//The relevance of human rights

The relevance of human rights

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TheThe relevance that has been given in recent times to human rights is a topic that is very much in vogue today. Since many governments, if not the majority, do not comply with respect for the human rights of the population. It is a very sensitive issue, and, in some countries, it can become critical what is related to this issue.

Now, many will ask themselves: What are human rights?

We proceed to explain in a very simple way the concept of what human rights mean.

They are inherent rights of all human beings, without distinction of any kind as to race, sex, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty; not to be subjected to slavery or torture; freedom of opinion and expression; as well as education and work, among many others. These rights belong to all people, without any discrimination.

As we can see, the concept is very broad and is nothing more than the protection that we must enjoy as human beings that we are. Unfortunately, human rights violations have been committed in both developed and underdeveloped countries. Worst of all, these rights continue to be violated day by day.

If they were really fulfilled this does not have any type of discrimination, urges to enjoy a life in freedom with education, work, health that is to say an adequate standard of living. Last but not least, acts of torture should not be committed. It hurts in the soul to say it, but this is what is most committed in dictatorial regimes, but in democratic countries it is also injured.

The relevance of human rights
The relevance of human rights

Relevance of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The document emanating from the historic Universal Declaration of Human Rights was prepared by delegates from different countries of the world. Being heterogeneous by the participation of people from different cultures and therefore different points of view. Hence, December 10, 1948 was marked in contemporary history because that day was promulgated by the General Assembly of the United Nations in Paris as a common ideal for all the countries of the world.

From that very productive meeting, the essential rights that must be universally protected were instituted. After his consent in 1948, this document has had the record that it has been dubbed into more than 501 languages. For this reason, it became the most translated document on the planet. By virtue of this it has been a source of inspiration for the creation and modification of the Magna Carta for the foundation of new autonomous and democratic States.

A complement is that which is derived from the following documents:

  • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its two Optional Protocols
  • International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and its Optional Protocol
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Between these three documents make up the International Bill of Human Rights. The latter is a very complex compilation and at the same time the highest document on human rights worldwide. States must adhere to this and comply with them to the letter.

It should be noted that this will not be fulfilled in its entirety, but rulers must make every effort to guarantee them. There are even constitutions that are based on these documents, so it gives greater weight to the International Bill of Human Rights.

Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner - The relevance of Human Rights
Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner – The relevance of Human Rights

Relevance of Human Rights Council

In 2006, the United Nations innovated in the field of rights of the person. The Human Rights Council was established in this regard. This council replaced the UN Commission on Human Rights, which completed a six-decade trajectory as an intergovernmental part committed to the relevance of human rights.

The Human Rights Council is made up of forty-seven delegates from different countries. In effect, it is responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights throughout the world. This in order to confront scenarios of human rights violations. In this regard, he should express suggestions about them. In addition, it includes the response to emergency conditions in the field of human rights.

The most renewing element of the Human Rights Council is the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). This unique component calls for the review of the human rights situation in the one hundred and ninety-three countries that make up the United Nations. The frequency with which it is applied is every four years.

This assessment is a State-led cooperative process under the auspices of the Human Rights Council. This was an opportune moment to set out the measures they had put in place and what challenges had been set to improve the human rights situation in their country. Also, to fulfill its commitments at the international level.

The Universal Periodic Review is deed to affirm universality and equal treatment for all countries.

First Principle: Universal and Inalienable

The first principle of human rights states that they are universal and inalienable. It is the fundamental basis of international human rights law. This principle is highlighted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This universality gives relevances to human rights. It has subsequently been repeated in many international rights conventions, dogmas and resolutions.

The World Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna in 1993 provided as follows:

All States have a duty, regardless of their political, economic, and cultural systems, to promote and protect these fundamental rights and freedoms.

On the other hand, all human rights are inalienable. These should not be limited for no reason. There are exceptions, such as limiting the right to liberty if a court of law prosecutes a person who is found guilty of having committed a crime. However, he must be guaranteed due process and the right to a defence.

Stand up for human rights
Stand up for human rights

Second principle: Interdependent and indivisible

Absolutely all human rights, whatever their nature, are interdependent and indivisible.  This is one of the keys about relevance of human rights. Among these are civil and political rights such as:

  • The right to life, equality before the law and freedom of expression
  • Secondly, economic, social and cultural rights, including the following: the right to work, social security and education. In a way, these are fundamental aspects of the quality of life of the inhabitants of a country.
  • Then you have collective rights among these are the rights to development and self-determination. In this sense all are inseparable, connected and interdependent rights.
  • All these human rights are somehow interconnected. For the development of one provides the evolution of the others. Likewise, the disappearance of one right categorically affects the others.

In effect, international organizations must ensure compliance with these by governments regardless of their system of government.

Third principle: Equal and non-discriminatory

Non-discrimination is a cross-cutting principle in international human rights law. It is one of the fundamental pillars of the relevance of human rights treaties. It also establishes the central theme of some international conventions.

An example of this is the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. There is also a convention on the elimination of discrimination against women.

The principle of non-discrimination is perfected by the principle of equality, as agreed in article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”

Eleanor Roosevelt and de Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Eleanor Roosevelt and de Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The relevance of human rights in the world

Human rights have changed the way in which the relationship between citizens and states is conceived. It has become clear that the person is not subordinate to the states and on the contrary the states must defend their basic rights. However, all states are unwilling to understand that their role is to serve their citizens, not to command them.

However, the relevance of declaration of human rights laid the foundations for a better world. It is up to us to work and fight to make it a reality.