On our planet there are many breeds of horses and although they have similar attributes, each of these breeds have a unique appearance. In this case, we refer to a breed of horses of German origin. Throughout this installment we will address what is related to the Westphalian horse breed.
The Westphalian horse, one of the most appropriate European horse breeds for various equestrian disciplines and the second most famous horse breed in Germany, only after the Hanoverian himself.
We welcome with a phrase alluding to horses:
“There are wonderful places in the world, but one of my favorites is on horseback.” – Rolf Kopfle

Table of Contents.
The Westphalian horse, an elegant horse
The Westphalian horse breed is an extremely elegant, majestic, and stylish specimen.
This breed of horse comes from Germany, although the history of this equine is not very clear.
At present it is known that the region where this breed has been bred is Rhineland in Germany, in the province of Westphalia.
This horse has in its genes breeds that have been part of the genetic crossing where the English, Hanoverian and Arabian thoroughbreds have participated.
It should be noted that the Westphalian horse is a breed considerably known throughout the planet. However, the place of its origin is still the best to care for and preserve it.

Physical characteristics of the Westphalian horse
- The height of this horse can range from 1.60 to 1.72 meters.
- It is an animal that adapts to different tasks such as dressage, complete competitions, jumping and dressage among others.
- This species has a defined, athletic body and have a defined musculature.
- The elevation is wide, accentuated and thanks to its good size it is easy to be ridden by riders.
- Colors of the mane and tail are usually dark.
- The profile of these animals is very elegant, with small tip-shaped ears which makes up the delicacy and elegance.
- The horse’s coat seems to take on a more bronze color, although its base color is dark.
- Eyes are large, expressive, with an imposing, confident look, this attribute being very common in most races.
- In relation to behavior it is considered a noble, calm horse. For this reason, he is friendly with his riders and caretakers.
- Horses of this breed are calm, affectionate, loyal, confident, firm, strong
- This breed of horse easily stands out in competitions and any equestrian activity.
- It is very possible that the magic pair of rider – horse is achieved, this makes it ideal to participate in equestrian competitions.
Specimens of Westphalian horse that left traces in the equestrian world
The Westphalian horse breed is recognized for participation in Olympic competitions such as full competitions, jumping and dressage.
One of the most famous horses of this breed is Legolas 92, this specimen stood out in the Olympics and managed to conquer several significant awards.
This breed began to stand out after World War II and its peak occurred in the seventies.
Germany has stood out for its participation in various equestrian tournaments, while it is necessary to remember Ahlerich who made binomial rider – horse with Reiner Klimke. This magical duo managed to win a gold medal in dressage.
On the other hand, another example of Westphalian horse is Rembrandt who will always be remembered for reaching four gold medals in the eighties and early nineties.
In this order of ideas, Siox, another great specimen that participated in the Olympic Games of the seventies as part of the complete test team.
We can note that several specimens of the Westphalian horse breed have left a legacy full of success in various competitions.
Undoubtedly, this makes the breeds stand out, be remembered and in turn grows the demand for these animals.
A versatile horse of German blood
The Westphalian horse is an attractive, great animal, and with skills and abilities that make it perfect for some disciplines of riding.
Correspondingly, this breed has a great temperament, and this makes them easy to handle for riders and keepers.
Among the benefits of this equine breed is that it is ideal for riding activities.
The Westphalian horse is an animal with great resilience and can adapt to different equestrian sports and excel in competitions.
It can be seen throughout contemporary history that this specimen has a legacy of success and recognition. Well, throughout his career in different equestrian competitions he has shone in style.
Finally, this animal is a pride for the Germans since it has left the country very high with its participation in important world events.
Gustavo Mirabal Castro loves horses and therefore every day he empowers himself by reading about the different breeds of horses that exist in the world.
We close with a phrase alluding to horses:
“Horses teach us about respect, hard work, dealing with disappointment and, of course, about love.” – McClain Ward