//Anesthesia in horses – Tips and Care – Gustavo Mirabal Castro
Anesthesia in horses

Anesthesia in horses – Tips and Care – Gustavo Mirabal Castro

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As we know, surgical interventions should be painful when making cuts in the skin and organs. To reduce pain, anesthesia is applied, either local or general, and this prevents surgical interventions from causing suffering. The same happens with the animals that are living beings. However, in animals depending on the size and species, different types and doses of anesthesia will be required. In this article, we will discuss what is related to the application of anesthesia in horses.

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In particular, the case of horses requires an operating room with adequate spaces. Also the administration of anesthesia should be done by a veterinarian. This should also handle everything related to anesthesia in horses very well.

The application of anesthesia has always been a risk-ridden process. A minimum mistake can cost the life of the animal. For this reason the management of anesthesia in the horse must be done in a careful way to avoid setbacks.

Anesthetizing the Horse

The general risks of anesthesia.

In addition, the role of the veterinarian who places anesthesia in horses is to monitor the vital signs of the animal. On the other hand, making sure that oxygen reaches the brain, so we can see is not so trivial.

An anesthesiologist has a great responsibility over his men. A responsibility of life, because it is the life of an animal in this case it can be a dog a horse a bird among others.

Excess anesthesia, in addition to turning off pain, can turn off nerve impulses, causing cardiac or respiratory arrest. That is why the doses and combinations of anesthetic drugs are monitored very carefully. This depends on the animal, the breed and its size and weight. That is why the doctor must have a great knowledge about anesthesia.

Role of the anesthesiologist in the application of anesthesia in horses

The anesthesiologist is the person in charge of ensuring that everything goes well in horse surgery. As an integral and fundamental part of the surgery team, you are committed to monitoring the well-being of the horse while under anesthesia.

The veterinarian who applies anesthesia in horses must adjust the needs of each animal in this case of horses. This implies taking into account important aspects such as the medical condition of the horse. Likewise, reactions to anesthesia and demands of surgical intervention.

He is a veterinarian who trained in anesthesiology. Its role in the operating room is to ensure comfort during surgery. Also make correct medical decisions to protect the life of the horse they are operating.

Anesthesia in horses
Anesthesia in horses

Monitoring before surgery of the horse

Anesthesia and surgical intervention affect the entire horse system, it is important that you be aware of the animal’s conditions.

For the application of anesthesia it is required to ask some questions to the owner or person responsible for the horse. The owner must explain in detail what is related to the diseases suffered by the animal and if it is applying any particular medication.

On the other hand, the veterinarian will explain to the owner of the animal about the surgery and the type of anesthesia to be applied to the horse to intervene. It is very likely that they perform laboratory tests on the horse this will depend on the complexity of the clinic and the operation.

Monitoring horse vital functions
Monitoring horse vital functions

Horse surgery

Before the start of the surgical intervention, the veterinarian will direct anesthesia in the animal. In this sense, the veterinarian’s mission will focus on controlling vital functions.

Among the vital functions to be monitored are heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, body temperature and respiration. Good control and supervision of vital signs guarantees a percentage of the success of the operation on the horse.

In addition, another of the primary factors is to be very careful about the replacement of fluids and blood, when necessary.

The veterinarian will diagnose and treat any medical problems that arise during horse surgery. The veterinarian’s work is a great responsibility.

If there are any complications, the veterinarian who applies the anesthesia will be ready to treat it during surgery or immediately afterwards.

Continuous medical attention during surgery is necessary for an expedited recovery of the horse.

The anesthesiologist veterinarian has the power to deal not only with sudden medical problems related to surgery. In addition it can treat habitual sufferings that require special attention during the surgical intervention of the horse.

Throughout this process, the anesthesiologist has the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team so that everything goes well and the operation of the horse is a success.

Post operative process

The veterinarian in charge of administering the anesthesia will continue the role of care and supervision in the recovery room. There he will direct the personnel that controls the state and vital signs as the sequelae of anesthesia passes.

This will also provide when the horse can leave this room. In addition to indicating the medications to certify a prompt and excellent performance.

How do you wake up a horse safely?

Types of anesthesia in horses

Thiobarbiturates have been used for a long time to induce and maintain short-acting general anesthesia in horses. One of the most used today is the thiopental.

Previously, these short-acting hypnotics were used as they were considered the agents of choice to induce short-lived reluctance in anticipated horses.

Then, guaifenesin began to be used and, more freshly, xylazine, these were administered simultaneously with barbiturates. Also before the injection of these, to optimize the quality of anesthesia induction and recovery.

The progress and innovation of anesthesia in horses facilitated the execution of surgical and therapeutic procedures that require longer hypnosis.

How did the application of anesthesia evolve?

Anesthesia in horses
Anesthesia in horses

However, this brought not so positive consequences because as the duration of anesthesia administration was increased, the duration of recovery of it was lengthened. On the other hand, the effectiveness of the recovery became more unpredictable and even difficult for both the animal and the personnel in charge of its management.

At present, dissociative anesthetics such as ketamine have lavishly supplied thiobarbiturates in the anesthetic management of horses. This innovation has solidly reformed the quality of anesthesia induction as well as the recovery of the horse.

As a consequence that dissociative agents cause an undesirable sequel to exaltation of the central nervous system. The use of these drugs in horses merits the concurrent regency of other drugs to transform behavior such as alpha-2 agonists.

Precautions for horse surgeries

Many precautions should be taken when a horse is going to undergo surgery. It should be taken into account that the team that will attend to it has the proper management of anesthesia in horses. Since the application of anesthesia in horses is extremely delicate and can compromise the life of the animal.

Also a good pre-operative evaluation, as well as a highly qualified team, can partly guarantee the surgical intervention of the horse.

So the owners and managers of the horses are urged to give priority to the health of the horses on their farm. In effect you can avoid complications that have to end in a surgical intervention.

The precautions and good planning of a surgical intervention will improve your likelihood of success. As well as the good preparation of anesthesia in horses will guarantee its good recovery. Preventing is the key to taking care of your horse’s health.






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