//Indians on horseback in North America
American indian on horseback

Indians on horseback in North America

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For no one is it a secret that the American continent was invaded by Europeans especially by the Spanish, Portuguese and English. These came in search of the promised land, that is, in search of fortune, among them precious metals such as gold. The also bring them horses like war machines. This horses became the last resource of the indians… Indians on horseback.

In their wake, the Europeans left a wake of pain and suffering in the natives of the region. However, it is in this meeting where the Indians meet the majestic animals such as horses. Therefore in this issue we will address the issue of Indians on horseback.

This same situation appeared practically throughout the American continent. So our ancestors lived very unpleasant situations under the control of Europeans, particularly Spanish.

For this reason, the liberating feat was born, which in the case of South America was led by heroes such as the Venezuelan Simón Bolívar, who maintained his ideals until the time of death. He was also accompanied by other heroes who left a mark on the freedom of Latin American countries. This also happend in North America.

The Comanche and the Horse | Native America | Sacred Stories | PBS

Throughout this process the Indians on horseback toured different areas. At the same time, little by little they learned what was related to the horse. An element that differentiated them from the natives of the Spaniards is that they treated animals with love and respect. Taking into account that these people live in balance with nature. In addition, due to their customs, they honor mother earth.

Without a doubt our ancestors left us a legacy of respect for nature as well as to defend their rights as inhabitants of those natural spaces.

Invasion of the Spanish

America was invaded by the Spaniards in the sixteenth century, so they achieved their main objective which was to conquer this region. The truth is that this term of conquest was rather appropriation of these spaces as well as their aborigines.

All this “triumph” for the Spanish cost the lives of many natives, as well as humiliation and mistreatment. Subsequently began to give a series of fighting between natives and Europeans.

In this historical process, the Indians on horseback showed their rebelliousness and defense for what was rightfully theirs.

After the collapse of Mexico and the Tarascan command of Tzintzuntzan, the Spanish occupation reached its goal. The two most significant commanders of the Central American Mesoamerican soil were under the relentless yoke of these settlers. Then they laid their foundations to start new searches to the north. For these were greedy to get precious metals.

These confirmed the fact that there were precious metal mines. These were accompanied by indigenous people already dominated by them. Undertaking towards the north, here also the Indians went on horseback.

However, the Europeans were not entirely confident since in that place there were wild indigenous tribes that were not going to be so easily dominated. For what the Europeans named with the qualification of barbarians. To those indigenous tribes who were afraid of them because of their skills and expertise in the fights.

Spanish conquerors on horseback
Spanish conquerors on horseback

Other activities of the Indians on horseback

The dynamics of the inhabitants of American lands was to move from one place to another mobilizing in different areas. The Indians on horseback traveled in search of food for themselves and their families or even for the entire tribes.

Among their daily activities were the following hunting of animals with bow and arrow, fishing and shellfish collection on the coasts. Likewise, they also collected fruits and seeds.

In the course of the XVI century the transcendental Chichimeca troops that lived in this place were the zacatecos, guamares, guachichiles and pames. However, the Nahuatl term was popularized to call not only these traveling groups. Since it also included the regions settled there being the Chichimecas. Likewise these were considered by the Spaniards as barbarians

As a result of the actions of the Spaniards, the empire of Zintzuntzan collapsed. For what is stated first phase of the Conquest that then begin the invasions directed to the northern area with the expectation concentrated in the discovery of precious metals such as gold and silver.

American indian on horseback
American indian on horseback

Offensive of the Indians on horseback towards their Spanish enemies

In view of all the grotesque and offensive acts against which the Spanish invaders made the Indians, they took the decision to defend themselves and to assert their rights as inhabitants of the beautiful lands of North America.

The invasion that fortified the Spaniards in the area of Acámbaro and Chichimecas was in the minimum period. Later they advanced to Querétaro in the year 1532.

It is there where the Indians come into action to defend themselves, thus creating multiple problems. The aborigines knew their region like the palm of their hand. So they decided to attack the European barracks. There they extracted different objects such as fabrics, food, livestock and women.

As they admired the horses and some privileged Indians on horseback they also took the trophies of war

These actions were not there only. It was the beginning of a long conflict of many years.

Indians and indians on horseback
Indians and indians on horseback

Indians on horseback, adverse to fear

The Spaniards who came to these new lands came with the hope of establishing the bases here in order to have their own goods. This element did not possess it in his native Spain. So they undertook that long and dangerous journey across the ocean to these virgin lands as they were for that moment America as a whole.

What they might not have in mind was that these lands already had their own inhabitants and that they were the owners and masters of these areas. With their own customs and habits that although very different from that of Europeans.

They were not only looking for mines to exploit them and extract precious metals. But they also had to guarantee food support in order to stay in time.

The first phase of what was called as conquests to the American lands brought disastrous consequences with material and human losses.

1960s Western, Native American Indians on Horseback Ambush Cowboys, Colour Footage

Role of the horse in the conquest

The search for precious metals by the Spaniards gave them their fruit so they discovered silver mines. This resulted in the concentration of the population around the mines.

The role of the horse at this time was of great importance which represented the entry of the horses as elements of war. Likewise, as cargo and transport animals, the need arose to establish roads to meet the demands of the inhabitants of these areas.

As we can see the horses have done a very important job in most of the battles that have taken place over the centuries.

Without a doubt, it is a very versatile animal that produces the necessary benefits to, to a certain extent, meet its needs, providing support to the human being in various tasks.

One of the legacies of Indians on horseback is that in Argentina they practiced the natural dressage that is so popular today.

The legacy of the Indians on horseback

The horse represented a front of the Spaniards in relation to the natives. But this eventually became a double-edged sword. Since the aborigines established a harmonious relationship with the equines. They learned to tame and ride them. Therefore the Indians on horses began to move forward.

The horse brought by the Spaniards as a technology of war turned against them because the Indians adopted it as their own. Additionally, the Indians on horseback had better understanding with their riders perhaps because of their connection with nature. That respect for nature and horses that is currently so fashionable to get the most out of horses comes from our native accents.

It was the true owners of America who bequeathed us the best way to treat horses, with love and respect. When you see a horse being treated in a civilized way, remember that the first ones that did it were the Indians on horseback.






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