//Importance of the veterinarian in society
Horse and Veterinarian

Importance of the veterinarian in society

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The Importance of the veterinarian in society is a bulwark in the area of public health …

Just as for humans it is of great importance medicine and all its specialties for animals, the veterinarian is essential.

As living beings they are exposed to suffer diseases and to be vaccinated and cared for. For this relevant reason we will address in this issue the Importance of the veterinarian in society.

In the animal kingdom the diversity of species is enormous. However, the animals that most demand the services of veterinary doctors are dogs, cats, horses, cows, among others.

We basically find demand in the pet sector, transport animals and for livestock. Today we will discover how veterinary doctors can support in each of these areas.

In addition there are veterinary doctors experts in wildlife management. Sivestre fauna also requires, like other animals, at some time specialized attention. It should be noted that these animals that receive attention from these specialists are found in zoos, animal sanctuaries in danger of extinction or areas where researchers remain.

The vet is in the most unexpected places. They guarantee the health of our animals and human beings as we will see later.

We leave you with a TEDx talk about the importance of veterinary medicine

TEDxWestlake - Molly Dominguez - "Veterinary Medicine: Human, animal and environmental health"

The importance of the veterinary doctor

Once again, the importance of the veterinarian in society is essential for animals to be in good health. In addition to being a very relevant actor in the field of public health.

Veterinary medicine is a profession of service to society so it is in continuous adaptation. Well, the animal health balance is dynamic and the constant modification of the environment where human and animal health interactions take place.

One case we can all identify with is the coronavirus situation. Imbalances in wildlife can end up taking their toll on humans.

Likewise, the extinction of one species can create chaos because it can leave others without natural predators. This in turn can cause an overpopulation of species that affect the ecological balance. Therefore the work of veterinarians is not limited to species that have contact with humans but also with wildlife.

On the other hand, diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans must be controlled. In this regard the veterinary doctor plays a fundamental role.

That is why we will also take a brief look at the history of veterinary medicine.

This professional career has an impact on veterinary public health programs. Likewise, it is important in the knowledge, skills and practices required by veterinarians in the direction and execution of these programs.

History of veterinary medicine

Veterinary medicine is as old as man’s relationship with animals. We could say that from the moment man began to draw animals on the walls of caves, veterinary medicine was present.

However, the first evidence of the existence of veterinary medicine dates from approximately 2,500 A.C. The finding was made on cuneiform tablets and shows that this trade or profession existed since the dawn of civilization.

The role of animals in human society as food, means of transport or as animals of burden and work was the main reason for the development of veterinary medicine.

Horses that were animals for transport and for war played a prominent role in the development of veterinary medicine.

For his part, the veterinarian with the animals that serve as food has fulfilled a task of leading them to an optimal development. In addition, the veterinarian has made it possible to ensure that diseases in livestock do not pass to humans. His role as protector of animal health and protector of human health invites us to value his noble work.

It may sound cruel for the veterinarian to ensure the development of the animals so that they end up becoming food. However, the veterinarian guarantees the development of the animals in conditions of welfare. Some also study more humane ways to carry forward their upbringing, development, and sacrifice.

Let us not forget that man feeds on the products of nature. It’s the way all animals do it. This is the cycle of life.

It is not that the animals cannot be fed, but that they are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

First vestiges that refer to the practice of veterinary medicine

Egyptian civilizations already related animals to sacred entities. Therefore some highlighted some characteristics of animals in their deities. This elevated the place of animals in society.

In addition, the Hammurabi Code begins to lay down rules on professional responsibility and the right to remuneration for their work. For example, reference is made to the “animal doctor” who should receive for treating a sixth of a silver cycle. On the other hand, in the event that the doctor treats the animal and causes the death of the same, it is the responsibility to pay the owner a quarter of the value of that animal.

No doubt we already see concepts such as remuneration and professional responsibility in this code dating from 1,800 BC.

However, their remuneration is set well below that received by the doctors who cared for the people. In this way we see that their work is not yet fully valued.

Today we see how the veterinary doctor can take on great responsibilities and receive commensurate remuneration.

Hammurabi Code carved on stone
Hammurabi Code carved on stone

The knowledge and importance of the veterinarian of ancient Egypt

Veterinary medicine advances by leaps and bounds day by day. As we see from the time of the ancient Sumerians, their importance and their professional rights were recognized.

However, the first vestiges of veterinary medicine knowledge are found in ancient Egypt. One of the practices that made the Egyptians an advanced civilization was the recording and preservation of knowledge.

Thanks to the recording and preservation of knowledge, the Lahun Papyri came to our days. These papyri are also known as the Kahun Papyri, and represent an important accumulation of Egyptian knowledge.

The Kahun Papyri belong to approximately 1900 B.C.  The papyri were recovered in 1889 in the Lahum region of Egypt.

In 1889, William Matthew Flinders Petrie, famous archaeologist and Egyptologist, found in Lahum a collection of papyri. In them you can find knowledge about mathematics, human and veterinary medicine.

This is the oldest document with references to knowledge of systematized veterinary medicine. In the papyri were found descriptions of diseases of breeding and companion animals with their respective treatments.

The importance of the veterinarian in ancient Egypt
The importance of the veterinarian in ancient Egypt

The importance of animals and medical treatment in ancient Egypt

We must remember that the Egyptians apart from raising cattle, also had domestic animals such as dogs and cats. This shows us that veterinary medicine has had great importance throughout history, even since ancient times.

In this treatise you can find treatments that include:

  • Castrations
  • Cauterization of wounds
  • Treatment for limb fractures

Papyri reflect treatments leading to both preventive and curative medicine.

Most importantly, the description of diseases and conditions is accompanied by indications for treatment. This was true for human medicine as well as veterinary medicine.

Undoubtedly, the Lahum papyri are of great importance because they are among the first records of diseases and medical treatments.

Role of the veterinarian in society

We can see the great importance of the veterinarian in society and its performance in different areas ranging from animal care to food production. This animal health professional really does a great job.

On the other hand, the role of the veterinarian in society has different edges. Among the dimensions of the venerinary doctor we can mention the following: Food production, Animal health, Public health, Environment, Animal welfare. Veterinarian can also be found in Food Control for Human Consumption, International Trade in Livestock Products and Biosafety.

Veterinarian - animal doctor
Veterinarian – animal doctor

Importance of the veterinarian in society in the field of prevention

One of the most important aspects in the field of public health is disease prevention.

In this sense, the scope of action for prevention mentioned several approaches below:

  • Prevent outbreaks, preventing the spread of diseases that threaten animals and people. For this reason they carry out a commendable work with the aim of not repeating situations of food crisis.
  • A very important aspect of veterinary doctors is that they are servants of Public Health and Animal Health. Remember that animals can be vectors of diseases that pass from animals to humans.
  • Veterinary doctors who devote themselves to animal health care strive every day to have a healthier world.
  • The role of epidemiological surveillance is that they identify outbreaks daily. They also locate pathogens and control the borders, certifying animals and livestock products.
  • Another role played by the veterinarian is that they ensure human health from the inspection of food. This is done especially for animals that serve human consumption, such as the meat of the various types of livestock that exist.
  • Likewise, they avoid economic losses at the national level, to farmers, food industries among others. Controlling in cattle can prevent the spread of diseases among cattle and limit the affectation.
  • Inspect slaughterhouses, agri-food industries, large stores and restaurants. For this reason they are responsible for overseeing slaughterhouses. Also they can be the engadogados of other places where they process the animals to offer the final product to the consumer
  • From prevention, the welfare of the animals in the area of action of the veterinarian can be ensured.
Veterinarians in the food industry
Veterinarians in the food industry

Importance of the veterinarian in animal welfare

One of the roles that the veterinarian plays in the farms is the control of the animals where he assists them since they are in gestation, birth and growth.

It should also focus on preventing the spread and spread of infectious and contagious diseases. Since first of all you must guarantee animal welfare to all animals under your responsibility.

In the case of those people who have the privilege of having a pet at home should keep it under the veterinary control of trust. In effect, you will have a healthier and stronger pet and less likely to get diseases.

Importance of the Veterinarian in Public Health

A fundamental role that veterinarians currently play in health is their contribution to public health. As we have seen, the veterinarian is not only in charge of the health of animals, but, by taking care of the health of animals, he also makes his contribution to the health of human beings.

This is because many diseases that afflict animals can pass through and affect humans. Because of this, the WHO coined the term “Veterinary Public Health” in 1946. In this way, a role was established for veterinary medicine that seeks to implement protocols and mechanisms to prevent and treat diseases in animals and their transmission to humans. In this way, the veterinarian also makes an enormous contribution to the health of human beings.

Examples of diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans are:

  • Rabies
  • Mad cow disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy)
  • Brucellosis
  • Avian flu
  • Coronavirus Covid-19

To put this role in context, we can talk about the recent pandemic crisis of the covid-19 coronavirus. Veterinary medicine could have prevented such a crisis.

Through the monitoring of viruses and bacteria potentially pathogenic to humans they would be under monitoring in China’s food markets. Veterinarians may impose protocols, quarantines, or bans on certain foods to protect human health.

To inform you more, we leave you with a short video about veterinary public health.

Role of the veterinarian as a researcher

There are veterinary doctors who work in research teaching at prestigious universities. As a result of the work carried out, innovation projects for animals arise.

Among the research work carried out by veterinary doctors are the following:

  • Experimental surgery, and control of the breeding of experimental animals.
  • Innovation in surgical processes.
  • New medications and vaccines
  • More harmonious livestock facilities such as those created by Temple Grandes in the United States.

The main idea of research and innovation is to improve animal welfare and prevent the spread of diseases as well as the eradication of some specific pathologies. In effect, the livestock industry is strengthened in its economy.

Horse and Veterinarian
Horse and Veterinarian

Mission of the veterinarian

The Veterinarian fulfills an important mission in society. For this reason it is a health professional who must keep up to date with research. Likewise, with a high academic, competitive and ethical level, with ecological wisdom.

Also of its commitment to generate knowledge, through research and development of appropriate technology. These in order to spread them and apply them to the solution of problems in their field of action.

His mission as a teacher is relevant since he is responsible for training the generations of relief of veterinary medicine.

Different options for the exercise of the Veterinarian

The activities that the veterinarian can perform are the following:

  • In the public sector, he works in Ministries, health institutions, insurance and universities.
  • Likewise, in the social sphere, its function is to provide attention to the different organizations of producers and farmers.
  • In private practice, according to the requirements of society in the agricultural and livestock regions of the country: cattle ranches, poultry, among others
  • Companies producing agricultural food, veterinary drugs, racetracks and stables.
  • Finally, in free practice, with independent consulting activities, in hospitals and private clinics.
Veterinarian in food industry
Veterinarian in food industry

The veterinarian: a profession of great importance for society.

The importance of the veterinarian in our society is as important as the doctor who treats humans.

Various aspects that an integral veterinary doctor must attend are multiple. This is why recognition is given to such an important animal health professional.

Whether in the epidemiology branch, in the food industry or in the practice of animal healing, the veterinarian is much more of an animal doctor. The veterinarian is a guarantor of food of animal origin and therefore of the food security of mankind. Let’s recognize its importance.





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