//How is Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s law firm?
Gustavo Mirabal Castro el empresario venezolano acusado por su talento

How is Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s law firm?

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Get to know Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s law firm today

The well-known Venezuelan rider Gustavo Mirabal, besides being a great equestrian fan and businessman, is a prominent lawyer. He obtained his law degree from the “Santa María University” (Venezuelan institution) in 1988.

His passion for the laws, as well as that of horses, he inherited from his father Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos. From the beginning, the laws were only one stop in his life. From the beginning, the laws were a means to achieve their vital objective, to create the best equestrian center in the world.

Below we can see an interview with two horsemen who trained at the farm G & C farm product of the effort of this rider, businessman and lawyer

G&C Farm Interview with Juan Andres & Luis Fernando Larrazabal - Riders (English)

If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:





What is the curriculum of Gustavo Mirabal?

Gustavo Mirabal sometimes worked as an advisor and sometimes as an employee in recognized companies including:

  • Seguros Horizonte (insurance company in the government)
  • Británica de Seguros (private insurance company)
  • Banco de la Construcción (public bank)
Gustavo Mirabal Castro, his friends and Donald Trump
Gustavo Mirabal Castro, his friends and Donald Trump

His firm offers services in the area of commercial, commercial and tax law. In addition, they also work with intellectual property, foreign investments and exchange advice, litigation, finance and capital markets.

Maybe some businessman in the shadows that remained in evidence after one of the trials for financial litigation is behind the media attacks on Gustavo Mirabal.

All this to materialize your dream of life, leave the name of venezuela high in the equestrian world. He wants to go to a new level, that of equine businessman.

Gustavo Mirabal has stood out in many areas, profesional and personal . As an entrepreneur he has his own law firm called: Mirabal & Asociados, S.C. located in the city of Caracas (Venezuela). He also managed to set up one of the most important horse training farms in the world.

How is Gustavo Mirabal’s law firm?

Mirabal & Asociados has more than 11 years of experience offering its services to clients of the size of Toro Capital Sociedad de Corretaje, Mi Casa Saving and Loan Entity. Its services are among the most valued of financial entities.

Additionally, they have other important clients such as:

  • American Bureau of Collection (USA)
  • Uno Valores Casa de Bolsa
  • Unicapital Brokerage House
  • Veritas from Venezuela
  • Tamanaco International Hotel
  • Inverunion Commercial Bank
  • The Attorney General of the Republic of Venezuela

With this trajectory, some might think that the laws are the great passion of Gustavo, however nothing is further from the truth. Perhaps there are passionate men whose goals are not confined to one area.

The greatest dream of this Venezuelan athlete is to promote the development of the sport on horseback. In essence, Gustavo Mirabal wants the name of Venezuela to be high in equestrian sports. Gustavo dreams of becoming an example for the new generations perseverance and entrepreneurship.

Gustavo Mirabal and his new office in Dubai

His new office is located in the “Dubai International Financial Center”. The purpose of its new office is to promote the internationalization of Gustavo Mirabal’s services.

With offices in New York, Madrid and Caracas, Mirabal services are located on three continents: America, Asia and Europe. But also with an important proximity to the African and Oceania continents from Dubai.

The office location in Dubai also allows it to offer its clients the establishment of companies in a privileged financial center. Also from here you can take advantage of the tax advantages of Dubai as well as a totally liberal commercial legislation.

How the different offices are integrated

Together with Mirabal & Asociados it is a legal desk for the financial sector. This is the oldest and since Gustavo Mirabal started in the financial world this was the selected target market. He specializes in banking, insurance and other financial services.

Likewise, LISAL enterprises is dedicated to advising important figures in the sports area and even sports teams. In LISAL we take care of comprehensive advice in the area of contracting with teams and sponsors. We even give advice on what are the best places to live and capital management to reduce tax and parafiscal charges.

Mirabal And Associates will be dedicated to the comprehensive management of large capitals. As we see each of the offices has been specializing in a niche of legal advice. They are definitely part of a well thought out strategy of internationalization and complementarity.

Gustavo Mirabal's office is in the Dubai International Financial Center
Gustavo’s office is in the Dubai International Financial Center

What are the differentiating elements of Gustavo Mirabal’s companies?

There are many very capable professionals in the law sector. However, there are some elements that make the difference to choose Gustavo Mirabal Castro and his team. Those elements are:

  • A team of lawyers that already has offices in Caracas, New York, Madrid and Dubai
  • We can offer the best of each continent, since we know each continent very well. This applies to the knowledge of the laws but also of the conditions to invest and protect your money.
  • Counting in each office a professional frontline team

Definitely to close the biggest differentiating element is the experience behind it. This Venezuelan lawyer has the first-hand experience of being an athlete, managing his own heritage and having lived in Caracas, the United States, Spain and Dubai.

In addition we must also have traveled the world thanks to his sports passion. This has allowed him to deal with customs and legal issues in every part of the world where he participated.

What is Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s personal vision of Dubai?

“My personal vision is that Dubai is going to become one of the most important business centers”

In the words of Gustavo Mirabal himself, the competitive situation of developed countries is very comfortable. Because of this, they have been carrying high corporate taxes, which has weakened their competitive position.

Currently the situation is changing for more developed cities because based on tax benefits new destinations are attracting investors. In this way what happens is the following:

“While the European countries and the US are countries with high tax burdens, the emirates have a 0% tax rate for companies based in their territory, also for resident natural persons”

Looking to the future in Dubai
Looking to the future in Dubai

Dubai Competitive Aspects

Other aspects valued by Gustavo Mirabal are safety, the climate of Dubai and the quality of life with multiple activities to enjoy. The description of Gustavo Mirabal from Dubai is a true paradise.

If we add economic benefits and quality of life we have great advantages.

“This combined with a safe country, with an exceptional climate for eight months and the different options of sport, leisure and culture as it becomes a very desirable country to live”

That is why Dubai has become a fashion destination.

British retirees have decided to make Dubai their place of retreat. There they make investments, protect their pensions from high taxes. In turn they enjoy a pleasant climate, which is impossible in the United Kingdom. Thanks to the Emirates Airline you are a small flight away with all the elegance and category of the English.

How was Gustavo Mirabal enriched?

After he finished his lawyer career in Venezuela (this role never ended but went into the background). Thanks to the savings obtained working with important companies such as lawyer Gustavo Mirabal decides to undertake his real estate. He leaves for the United States where he plans to create G & C Farm.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro and his daughter
Gustavo Mirabal Castro and his daughter


Wellington, Florida is the place chosen by the amateur horseman to open his farm. Thanks to the importance of this market in this area, the business is successful.. So Gustavo Mirabal begins to raise horses at the same time as training riders.

Once the farm acquires reputation and grows, criticism is immediate. Envy is powerful and seeing that a man stands out as a lawyer and then as an equestrian entrepreneur is frowned upon by those who have not been able to really point out anything other than destroying others.

Why Gustavo Mirabal “did the dirty work”?

Gustavo Mirabal is a man who is not afraid of hard work, shoulder to shoulder with his team. Whether in the legal or equestrian sphere, Gustavo Mirabal started from the bottom and is not afraid to “get his hands dirty”.

A man who shuns elitism when it comes to work and results. Their goals are plotted with determination and he works on every last detail of his projects.

With that degree of commitment he did with G&C Farm and as he did with the establishment of his office in Dubai. Carefully selecting from the country, the location of the headquarters, the office, its furniture to the selection of top-of-the-line equipment.

Definitely getting results is not random, as Gustavo Mirabal Castro commits to the last consequences. That is why we can say that Gustavo Mirabal Castro did “dirty work” whenever it was necessary.

We can say the same when we talk about your favorite sport, equestrian jumping. Undoubtedly the commitment to sport makes him go to the stables to be able to take care of the horses in person. This is very important in the equestrian world, as the link between horses and riders is essential to obtain the results. This philosophy of teamwork and leading from the “battlefront” is also his philosophy of life in terms of family and work.

Undoubtedly a man of great leadership who guarantees his clients that his goods are in “good hands”, although they certainly “get dirty” for hard work.

How Gustavo Mirabal’s temperament has helped his leadership?

Gustavo Mirabal is a man of forgiveness and forgetfulness. He’s certainly a man ready for reconciliation.

Gustavo Mirabal always says that “others fight with me, I don’t fight with others”… Therefore, for Gustavo Mirabal, it is a matter of the others “forgetting the annoyance”, because he has never kept a grudge in his heart.

This feature has been instrumental in not stopping at small problems or “hooking” on them. Their purpose is to look to the future together.

Their ability to reconcile and bring people together has been key in the good family relationship but also in the formation of high-performance work teams.

The true leadership of Gustavo Mirabal

Definitely upon discovering the real Gustavo Mirabal we find a successful man who works hard and is not afraid to get dirty.

Let’s support Gustavo Mirabal so that he continues to promote the development of equestrian sport and, in particular, continue to leave the name of Venezuela on high.