Madrid is a majestic city with an unsurpassed beauty, rich from the historical and architectural point of view. This European city has managed to consolidate alternative therapies as a tool for the well-being of human beings. Hence, far and wide as well as in the vicinity of the city of Madrid there are different venues where equine therapy practices are carried out. For this important reason we will mention the medical centers that apply the alternative therapy of equine therapy in Madrid.
The horse has an important place in the city of Madrid, since the Zarzuela Racecourse is located. In the Zarzuela is where the main equestrian competitions of Madrid are realized. Additionally, the horse also intervenes in citizen security because it is part of the Madrid police as well as two other cities in Spain.
In addition to this, the horse has a role as co-therapist in each of the centers where they carry out assisted therapy with horses. Equine therapy has multiple benefits and is indicated for a significant number of diseases and conditions in humans.
Equine therapy in Madrid
Equine therapy in Madrid has become a very popular therapy. This is enjoyed by patients who have the privilege of attending the sessions of this alternative therapy. This is how every day the equine therapy is gaining more ground not only in Madrid but in other cities of the Spanish country.
It should be noted that these equestrian centers where this therapy is carried out have a multidisciplinary team to address each case in a holistic and personalized way. Taking into account that even being the same condition, this can vary from one person to another. Therefore, it is important that they carry out an adequate approach in each case.
Next we will proceed to mention some equine therapy centers in Madrid.
Equine therapy Madrid Sur
Equinoterapia Madrid Sur was founded in 2014. The goal of the organization is to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. For this they have the horses and their environment, which are the main engine of the work carried out by this equine therapy organization in Madrid.
The Equinoterapia Madrid Sur organization was established by a team of experts from various professional spaces that deal with social inclusion and disability. These people have training in animal therapy. As well as a trajectory of more than a decade using animals as co-therapists
The training and expertise of the professionals who work there is extensive. They know their field and it is necessary to count on professional concessions so that they use in an appropriate way the benefits offered by horse-assisted therapy. In effect, they achieve the objectives of rehabilitation and education in their participants.

Another important element of the Equinoterapia Madrid Sur organization is the welfare of its animals. The members of this team are people who love, respect and defend the rights of animals.
The animals in this case the horses are the fundamental element of the Equinoterapia Madrid Sur organization. Since they are the co-therapists who intervene in each of the sessions that they perform there. Thus the horses become part of the multidisciplinary team.
It should be noted that the horses of this institution have their recreation space. They also have the privilege that they are very well cared for, loved and respected.
You can visit them on their webpage:
The “Asociación Al Paso”

Another of the institutions that offers the Equine therapy service in Madrid is the so-called “Asociación Al Paso” (“Al Paso Association”). This organization is made up of a multidisciplinary component of various professionals. Among them we can mention the following one physiotherapist, two psychologists and two teachers of education being these experts in everything related to therapies with horses.
The horses of the “Asociación Al Paso” are chosen and trained in order to guarantee an excellent, convincing and effective intervention.
Depending on the contribution provided by the different professionals of the “Asociación Al Paso” team together with the advantages of horses and the participation of volunteers.
This association is responsible for promoting personal progress, quality of life and social integration of people with different types of disabilities through systemic rehabilitation.
Regarding intervention programs, intervention programs for therapy, teaching and recreational activities are developed and disseminated with the horse as a primary therapeutic resource. Likewise, psychological intervention programs are carried out with assisted psychological intervention with horses.
On the other hand, training and research are a fundamental element to continue innovating in the field of alternative therapies, dissemination, training and research programs in equestrian therapies are promoted.
To carry out this therapy, the relationship with the horse and the nature of the equestrian center is used, thus promoting respect for the environment and animals. Other activities of the Al Paso organization are to benefit the social and labor inclusion of people with disabilities.
They also provide care and advice to people with disabilities and their families. Finally, promote the work of volunteering
You can visit them on their webpage
Arrenatura Association
This is another Equine therapy organization in Madrid which is called Asociación Arrenatura. This is a non-profit group.
Its purpose is to bring the equestrian world closer to people with disabilities. But not only is it also open to people who are interested in this world.
The Arrenatura Association is established by a multidisciplinary team with great experience and experience in the procedure and scope of curative, competitive and vocational processes.
The goal of this equine therapy organization in Madrid is the care and conservation of all participants. This includes both patients and horses in their coexistence in the same environment. In this way they manage to enjoy nature and establish affectionate bonds. Indeed there is a real inclusion from the family, social and pedagogical point of view.
The values promoted by this equine therapy organization in Madrid called Asociación Arrenatura are the following. Responsibility, Equity, Gratitude, Respect, Creativity and Motivation.

The main mission of the Arrenatura Association provides, through new methodologies, a comprehensive service of animal-assisted therapies. To help improve the quality of life of people. As for the vision, it seeks inclusion thanks to animal passion, thus achieving the exchange of equestrian practices with other entities.
The target audience that benefits from the different activities offered by the Arrenatura Association are people with some type of disability.
In addition to physical therapies, they also perform stimulation for Early Childhood from the first year of life. Finally, they also offer services to the elderly and people who want to experience something new and recreational with the company of horses.
Expanding equine therapy
Throughout the article three Equine therapy centers in Madrid could be mentioned. While we can see that the three agree to provide specialized care to people with disabilities we can also notice the differences.
Everyone considers the horse as a fundamental element to achieve their goals. Another of the factors in which they agree is that they have highly trained team to carry out a good approach to the cases presented to them.
As in Madrid, in other areas of Spain there are also equestrian centers where they carry out assisted therapy with horses. This is one of the alternative therapies that enjoys great popularity today. For this reason it is practiced in Europe and in the rest of the world.
If you don’t live in Madrid, tell us where you live so we can help you find equine therapy centers in your region. Equine therapy is changing the way we think and how we interact with this beautiful animal. Share this knowledge with others.
We leave you with this TEDx talk video. Bye
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