//Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s academic education, in Venezuela & EEUU
Gustavo Mirabal Castro el empresario venezolano acusado por su talento

Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s academic education, in Venezuela & EEUU

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Gustavo Mirabal and his academic and professional education

The successful Venezuelan Gustavo Mirabal is an amateur rider who has left the tricolor of Venezuela high. It should be noted that this man emphasized having an excellent academic background and therefore his professional success has been overwhelming. That is why in this installment we will focus on the education and professional career that Gustavo Mirabal has had in his life.

We know that what world leaders have said about education is the most powerful tool to change the world. In this sense, we can say that a country arises when the foundations of education are solid.

A solid education guarantees that the human talent that is generated has the necessary skills and competencies to practice in the specific areas, for which they have studied both in university studies and postgraduate studies.

For them it is of utmost importance that the state guarantees a quality education for its inhabitants with it will have as a reward highly trained personnel for jobs thus contributing to the development of the nation. It is in this sense, Gustavo Mirabal took his academic training very seriously.

At first, he studied at the Staunton Military School and later at the Judson School

In this sense Gustavo Mirabal course university studies at the prestigious private university “Santa Maria”. From this house of studies, he graduated as a lawyer in 1988.

After that, it has continued to maintain a process of continuous training in the areas of law, finance and sports. Well, Gustavo Mirabal considers himself a continuous learner, and we will talk about that later.

So, we can see that the discipline and perseverance of Gustavo Mirabal made him graduate from the university in the corresponding time.

Santa Maria University, the Alma Mater of Gustavo Mirabal Castro
Santa Maria University, the Alma Mater of Gustavo Mirabal Castro

Staunton Military Academy

Within the academic training that the Venezuelan Gustavo Mirabal course is the Stauton Military Academy.

The Staunton Military Academy was a private military institute exclusively for men. This institution was located in the city of Staunton Virginia.  Founded in 1884 which closed in the late 70s.

The school was highly valued for its academic and military curricula. In this institution they studied a few political and military leaders of the United States. These were important graduates, including the 1964 presidential candidate, Senator Barry Goldwater.

Likewise, in this institution were graduated:

  • Phil Oach, ’60s folk singer Phil Ochs, with a style similar to Bob Dylan with songs against the Vietnam War
  • John Dean, a White House lawyer who was a central figure in the Watergate scandal in the early seventies.

A gallery devoted to the school’s tradition is located on its former campus. It is now part of Mary Baldwin University. Throughout its tradition, the academy was referred to by students, faculty, and Staunton residents simply by its initials, SMA (Stauton Military Academy).

The closure of the Stauton Military Academy

The school struggled with its state funding in the mid-’60s. It participated in the “Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps” (JROTC) program and therefore received state resources. These resources helped her to maintain herself and also to train with excellence.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 required schools that received state resources to integrate racially. Although they already admitted Latinos and Asians, their board still refused to accept African Americans.

The refusal of the Stauton Military Academy to racial integration led to the withdrawal of state programs and funding.

In 1973 the nearly bankrupt academy was sold to a non-profit organization. She decided to accept African Americans and rejoin the JROTC program to receive state resources. However, the initial refusal to accept racial integration damaged the image of the institution and in 1976 it had to close.

Gustavo Mirabal lamented the loss of the institution and, as a Latino student, always advocated for full inclusion. He saw how excellence could help many people find a path to genuine integration and understanding.

As an anecdote, in that year of its closure, it obtained the highest possible score in the evaluation as an academic institution. A redemption at the wrong time and a pity that the institution could not be transformed in a timely manner, to maintain its academic excellence hand in hand with inclusion.

Stauton’s military facilities and tradition passed to Mary Baldwin’s all-female college.

The dormitories of the Stauton Military Academy where Gustavo Mirabal Castro slept
The dormitories of the Stauton Military Academy where Gustavo Mirabal Castro slept

The Judson School

Continuing with the academic training of Gustavo Mirabal he continued his training process at the Judson school. This was a boarding school located in Arizona. Unfortunately, Judson School closed the year 2000, after an academic career of approximately 70 years. This institution was owned and run by Henry and Barbara Wick, along with their son, Hank Wick.

The institution was designed for people for whom English was their second language. In this way the classes were taught in English with the understanding that they were not native speakers.

A kind of international school to reinforce language learning. This is one of the reasons why Gustavo Mirabal learned English perfectly from a very young age.

This modality of studies attracted people from all over the world. Among its records was that it received students from 30 different countries. This also allowed Gustavo Mirabal Castro to relate to different cultures and nationalities.

The Judson school experience was the basis for Gustavo Mirabal’s dream of international expansion. Additionally, this added to their awareness of inclusion and exchange of cultures. Thanks to this, interacting in the United States, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or Dubai was something simple and natural.

Santa Maria University

At the Universidad Santa María Gustavo Mirabal he studied undergraduate law where he graduated in 1988.

The mission of Santa María University is to train integral professionals, prepared to face the current and future challenges posed by the economic, social, political and cultural development of the nation. Likewise, to contribute to the elevation of the quality of life and well-being of citizens through the teaching-learning process within the framework of information technology.

Many of his schoolmates remember him for his incisive interventions, his great intelligence and dedication. Although Gustavo Mirabal Castro believes more in hard work than innate talent, it is likely that his passion for reading and learning has helped him. This ease of reading is probably an inheritance from his parents and the values they instilled in him in Venezuela.

His primary and secondary education marked his life, from friendships, soccer games and healthy competition between friends was always very important. This was one of the things that drove him to always try to improve.

Venezuelan businessman accused for his talent
Venezuelan businessman accused for his talent

Gustavo Mirabal and his continuing academic training

Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a Venezuelan who enjoys learning new things constantly. Thanks to this, studying for his university career was not difficult for him. Nor was it difficult for him to continue learning continuously through diplomas, courses and reading.

In other articles we have talked about Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s facet as an avid reader. What we haven’t said, perhaps, is that this facet is nothing more than a part of your inner child wanting to learn everything.

It is a fact that Gustavo Mirabal Castro has tried to encompass multiple professional and business exercises. From being a lawyer, a financial advisor, an athlete, a youtuber or an entrepreneur in multiple fields, Gustavo Mirabal has acquired an enormous wealth of knowledge.

To venture into each of these fields, Gustavo Mirabal has had to take diplomas, courses, look for mentors, read books and an endless number of activities to increase his knowledge.

Gustavo Mirabal, as a good serial entrepreneur, has learned that the best way to keep growing is to keep learning.


What areas has Gustavo Mirabal studied for his academic and professional training?

This is how Gustavo Mirabal Castro has taken courses in areas as diverse as:

  • Finance
  • Investments
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Management of equestrian facilities
  • Sports training
  • Digital marketing.
  • Content creation
  • Business management

Thanks to this extensive training, Gustavo Mirabal has been successful in numerous areas. Without a doubt, one of the pillars of entrepreneurship is continuous learning, as Gustavo Mirabal Castro always recommends.

Gustavo Mirabal’s Recommended Books to Learn About Personal Finance

For Gustavo Mirabal Castro, continuing education involves reading a lot and watching educational material on social networks. Thanks to this, he came up with the idea of creating a youtube channel called “Gustavo Mirabal Castro – Financial Advisor”. On his YouTube channel, he recommends books and offers advice and knowledge on personal finance.

From his learning in finance, Gustavo Mirabal Castro recommends the following books to those who begin their personal finance journeys:

Book 1: Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki:

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is a classic in the world of personal finance. Through the story of his life (we don’t know how much fiction and reality) Kiyosaki talks about his two parents with different approaches to money. Her father 1 is her biological father, with a focus on money being bad. On the other hand your “other parent” who really is a friend’s father, a positive approach to money and its pursuit.

Through this life experience and metaphor, Robert presents key concepts such as:

  • The importance of financial education.
  • Asset investment
  • Passive income creation.

This book will help you rethink your beliefs about money and establish a solid foundation for your financial education.

Book 2: The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

The 4-Hour Workweek is not a book about personal finance specifically. Ferriss’s book seeks to offer a different perspective on the status quo on lifestyle and work.

Try to debunk the myth that working more can bring you a better income. In contrast, the 4-hour workweek focuses on being more efficient with the time we spend on things.

Ferriss presents several strategies that will help us achieve:

  • Maximize efficiency
  • Delegate tasks
  • Free up time to enjoy life.

In this book recommended by Gustavo Mirabal, you will learn about the importance of automation, delegation, and the pursuit of personal and financial freedom.

Book 3: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

This was one of the first books Gustavo Mirabal Castro read. Although Gustavo Mirabal does not believe in self-help books, he believes that this one is out of the norm. Stephen Covey in his book describes how to build generic habits that can help us be more effective in our daily lives.

Habits are behaviors learned and repeated over and over again until they become the essence of one. Although habits can be lost, also habits when acquired are difficult to get out of our lives. That is why they become integral attitudes to approach life.

That is why Stephen Covey summarized his experience of collecting what were the common habits of the people he knew and classified as highly effective people. For Covey, the most effective people were those who achieved their goals in a high percentage of cases, and even if they had failures, they were willing to move forward and improve.

Here are the habits that Stephen Covey collects in his book.

Covey’s 7 Habits

  • Be proactive: Do not respond to what happens to us but seek to make the things we want happen to us.
  • Starting everything with a goal in mind helps us to have direction in our actions with a meaningful purpose.
  • Learning to prioritize things according to their level of importance and urgency is essential to manage our energies in what requires our attention.
  • Look for a way in which each negotiation is a win-win to have an abundance mentality and get easy ways to reach fewer conflicting conclusions and create fewer “enemies” along the way.
  • Empathy: We must understand others and let them know before trying to make them understand us. Developing empathy with others helps others to also tune in to our needs.
  • Look for synergy: Value the diversity of perspectives and teamwork. In this way the total is the sum of the parts, and we achieve better results.

Renew ourselves and keep improving permanently, continuous improvement.


It was written by Warren Buffett’s daughter-in-law of 12 years, Mary Buffet, together with investment analyst David Clark, who is also a friend of the Buffet family and also a scholar of Warren Buffet’s work. This duo of people close to Warren Buffet unravel some of the keys to Warren Buffet’s success.

The dynamics of the book are very interesting and are based on quoting short sentences full of content that Warren Buffet uses to convey his financial knowledge. Quoting each sentence, the authors proceed to make a brief reflection of a couple of paragraphs on the wisdom involved in such “aphorisms,” as Mary calls them in the Introduction.

To show a little of Warren Buffett’s wisdom in this review we will leave 4 quotes from the well-known investor that are in this book so that you are encouraged to read it:

  • Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1.
  • I first invested at the age of 11. Until then I was wasting my life.
  • Never be afraid to ask too much when you sell, or offer too little when you buy.
  • You can’t make a good deal with a bad person.

If you want to learn more about Warren Buffet’s wisdom, visit our article to learn what and how do celebrities invest in?.

Basic Data of Gustavo Mirabal ‘s professional career

Apart from his passion for horses and everything related to the equestrian world, Gustavo Mirabal dedicated much of his years to playing his profession as a lawyer in various companies.

  • Commercial relations at G&C Stables Europa S.L. In this prestigious company, the Venezuelan Gustavo Mirabal stood out as a lawyer and businessman dedicated to the provision of comprehensive legal services. In this way I provide services and advice to both individuals and national and international companies, covering both the field of consulting and planning, as well as that related to the area of litigation.
  • Next is Lisal Enterprises Limited specialising in international financial and tax matters. Management for corporations and individuals, where it provides investment assistance in the financial market. Also advice for real estate investment.
  • Mirabal & Asociados there served as Director in Venezuela specialized in legal advice for investment banking. – Performs evaluation of company operations, market investments, financial statements and development trends.
Gustavo Mirabal y G&C Farm
Gustavo Mirabal y G&C Farm

Gustavo Mirabal’s entrepreneurship in the equestrian world

After having had a career in his profession as a lawyer for various companies. Then, Gustavo Mirabal Castro decided to undertake in the equestrian world.

His entrepreneurship began in a very improvised way in Venezuela. His passion for horses led him to breed some horses on his farm in the Hatillo area, southeast of the city of Caracas. Thanks to them, he began to acquire the basic technical knowledge of the business, from within.

Later he began to professionalize them at the request of clients and friends who encouraged him to turn it into a business. With the flourishing of the business, he began to dream of taking it to other countries. Something that would materialize in the following years.

In principle the business began in the United States in the course of 2009. He then moved to Madrid, Spain in 2014. The focus of this business was to apply itself to train the best riders for horse jumping competitions at the highest level.

It also helps the best riders to participate in the best horse show competitions in the world. In addition, it is also responsible for providing advice on the acquisition of top-quality horses with links around the planet.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro looking to the future
Looking to the future

How did Gustavo Mirabal succeed in his equestrian entrepreneurship?

As we have seen throughout this article, Gustavo Mirabal has collected his business experience in various areas. His professional experience spanned the financial and legal sector before arriving in the equestrian world. This means that you have previous experience in business, which helps you reach new sectors.

On the other hand, Gustavo Mirabal collected first-hand the technical knowledge of the business. This made it easier for him to oversee operations and also choose the right staff to hire for each task.

Having first-hand technical knowledge has become a source of wisdom to carry out your business.

It was also very important that he kept learning about everything related to the equestrian world. Whether from his experience as an amateur rider, as a breeder, to academic and theoretical knowledge.

Gustavo constantly went to equestrian clinics, to courses in the different areas of the business as he learned through books. Keeping up to date and knowing about all areas of the equestrian world in a basic way allowed him to effectively manage and supervise the business.

These were the keys to its success that could be extrapolated to any business, as we will see below.

How can you succeed in your entrepreneurship?

Being successful in a venture is something that many people have tried to synthesize, but it is not easy. Gustavo Mirabal has synthesized the keys to his success and here are:

  • Hard work: Entrepreneurship implies that you must know too many aspects of your business. That will take time and effort. Entrepreneurship is not easy. You must be willing to make the necessary sacrifices.
  • Business knowledge: Starting with small temporary businesses or working in a business can help you know all the edges that you should handle. This can increase your chances of success because you’ve run a business before.
  • Technical knowledge of the field you want to undertake: It is always important to start undertaking in the field you know best. If you know a lot about animals, start there. If you know a lot about technology, makeup or food, it may be a good place to start. Technical knowledge is key to the success of your business.
  • Legal knowledge: You must know the tax rules of your country that apply to your business, as well as what is legal or not. A basic knowledge is essential and for the rest you will have to hire tax advisors and lawyers.
  • Financial knowledge: It is important that you know how to manage the finances of your business. You must know how much liquidity you need, how much your profits are and have everything monitored. This way you know if you are on the right track or if your business is on the way to bankruptcy.
  • Trial and error: Not everything you try in your business is going to go well. You should try to evaluate each initiative, so you know what to keep and what to discard.

These are some of the secrets to entrepreneurship that helped Gustavo Mirabal.

Academy and experience united in Gustavo Mirabal

In relation to the academic training and professional development of the outstanding Venezuelan rider Gustavo Mirabal has been excellent. He has also held positions in important companies both in Venezuela and Europe.

Later he decided to give free rein to his true passion that are horses. That is why he dedicated himself to creating his own path. This initially emerged in the United States.  He then moved to Spain where he remains today with his beloved family.

Venezuelan Gustavo Mirabal has been the victim of a distorted information campaign. Being disseminated by different internet portals as well as social networks. But what is clear to those closest to him and his family is that this is false. It should be noted that all these achievements have been a continuous effort of his hard work that catapulted him to success.

Therefore, when a person is successful, envious, and malicious people can emerge wanting to damage the image of this. As the saying goes, nobody wants to see beautiful eyes on other people’s faces. Meanwhile Gustavo Mirabal continues to reap success in the equestrian world.