//Who is Gustavo Mirabal Castro?
Who is Gustavo Mirabal?

Who is Gustavo Mirabal Castro?

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Are you curious to know who this person is? Well, throughout this article you will find relevant information about Gustavo Mirabal Castro.

The Venezuelan Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a man with great versatility, this means that he has served as an excellent lawyer, entrepreneur and rider.

It should be noted that the discipline of horseback riding that this man practices is the obstacle jump or better known as equestrian jumping.

In each of its facets it has managed to achieve success, therefore it leaves very high the name of its country abroad.

Gustavo Mirabal is a man who has had the privilege of living in his native country to which he hides a great love and respect. In the United States where he is comforted as an entrepreneur and achieved his equestrian dream

He then moved to Spain to establish strategic alliances and continue to enjoy the equestrian world.

He is currently with his beautiful family in the United Arab Emirates.

In each of these sites he has known in depth their culture, customs, languages among others.

In this way he becomes a citizen of the world…

Who is Gustavo Mirabal Castro?
Who is Gustavo Mirabal Castro?

Who is Gustavo Mirabal?

If we ask ourselves who Gustavo Mirabal is, we’ll find an ambiguity. Father and son bear the same name. When we talk about Gustavo Mirabal we can talk about Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos former Governor of Miranda State. We can also talk about Gustavo Mirabal Castro lawyer, entrepreneur and amateur rider.

That is why we will strive to differentiate these two men so that we can discover through their nexus and their differences “Who is Gustavo Mirabal?”

Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos

The family patriarch Gustavo Alfredo Mirabal Bustillos was born in January 1938. He was specifically born on 4/01/1938.

Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos, although not a man who gets carried away by fate, is a Capricorn example.

A fatherly man from the tip of his shoes to the top of his head. His children remember him as someone very funny but without being the center of attention. He’s not a man who likes excess lights on stage.

His intelligence made him a leader in every place he went. He was recognized by his colleagues from the Democratic Action party. Although the party wasn’t his only activity.

Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos
Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos

His personal and professional career

As a lawyer he performed remarkably and although very dedicated and above all persistent, he never lost his balance. He always had time for his family and friends, but especially for his passions.

Thanks to his passion for horses and for the excellent handling he and his partners made of the Stud “El Trabucazo” was recognized. In nominated to lead the National Institute of Racetracks. In Venezuela this institute is called “Instituto Nacional de Hipódromos” aka INH. A recognition of his trajectory and dedication.

He was Governor of Miranda in 1985 thanks to the recognition of his excellent professional career. He also recounted the outstanding proven management skills in his business, which is key to good governance.

Some of the charges gustavo Mirabal Bustillos held were:

  • President of the Contralorie Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress of Venezuela. This occurred during his time as Deputy of the Republic.
  • Governor of Miranda State in 1985. It is important to remember that at that time the Governors were not elected by popular vote but appointed by the president.
  • Minister of Government Development of President Jaime Lusinchi from 1986 to 1987.
  • President of the National Institute of Hippodromes recognizing his work with the Stud “the Trabucazo”.

His passions: Horses and music.

The patriarch is certainly passionate about horses but perhaps few know is that his other passion is music.

And his eclectic tastes could confuse anyone because he likes both 80s pop, classical music and plain music. Probably his taste for the latter is intimately associated with horses and the rural environment.

He is also a big fan of Billo’s Caracas Boys, the band founded by Billo Frómeta and who was also the most famous decembrian band of the time. Our anthem for the last day of the year is “New Year” we owe it to Billo’s.

We cannot forget that his omnipresence in Venezuelan radio from 1947. In that year they began to appear as regulars on the most famous programs of Venezuelan radio.

First they appeared in “Fiesta Fabulosa” (“Fabulous Party” in english) and then in “A Gozar Muchachos” (To enjoy boys). There they shared prominence with the immortal Marco Antonio Lacavalerie, better known as Musiú Lacavalerie.

Gustavo a great follower of Billo’s Caracas Boys since his first album Paula in 1960. Since then he’s been listening to them at any time of the year.

Years later I would see them live at a posterity concert. A Guiness record and sharing the stage with “La Reina de la Salsa” or in english The “Queen of Salsa”. Below we leave you a video to get to the idea of such a fabulous moment…


A concert for posterity and for music lovers.

So much so that Gustavo made a presence at the great concert of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1987.

This Carnival concert is considered to be the largest free outdoor entry concert in history. On stage Billo’s Caracas Boys shared the stage with “Queen of Sauce” Celia Cruz. Thanks to Celia and Bill’s, Santa Cruz de Tenerife was a little more cheerful in 1987.

This concert was attended by more than 250 thousand spectators achieving a Guiness record. Although it is considered that in 2019 this record was beaten by Juan Luis Guerra, the truth is not yet recognized. And that concert in Santa Cruz de Tenerife made history by joining two greats of music for the great enjoyment of Gustavo Mirabal.

We then left Celia Cruz singing a cappella at the Santa Cruz de Tenerife concert in 1987.

CELIA CRUZ Islas Canarias

Gustavo Mirabal Castro

Gustavo Mirabal Castro is the son of this lover of horses and music. He has inherited both aficiones as well as his profession: lawyer.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro was born in September 1965. He was specifically born on 09/09/1965. His father was a promising young 27-year-old lawyer. He was born into a Middle Class family in a thriving Venezuelan that would soon take them to better destinations.

Over the years, Gustavo Mirabal Castro became interested in horses. From there was born a passion that has made him known around the world.

His business experiment G&C Farm was a successful equestrian venture that took many Venezuelan riders to the podiums without distinction of class or race.

He also helped consecrated riders such as Sergio Avarez Moya show off his talent thanks to G&CFarm’s horses.

A multifaceted and persevering man who achieves what he proposes thanks to his vision for the future.

Man with a vision for the future

There are two elements of his father that greatly influenced his decisions and is that his father was a lawyer and horse lover.

His admiration for his father as a child was enormous, to the point that he decided to study and train as a lawyer.

So little by little he worked the way to achieve everything he has achieved today.

On the other hand, his father’s example in relation to respect and love for animals forged in Gustavo Mirabal Castro a deep love and respect for horses.

This served to make Mirabal have a vision for the future, so great goals were forged which he was able to achieve. It should be noted that his wife Maria Carolina

Chapellin played an extremely important role in the scope of these projects. Well, it was his right-hand man and his administrative adviser.

The Mirabal Chapellín husbands work with great impetus in each of the projects they undertake.

Gustavo Mirabal and the Pessoa brothers
Gustavo Mirabal and the Pessoa brothers

Gustavo Mirabal and the Horses

As we mentioned above Gustavo Mirabal Castro developed three key elements: love, respect and compassion towards animals. Especially their center are horses, for these have given them moments full of joy and happiness.

Horses are very noble animals that deserve the best. That is why this man with his wife Maria Carolina Chapellín set an example for his children to care for and respect animals.

It should be noted that this man’s wife also enjoys the privilege of growing up surrounded by horses.

This special taste was what I finish to arrow this couple forever. Today they maintain that love for horses and enjoy when they do equestrian tourism in Spain, Argentina and other places that are innovating in this field.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s favorite horses include Tropigold, Laser Beam and G&C Arrayan. Each of these in his own way left an indelible mark on this man’s life.

Gustavo Mirabal and his wife, Carolina Chapellin
Gustavo Mirabal and his wife, Carolina Chapellin

G&C Farm: An Equestrian Dream

With much effort and dedication Gustavo Mirabal Castro emigrated with his family to the United States. There he was able to consolidate his great equestrian dream.

This project was completed in 2009. This one I’m named after: the G&C Farm training center.

G&C Farm, the amazing equestrian space, is definitely a very comfortable place. I also work with the best coaches and high standards of excellence. That is why G&C Farm achieved reference levels of hipism in the world.

It should be noted that G&C Farme is inactive to this day.

From there came talented horses such as the horse that was mounted by the outstanding Spanish rider Sergio Alvarez Moya.

This horse was G&C Arrayan who in combination with their rider made a magic duo and were left champions in the Cannes competition of the Longines Champions in 2017.

Gustavo Mirabal's G&C Rider Sergio Alvarez Moya & Arrayan won Caixa-Bank Prize
Gustavo Mirabal’s G&C Rider Sergio Alvarez Moya & Arrayan won Caixa-Bank Prize

Who is Gustavo Mirabal Castro?

Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a multifaceted man who leaves Venezuela on high whether in the equestrian, business or financial adviser.

The various activities this man has performed throughout his life have made him the target of negative criticism from parts of malicious people. However, people who know him can attest to its integrity and transparency.

This is the real Gustavo Mirabal, a man who is passionate about the activities he performs. Well, enjoy every moment, that happens to people who love their profession.

On the other hand with his experiences in countries such as the United States, Spain and the United Arab Emirates makes him a citizen of the world. This makes your experience and cultural heritage grow every day.

Gustavo Mirabal and close friends
Gustavo Mirabal and close friends

A Venezuelan who hides a great love for his country

This is Gustavo Mirabal Castro, a man who loves his country, that is why he strives to give his best where he goes.

Every Venezuelan outside his terroir tries to be as respectful and polite as possible. For the vision of Venezuela for foreigners motivates them to know the wonderful landscapes, tradition and customs of its people.

Gustavo Mirabal had the privilege that as a child his parents took him to know various places in the country.

Among the sites he met are the following:

  • The Venezuelan Andes this is made up of the states Táchira, Mérida and Trujillo. There they toured each of these states tasting the delicious cuisine native to the region. They were also delighted with the kindness and cordiality of the Andeans.
  • Margarita Island, there she has memories of her childhood playing by the sea and building sand castles with her brothers.
  • On the shores of Aragua and Miranda you enjoyed on weekends they were a succulent fried fish with salad and fries.
  • Later in his adult stage he was able to meet the Angel Leap with his wife Carolina Mirabal and contemplate the magnificent of these sacred landscapes.

Undoubtedly this man traveled from end to end his country and can attest to the unparalleled beauty of Venezuela.

As for the gastronomy of Venezuela they preserve the traditions of the typical dishes of the country during Christmas and Easter times.

Venezuelan Flag - Pride for Gustavo Mirabal Castro
Venezuelan Flag – Pride for Gustavo Mirabal Castro

A multifaceted man named Gustavo Mirabal Castro

I hope this article is an astonishment of what is the prominent Venezuelan Gustavo Mirabal Castro.

This Venezuelan man has excelled in various areas leaving the name of his beloved country Venezuela.

His contribution to the world of equestrian practice in the United States and Spain earned him the recognition of this guild. From there was born the strategic alliance with the Spanish rider Sergio Alvarez Moya.

Undoubtedly Gustavo Mirabal Castro is an example to follow…

Then… Who is Gustavo Mirabal Castro? He is an excellent Venezuelan who transcends Venezuela’s borders with its overwhelming success in the equestrian, business and currently financial world.





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