//Active horse racing in Spain
Horse racing in Spain after Coronavirus

Active horse racing in Spain

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The coronavirus pandemic practically paralyzed the entire planet so far this year. Therefore, all activities were affected. Horse racing is among the activities affected by coronavirus in Spain.

Only essential activities such as the health, safety, and food sectors, among others, were the ones that have remained active. For this reason, the equestrian world was greatly affected by this interruption of activities.

It should be noted that Spain has been one of the countries in Europe most affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Since the beginning of the health crisis, 27,127 people have died in Spain and 239,932 confirmed cases. The good news is that starting the month of June a light is already seen at the end of the tunnel. Well, the number of deaths reached 0.

This is hopeful, however people must maintain the same precaution as they have been doing until now.

The equestrian industry has been affected worldwide as horses, like riders, have been quarantined.

Right now is when horse racing in Spain gradually starts to activate.

Zarzuela horse racing stadium - Ep #18 (English)

Competitive sport returns – Horse racing in Spain

The equestrian sport is reactivated in Spain after the time that the alarm state due to the coronavirus has lasted.

That is why horse racing in Spain returns this June. Unfortunately, there are many blows received by the pandemic in this country. Although good news is that horse racing in Spain reinvents itself and returns to the ring.

In its own way, it seeks to activate equestrian competitions, it should be noted that Spain is a country with a rich equestrian culture. Little by little the activities related to the horses get up.

“La Zarzuela” Racecourse lived a very hard time after being closed for almost a decade for reasons of inefficient management.

In 2015 “La Zarzuela” remained nine months without horse racing and currently they have been without activity for more than three months. As we can see the horse riding has been hit on several occasions.

This activity employs more than 2000 people so it was going through a difficult time. However, horse racing in Spain will be the first sport to get going after the state of alarm.

However, activities should be carried out with extreme caution to avoid new infections.

Horse racing in Spain after Coronavirus
Horse racing in Spain after Coronavirus

From June 3 horse racing in Spain is activated

On June 3 at Lasarte Racecourse and on Sunday 14 in Madrid, the thoroughbreds will gallop again. In this way horse racing in Spain is activated.

In the same way it has happened in other countries of Europe like England that carried out the races of Windsor without public. Another country where equestrian activities are activated is France.

These countries have trajectories of more than a century when it comes to equestrian competitions.

The Lasarte and La Zarzuela racecourses, horse races will take place in these spaces.

For the purposes of these important equestrian competitions they will be held without an audience, with strict security measures and with masked jockeys.

The return of equestrian activity is of utmost importance since there are many jobs that are at risk. With the preventive measures it is feasible that they can be kept that way for the rest of the year.

The horse race lasts only one and a half minutes. However, the training time is several hours.

Horses are animals that must be constantly trained for their best performance. That is why the horses do not understand that of being in their stable and need activity and the professionals have not missed the appointment.

La Zarzuela Racecourse
La Zarzuela Racecourse

A horse: A work team

When we watch a horse race we only notice the horse and rider. But the reality is that a team intervenes so that this magical duo can achieve success.

There is a saying that expresses the following:

“Behind every racehorse there are four jobs”

It is much more than four jobs since a multidisciplinary team is formed consisting of: instructors, assistants, transporters, waiters, jockeys, veterinary doctors, among others …

This can be seen in the teams that make life in the blocks of La Zarzuela.

Regarding the situation of the coronavirus, the situation has not been easy. Therefore Álavaro Soto expressed the following:


“We had no goals and we came to work, but “for what?”. Everything comes out and I am optimistic and here we are. For Spain it has been very pure and we must row. We have to forget so much nonsense from the right or the left. We want the races and the Spanish the good of the country “.


These teams remain optimistic to continue the equestrian tradition of Spain. For this reason, an effort must be made to continue working with the established prevention measures.

Horse racing, it's a team effort
Horse racing, it’s a team effort


It is back… The Horse Racing in Spain

Horse racing in Spain has been activated in this new month. For this they will carry out the events without public and with all the security measures.

It should be noted that equestrian culture in Spain has great relevance and this was one of the aspects that Gustavo Mirabal caught the attention of this country.

To finish, we leave you a video of the G&C Farm horses:




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