in charge of verifying the health status of citizens who arrive at the shelter weeks after the epidemic.
  • Insidious and Insidious: Chapter 2: Interprets Renai Lambert the wife of a marriage that is harassed by supernatural beings.
  • Sunshine: Interprets Cassie the pilot of the ship.
  • Knowing: Play Diana Wayland, the daughter of a girl who 50 years earlier generated a series of numbers that predicted catastrophic events. They have a daughter capable of perceiving hidden voices and messages just like her grandmother. Together they will have to discover what their future is.
  • Juliet, Naked: Rose plays Annie a girl who develops an affair with a singer who is her boyfriend’s musical obsession.
  • Get Him to the Greek: Byrne plays Jackie Q the partner of Aldous Snow. She will be the one who encourages him to stay drunk and leads him astray. Below is a video about its interpretation

  • X-Men: first generation and X-Men: Apocalypse: Play Dr. Moira MacTaggart. She is the great friend of Charles Xavier and at the same time her love of the past.
  • Spy: In this movie Rose Byrne plays the evil Rayna Boyanov. Rayna is a villain of Bulgarian origin who owns a nuclear bomb and wants to sell it to the highest bidder.

A look at the first season of the TV series Damages

In the first chapter of the series we see a young woman running full of blood and half-naked. We discovered that it is Ellen Parsons. Ellen’s boyfriend has been beaten to death in his apartment. Parsons is arrested as a suspect. Then the series takes us 6 months before the events. From there it will take us step by step through the events that led to the murder of Ellen’s boyfriend.

TV Series Damages Poster
TV Series Damages Poster

At the starting point you can see a young lawyer with a lot of potential and innocence deciding her future. He refuses to work with the excellent lawyer Hollis Nye to accept a job with Patty Hayes. Nye warns her that Patty will change her and be careful.

Could Patty’s cold and manipulative personality definitely change Ellen? Will that change be responsible for the death of her boyfriend?

The key to suspense lies in connecting two milestones in history. From that perspective we know how events begin and how they end. But we don’t know the chain of events that unite them. We do not know the emotional load and the responsibilities that weigh on each of the protagonists.

A series recommended by Gustavo Mirabal to understand the ethical and moral disputes of legal work. Also if you want read some triller legal visit our article about the master of the legal triller Jhon Grisham.

A series that you should not miss to know the distance between legality and ethics. Legality and ethics as two milestones of the same destination, becoming a lawyer …


If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Legal Word, go to:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights-3.1

Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Arab Emirates

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights represented the culmination of a process to establish the foundations of international law. Due to the events of the Second World War, in its last days a conference is established to establish rules of the game between nations. Its purpose is world peace and stability through the guarantee of human dignity. Learn more about this exciting topic, history and evolution.

Si quieres conocer sobre la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos en español visita el siguiente enlace:

Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos. Historia y preámbulo

However, the countries belonging to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (ICO) have had numerous objections to this declaration. The vision of Islamic countries is that the universal declaration of human rights corresponds to a “secular interpretation of Judeo-Christian tradition.” Likewise, in their opinion, the UDHR does not consider cultural and religious elements of non-Western states.

This is how in 1990, after many deliberations, 45 ICO ministers signed on behalf of their countries the Declaration of Human Rights in Islam. This document is also often referred to as the “Cairo Declaration”.

Later we will deepen the role of the “Cairo Declaration” and its function. But let’s start by knowing a little more about the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Birth of “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”

Known as the San Francisco Conference between April 25 and June 26, 1945, 50 allied nationals gathered. Finally, the purpose of these nations was to establish an organism that avoided new world wars.

Upon completion of the conference, the creation of the Charter of the United Nations is achieved. This is how the signing of the United Nations letter on July 26, 45 laid the foundation for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Finally and thanks to the United Nations mechanism, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is signed on June 26, 1945

In the vote, only eight states, of the 58 member states, abstained. The states that abstained from voting were:

  • Saudi Arabia
  • Belarus
  • Czechoslovakia
  • Poland
  • South Africa
  • Ukraine
  • Soviet Union
  • Yugoslavia

In this way, the rights considered inalienable for human beings were reflected in a document of 30 articles. We will briefly discuss the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human Rights


The preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The reasons for establishing Human Rights should be clear. Legality establishes this type of prerogatives in order to avoid misinterpretation of the law. That is why the preamble speaks of the Why human rights? It is clear to us that the search for peace in the world and its stability is only possible with the search for the defense of human dignity.

This is how the preamble lays its foundations on the following precepts:

  1. The human family has equal and inalienable rights. That is why the recognition of these rights and their dignity is the basis for the freedom, justice and peace of the world.
  2. World wars and acts of barbarism of humanity throughout history have only been possible through ignorance and disregard of these rights. That is why it is considered essential to leave them established.
  3. The preamble states that the aspiration of humanity is a world free of misery and fear in which everyone enjoys freedom of speech and belief.
  4. The defense of human rights is a mechanism that protects the dignity of the human being. But the defense of human rights is also a way to avoid rebellions. The intention is to promote stability by avoiding the need for men to rebel against tyranny and oppressors.
  5. This common vision of the rights of human beings is the foundation for harmonious relations between nations.

Definitely the preamble of the Declaration of Human Rights has much to give. Next we will touch on other aspects of the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Connections of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Connections of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Other elements of the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights represented an advance for humanity. With it, the countries pledged to preserve certain common values, without specifying how. This puts us in a common goal for humanity. Here are some valuable elements of this Declaration:

  • Countries committed to respect such rights as the basis for the relationship between countries.
  • All signatory nations pledged to establish mechanisms for the “effective exercise” of these rights. This means that these rights are not a dead letter. Countries are required to present mechanisms to guarantee such rights.
  • It is reinforced at every point that this vision of Human Rights is a common vision. In this way there is no way to “shake” the commitment of his defense. The full fulfillment of their commitment is key to peace.

In one way or another in the preamble is the key to the commitment to the protection of human rights. Having a common vision of it is the source of agreement so that any deviation can be noticed and corrected. Beyond the possibility of excessive deviation is limited by the vision of the rest. A straitjacket to make its implantation really effective.

We must be content that the nations reached this point. This way massive injustices are avoided just as we can avoid a new world war. The human being is not above others to subject him to treatment that does not correspond to human rights.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Impact of human rights in today’s world

This common vision has put obstacles to tyrannical and pseudo-democratic regimes. If we are going to see many countries have problems in one other aspect of human rights. However, the common perspective of human rights puts great obstacles to non-democratic forms of government.

Human rights have changed the landscape of the world. Although they have been manipulated at times, you cannot fail to recognize the progress they mean. An agreement on the rights of human beings on a global level tells us about a sense of universal and global humanity.

This common vision is the key to the advancement of humanity in a joint direction. Human rights will lay the foundation for a peaceful future where all nations can contribute to the realization of civilization.

Quality of Care based on Human Rights Principles
Quality of Care based on Human Rights Principles

Some of the elements that will allow progress and realization of human rights are:

  • It is guaranteed that men are born free and equal. We are all part of the “human family.” It stops dehumanizing the other who is not and / or does not think like me.
  • The possibility of acts of barbarity based on the disregard of human rights is cut off.
  • Guarantee of education as a means of liberation and equality among men.
  • Human rights are a way of giving stability to governments. Their contempt is the key to economic and political instability.
Everybody (subtitled)

What is the status of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in countries of Islam?

As we have said, the criticisms by the governments of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation have to do with their cultural and religious context. However, the incorporation of many of these nations into the modern world in conjunction with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has led to a reinterpretation of their traditions.

Many countries have abandoned practices such as corporal punishment, stoning among others. This has been the product of an internalization of a new reality. The less punitive interpretation of Sharia has led to a modification of the legality in Islamic countries.

Also the Cairo Declaration or Declaration of Human Rights in Islam have served to make visible the deviant interpretations of Sharia in some countries. In this way the Declaration of Human Rights in Islam serves as a guide for the application of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Gradually in each country and culture, human rights take relevance to go to the recognition of human dignity. And the recognition of human dignity framed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a guarantee of stability and peace.

Gustavo Mirabal believes that it is important to know the reality and progress of Human Rights in the United Arab Emirates. There he has established his new office in Dubai and wishes you to know his progress. The Arab emirate Dubai has made progress in economic, financial and legal matters.

In future issues we will deepen each of the articles that make up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We hope this is one of the issues that gain importance little by little. All nations are obliged to promote human rights through education. We put our grain of sand. Until the next issue.




If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Legal Word, go to:

Gunnevera Horse

Remembering Venezuelan victories: Gunnevera in Dubai.

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Venezuela yielding victories in world riding through its riders, coaches and horses. This time Gunnevera was a thoroughbred sorrel owned by Venezuelan Antonio Sano. He competed on March 30 at the Dubai World Cup at the Maydan racecourse. But before telling the excellent results, let’s talk a little about Gunnevera.

The equine, born on February 28, 2014, participated in one of the most important fair of his career, the 2000 meter race, belonging to the G1 distance category.

The event was held at the Meydan Racecourse and this horse already had good expectations.

Everyone involved, the owner of the horse, Salomón del Valle, his coach, Antonio Sano, as his usual rider, Javier Castellano, felt proud of the animal and the work they developed with him.

Gunnevera and good billing

At the time of the event Gunnevera had a record of, 20-6, with a production of $ 4,361,800, his last victory before the World Cup Dubai won on August 10, 2018 in an Allowance of Gulsftream Park.

These are all the antecedents with which Gunnevera took Meydan for the second time.

Gunnevera - 2016 Saratoga Special Stakes

Strong injury to Gunnevera

In 2018, the participation of this horse in several fair events was overshadowed due to an unfortunate injury he suffered in the race.

But as the saying goes: “new year new life”, the horse is very good and healthy. He’s back with everything for 2019 full of victories.

Revenge is breathed in the environment as well as the desire to recover lost time.

So his fans are already waiting for this copy of his best in Dubai to come home with the victory.

Famous riders have ridden it

Due to his skills and charisma this horse has been ridden by several famous riders. Among them the winners of the Eclipse Award, Mike Smith, Javier Castellano and Irad Ortiz Jr.

This horse has participated in the Kentucky Derby of 2017, as well as, in the last two editions of the Breeders´Cup Classic G1 and in the first one, he equals fourth place with the Arrogate Champion.

Mike Smith and Jose Ortiz Jr Gunnavera 's jockeys
Mike Smith and Jose Ortiz Jr Gunnavera ‘s jockeys

About horse owners

Gunnevera is a son of Dialed In in Undbridled Rage by Undbridled.

Salomon del Valle, owner of the horse, buys this copy for a total amount of $ 16,000 during an auction.

Investment that has recovered and with ample profit, since the horse has already produced more than one million dollars in prizes in favor of Stud Peacock Racing Satbles LLC, also of Venezuelans.

Races won by Gunnevera

Among the races won by Sano’s horse are the Fountain of Youth.

As is known, this fair represents one of the emblematic classics on the route to the Kentucky Derby.

Triumph with which Gunnevera ensures the advance to the Kentucky Derby, first gem of the Triple Crown of the United States.

The victory of this horse raised by Venezuelans is recorded under an important scenario since the animal completes the 1,700 meter course with a great feat.

As usual, Gunnevera, lags behind at the start of the race, while Three Rules comes out with great force and is chased by the favorite Irish War Cry.

Contrary to what happened at the Holly Bull Stakes, in which Gunnevera finishes second, the rider Javier Castellano makes him finish off the outside since they stepped on land of the final 700 meters.

And the counterattack begins.

Gunnevera responds immediately to the demands of the Zulian jockey and in the post of the 500 was fourth two lengths of the pointers.

“Already in the right matches them and in the final 250 meters passes with comfort to finish defining with a comfortable victory of seven bodies in their favor on Practical Joke, who got second and Three Rules that endured the third,” says the portal of Meridiano Sports.

As you can see, it has been Javier Castellano who has achieved his greatest potential.

Javier Castellano Gunnevera 's Jockey
Javier Castellano Gunnevera ‘s Jockey

Two years after Gunnevera’s debut

Gunnevera makes his track debut on June 10, 2016, in an inaugural race at Gulfstream Park, finishing second behind the future winner of Three Rules bets.

In his next commitment culminates in the fourth position. Again behind Three Rules, in Birdonthewire Stakes.

By July 16, he breaks his maiden by rallying in a special single-weight race in Gulfstream.

After this, his coach, Antonio Sano, transfers him to the company of graduated bets at Saratoga Special Stakes on August 14, where he wins after a move from last to first.

“Everything went very well, we had a perfect trip,” said rider Javier Castellano. “In the long term, it will be a very good horse.”

Later Gunnevera finishes in fifth place behind the two-year-old champion, Classic Empire, in Gr.I Breeders ‘Futurity Stakes.

In his final start as a youth, he found the winners circle in the Delta Downs Jackpot Stakes.

3 year season

Gunnevera made his three-year debut at the Holy Bull Stakes Grade II on February 4, 2017, finishing second behind Irish War Cry but ahead of the favorite Classic Empire, who finished third.

After this, Gunnevera manages to win the Fountain of Youth at its next start, defeating the multiple winner of Gr.I, Practical Joke, Three Rules and Irish War Cry.

The victory placed Gunnevera as one of the first favorites in 2017, on the way to the Kentucky Derby.

In his last race of preparation for the Derby, he finishes in a distant third place behind the rising star Always Dreaming in the Florida Derby, despite the close of the campaign.

During the Derby, with Javier Castellano on his back, he settles with a probability of 15-1 in the field of 20 horses.

But, on race day, he finishes seventh after being trapped in traffic at various points in the race.

In his next commitment to the Preakness Stakes, Gunnevera was led by Mike E. Smith after Castellano chose to ride Cloud Computing, with whom he won the race.

While Gunnevera finishes fifth, but leaves the race with bleeding in the left hind leg and does not start at the Belmont stakes.

Difficult tests for Gunnevera

On August 26, 2017, Gunnevera makes his next start at Grade I Travers Stakes in Saratoga. He was fired widely with 20-1 odds in the morning row in a field of nine qualified stake winners, including the winners of the three Triple Crown races.

After being hit hard at the start, Gunnevera is dropped backwards during the first half mile before starting a run on the opposite straight.

Suddenly, he makes a wide turn in the last turn and moves towards the containment in the middle of stretching while leaning and hitting with Irap, who finished third.

This way Gunnevera finishes second, then resists an investigation by administrators about interference with Irap

4 year season

This horse continues to give good results during 2018, despite having been injured. A sports portento that would be to continue harvesting.

And it is that during a race in Gulfstream Park he manages to take the victory again. That demonstrated that it was able to overcome.

Thus, the pupil of Venezuelan coach Antonio Sano marks his return to the track, this time under the chair of the Puerto Rican rider Edgard Zayas.

The 4-year-old horse reaped his sixth victory in 17 presentations for Margoth stud, exceeding $ 3 million in production.

Latin victories in the Dubai World Cup

In the history of the Dubai World Cup there have been several victories of Latinos that have marked milestones. Here are some:

  • In 204, the rider from Panama, Alex Solís, was the first Latin rider to win this event at the Dubai World Cup.
  • For the year 2007, the Argentinian-Uruguayan horse Invasor was the first South American horse to win the Dubai competition.

A good place for Gunnevera in the Dubai World Cup

Finally, 2019 has been an excellent year for Gunnevera. After achieving his full recovery on March 30, 2019 he participated in the Dubai World Cup. The participation of the horse is one of the best lifts we can remember to the best international places.

Gunnevera Achieves third place in the Dubai World Cup in a competition that distributed 12 million dollars. Gunnavera achieves a cash prize of 1.2 million dollars just having completed his five years of service. Recall that Gunnavera was born on February 28, 2014.

In this way Gunnevera manages to total a collection in prizes for 5,561,800. A single race to get 20% of your collection, not bad.

Below we share a video about the victory of this great horse, Venezuelan pride:

2019 Dubai World Cup Race Replay



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Dubai Skyscraper

Dubai a wonderful place to visit and invest

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“Gustavo Mirabal Castro in Dubai” Series – Issue # 1: Planet Earth is full of wonderful places. In many cases, men artificially created these dream spaces. This is just what happens with Dubai thus making it a tourist destination par excellence. From this transformative perspective we will address all aspects related to this magical place.

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Dubái un lugar maravilloso

Dubai is part of the seven Emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates. This wonderful city is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf, in the Arabian desert.

The city is a sign that when an organized society wants to succeed it can do so. Well, today Dubai is a city that in terms of tourism is highly valued by tourists and businessmen.

Due to the above and more, the Venezuelan Gustavo Mirabal Castro has made the right decision to set up a branch of his prestigious law firm on that site.


Actions limited by city legislation

In Dubai, legislation in accordance with Islamic law is practiced. Islamic law is also known as Sharia. Its application is extremely strict and is one of the points we should consider so as not to offend its culture.

Its legislation admits the death penalty and therefore transgressions of the law can be punished even with life. Other milder transgressions such as signs of affection in public are grounds for deportation. From the cultural point of view there are countries that criticize this legislation. It is important to consider that this is your law and whoever wishes to visit Dubai must adapt to it.

In the case of prostitution it is classified as a transgression, in this sense it is punished with the full weight of the law. This behavior is generally less accepted in other countries.

The inhabitants of Dubai are prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages. In the case of foreigners, they must request a permit to consume this type of beverage.

As for the way of dressing, they also maintain their strict rules as there are specific standards to meet in the city as such.

As we can see in this Emirate, taking into account the law is very important. In addition, they watch over Dubai for faithful compliance with the law.

Dubai Laws
Dubai Laws

Economic aspects of the city of Dubai

As regards the economy, The geographical location of Dubai gives it certain advantages over the rest of the Emirates. Additionally, Dubai established a very attractive fiscal policy for foreign investment.

On the other hand, the economic stability that Dubai is enviable and also has a large number of large-scale infrastructure projects. Hence they have positioned themselves as an international business Emirate.

In relation to its Gross Domestic Product, it has maintained an annual development of approximately 3% since 2010.

For the year 2017, its nominal gross domestic product was 111.79 billion dollars. This volume of revenue accounts for about one third of that of the entire country. However, the revenue from Dubai derived from the oil industry has reduced its share of total revenues since 2000.

This more than a problem is something remarkable. Duba more than decrease oil revenues, has managed to raise its income in other sectors such as tourism and air transport.

On the other hand, the construction segment and the real estate sector have a huge financial impact on the famous Arab Emirate. They also collect most of the state investments. Another segment of great relevance in the economic aspect of Dubai is aviation. Well, this contributes approximately 30% to the Gross Domestic Product of that Emirate.

Dubai Skyscraper
Dubai Skyscraper

Advantages that make Dubai the operations center of Gustavo Mirabal

One of the main attractions for foreign investors in this place are free trade places. Thus places like Dubai Media City, Knowledge Village and Maritime City attract more investments every day. In addition to this, it has the fiscal management of the Emirate in the direction of international trade. This has helped make today a site with great economic firmness.

Finally, and to complement the attractions for foreign investment, a 0% tax regime was established for the private business sector. In addition, Dubai allows 100% repatriation of capital.

The fiscal, geographical and capital repatriation advantages make Dubai an international economic center. It is ready for Gustavo Mirabal to manage your family assets with the best advantages.

Dubai tourist explosion

Dubai is one of the dream destinations for most. It has a great boom and the development that has been experiencing for a few years ago puts it among one of the most desired luxury destinations. In relation to the role that tourism has played in the region’s economy it has been remarkable. Hence, every day is consolidated as a very attractive tourist destination. This due to the political, economic and sociocultural context that prevails on the site.

Successful driving of the site has brought as a positive effect the investment in various construction sites such as the Burj Al Arab hotel in 1999.

The statistics are very positive because they show the growth trend of tourism in Dubai. A historic milestone was fulfilled in 2012, since the place exceeded ten million foreign visitors. While for 2018 the figure above 15.9 million tourists was far exceeded.

In 20 years, Dubai went from being a tourist unknown to being one of the most important sites of luxury tourism

Therefore, there is an expectation that for the 2020 Expo this figure will break record in the history of that city. The tourists mostly come from countries such as India, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, China and Oman.

Of the most relevant activities of this Emirate is commerce. That is why it is listed as “The shopping capital of the Middle East”

Dubai Mall
Dubai Mall

The connection of Dubai with the United Kingdom and its tourism

The emirate has historical roots that bring it closer to the United Kingdom as the Emirate was an English colony for many years. This is how thanks to this connection the special laws and their liberal economies are so similar.

Based on the above, you can see the so-called free zones in the city. In addition to the current fiscal policies that provide the advantage of buying luxurious products at possible prices.

One of the attractions par excellence in the area are the different outdoor fairs. As well as the Dubai Mall, which is famous for being the largest shopping center in the world.

Transportation in the center of the economy of Dubai

One of the points that has been very important for Dubai and its economy is its geographical location. This is how its location nestled in the Middle East and as a bridge between Europe and Asia have made it privileged. Its airline “Emirates” is in the top ten of the airlines worldwide.

That is why the city of Dubai could not be less and that is why they decided to place one of the world’s surface transport systems, the Palm Jumeirah Metro in Dubai.

DUBAI MONORAIL Ride | DRIVERLESS Train!! | The Best View of PALM ISLAND 🏝 🔥🔥🔥

Palm Jumeirah Metro

This splendid and modern transport system began in 2009. It is said that the Dubai metro is avant-garde since it is one of the most modern public transport systems in the region.

This meter consists of several phases that are mentioned below:

  • First line: it is the red one with an extension of 52 km and that formed the first stage of the automated network.
  • Second line: it is the green one which was opened in 2010 with a branch of 20 km.
  • The other lines are in the construction stage and are called purple and blue.
  • It is predicted that when the project is complete, it will be the largest metro network in the Arabian peninsula.
  • The Gateway Station, Ittihad Park Station, Atlantis Aquaventure Station stations are currently open.

The monorail of Palma Jumeirah in Dubai is a transport that connects the homonymous island with the mainland. This was opened to the public in April 2009, so it has been running for more than two decades. This was a milestone in the Emirates region. It currently transports more than 3000 passengers a day and is a great tourist attraction.

As we have seen Dubai is one of those places to visit and learn about other cultures. Also a place to know what is capable of doing proper economic management. That is why Gustavo Mirabal has decided to bet on establishing an international operations headquarters in Dubai. Get to know it.


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El rol del Derecho Canónico

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El rol del Derecho Canónico

Dentro de las múltiples vertientes del derecho se encuentra el Derecho Canónico. Ahora bien, el termino de Derecho Canónico proviene del griego κανον kanon,  cuyo significado es  norma o medida.

De tal manera que se puede definir el Derecho Canónico como una ciencia jurídica que conforma un segmento específico dentro del derecho con el propósito de estudiar y desplegar la regulación jurídica de la Iglesia católica.

Bajo esta perspectiva  comprenden tres nociones que han causado debate acerca de su consideración a lo largo de la historia hasta la actualidad. Entre ellas podemos mencionar los siguientes elementos: su finalidad, su carácter jurídico y su autonomía científica.

La iglesia católica  desde sus comienzos ha sido sumamente organizada al punto de contar con sus propias normas jurídicas. De allí que se denomine como Derecho Canónico  puesto que sus fundamentales raíces legales vienen de los cánones o acuerdos conciliares.

En efecto, el Derecho Canónico compone un ordenamiento jurídico. A partir de esta premisa cuentan con sus propios tribunales, abogados, jurisprudencia, dos códigos plenamente modulados e inclusive con elementos generales del derecho.

Según el canonista Ferreres, define el Derecho Canónico de la siguiente manera:

“El conjunto de leyes dadas por Dios, o por la potestad eclesiástica, por las cuales se ordena la constitución, régimen y disciplina de la Iglesia Católica”.

Como bien podemos observar la explicación anterior la norma jurídica de la Iglesia católica es muy singular. Además esta religión suele ser una de las principales a nivel mundial.

Derecho Canónico: al servicio de la Iglesia


Historia del Derecho Canónico

  • A lo largo de la historia que conlleva el Derecho Canónico como tal se derivan los denominados  cánones de los concilios que  se completan con decretos papales. De allí forman varios compendios como el Liber Extra, el Liber Sextus  y las Clementinas. Estos  van desde el año 1234 hasta el 1317 aproximadamente.
  • Luego en el periodo comprendido entre los años 1140 y 1142 el célebre Graciano escribió la Concordia discordantium canonum. Esta se conoce como Decreto de Graciano, una obra que tiene como fin ajustar la aglomeración de cánones existentes desde tiempo atrás, entre estos difieren en su contenido.
  • Consecutivamente, se constituyó una compilación nombrada Corpus Iuris Canonici, que contenía las seis primordiales obras canónicas públicas. Esta compuesta entre 1140 y 1503. A partir de allí fue aplicada hasta la publicación del Código de Derecho Canónico de 1917.
  • A partir del siglo XX  se comienza un proceso de compilación de todo el material existente de normas que era complicado de entender.  En efecto, el primer  Código de Derecho Canónico  se divulgó por  Benedicto XV en el año 1917.
  • Por último el Código de Derecho Canónico es el que se encuentra vigente en la actualidad. Este fue promovido por el Sumo Pontifice Juan Pablo II en la década de los 80. Este se conforma por un total de siete tratados, que hablan de diversos temas.
  • Entre el temario que aborda el Código de Derecho Canónico están: Las normas generales, el pueblo de Dios, la función de enseñar de la Iglesia, las funciones de santificar a la Iglesia, los bienes temporales de la Iglesia, las sanciones en la Iglesia y los procesos.
  • Las Ramas del derecho canónico son las que se mencionan a continuación: constitucional, fundamental, administrativo, penal, procesal, sacramental y matrimonial.
Historia del Derecho Canónico
Historia del Derecho Canónico

Campo de aplicación del Derecho Canónico

A medida que han transcurridos los años este ámbito de las leyes se dedica única y exclusivamente a lo que le compete la estructura de la iglesia católica. No obstante en  la edad media, tenía facultad sobre los temas del orden civil. Entre ellos el matrimonio, divorcio, sucesiones, entre otros. Sin embargo, hoy en día ya estos temas están enmarcados en las leyes del estado. El único que sigue estando bajo su potestad es el matrimonio por la iglesia.

De allí que dejó de aplicarse en los estados protestantes, desde la reforma. Además, en la generalidad de los católicos, en la etapa del siglo XIX.

En este sentido el autor  Radbruch manifiesta lo siguiente:

“el derecho eclesiástico empezó siendo un derecho de la Iglesia para el mundo”, terminando por ser “un derecho de la Iglesia para la Iglesia”.

En definitiva esta área del derecho se afinca exclusivamente en lo relacionado a la iglesia de allí. Fuera de este espectro no tiene mucho sentido.


El derecho canónico es universal, porque afecta a todo el Pueblo de Dios. Este se determina por la unidad de su categorización basada en el propósito de Cristo. Así mismo,  los medios de salvación y un máximo ente rector como lo es el Papa y el Colegio episcopal.

Además,  la diversidad  y no uniformidad que se muestra en el derecho específico de las diferentes partes del Pueblo de Dios. Tiene una gran flexibilidad y facultad de ajuste a los distintos contextos.

El derecho de la Iglesia tiene en su propio espacio totalidad de capacidad. Pues no hay materia correspondida con el fin de la Iglesia a la que no pueda dar una medida jurídica, y de soberanía, porque no depende de un ordenamiento superior.

Es un derecho con un esencial carácter pastoral. De allí que todas los organismos se rigen al fin de la resguardo de las almas.

Código de Derecho Canónico
Código de Derecho Canónico

En síntesis

Podemos ver como a lo largo del tiempo se han escrito obras acerca del Derecho Canónico. De esta evolución se tiene el efecto de que sea más entendible para las personas que se rigen por este. En especial las personas que componen la estructura de la iglesia católica a nivel mundial. Siendo el máximo ente rector en esta materia el vaticano presidido por el sumo pontífice o como también suele llamarse el Papa.

Entonces allí se definen los deberes y derechos así como las infracciones en caso de cometer algún tipo de falta que está contemplada allí. Realmente esta debería ir evolucionando en la medida de los cambios que se van presentando en la actualidad.


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