//Gustavo Mirabal: The man who planned his success | Panampost
Planificación financiera

Gustavo Mirabal: The man who planned his success | Panampost

Goals are not achieved overnight, as everything requires effort, discipline and perseverance. For this reason he is Gustavo Mirabal: The man who planned his success | Panampost.

Dreams must be captured so that they become reality. Dreams in writing become goals to be achieved. To achieve these goals it is necessary to devise plans that are executed through activities. In this way, dreams are achieved by working hard to achieve them.

Gustavo Mirabal managed to plan a life full of successes in a very strategic and intelligent way.

Achieving goals is not always an easy task, but with determination, discipline and perseverance it can be achieved. This is precisely what this outstanding Venezuelan has left over.

To some extent it was easy for him to achieve success, since all his life he has been a highly planned and forward-thinking man.

Brian Tracy had the following in regards to planning:

“A clear vision, backed by clear plans, gives you a tremendous sense of confidence and personal power.”

That was exactly what Gustavo Mirabal experienced: The man who planned his success | Panampost.

The Importance of Planning

Importance of planning in the life of Gustavo Mirabal

Gustavo Mirabal: The man who planned his success | Panampost has placed great importance on being organized in all aspects of your life.

Ever since we’re kids, we’ve dreamed of achieving great adult things. To do this we form academically. We work by honing skills and learning to save and then embark on an independent path.

This was just what Gustavo Mirabal did, a study to be a lawyer at Santa Maria University. He then practiced his profession in different banking institutions. In the meantime, he saved to make his dreams come true.

He eventually took off and formed his own law firm called “Mirabal&Asociados”. there he dedicated himself to growing up in the company of his associates forming an excellent team.

But his dreams went further, so he set out in the equestrian world in the U.S.

The equestrian Disney World as many called it that Gustavo Mirabal was projected as a child. Then he visualize it and plan it until he achieve it.

The mark that this man left in the US is indelible, for this reason Gustavo Mirabal is the last rider to be praised by the US.

G&C Farm
G&C Farm

Planning as a primary element in finance – Gustavo Mirabal: The man who planned his success | Panampost

Gustavo as a financial advisor is extremely methodical. That is why it relies on the correct planning of the strategies to be followed with each of its clients. Therein lies the key to success of Gustavo Mirabal success: The man who planned his success | Panampost.

In the world of finance planning is vital, as nothing can be left to chance. For this, it is essential to make a diagnosis and, depending on the results, plan the appropriate strategies.

According to Contreras (2009) financial planning:

“… synthesizes as an efficient result of the activities presented, the possibility of drawing investment or financing strategies, depending on the results achieved”

Financial planning is the process of preparing a comprehensive, organized, detailed and personalized financial plan. This plan ensures that the financial objectives determined above are achieved. This is how the deadlines, costs and resources necessary to make it possible are met.

The concept was born in the United States at the beginning of the 70s. it was a response to the need to take into account all aspects that can influence finance regardless of whether it is a person or company.

Financial planning
Financial planning by Gustavo Mirabal who planned his success | Panampost

4 stages of financial planning

  1. Establishment of the objectives to be achieved and their priority.
  2. Definition of deadlines to achieve these objectives.
  3. Preparation of the financial budget. That is, the identification of the different items necessary to achieve satisfactory results.
  4. The measurement and control of financial decisions made. The control avoid deviating from the path that leads to the objective or objectives set.

If in an institution, whether private or public, they take these stages into account and fulfill them as they should be, they will surely achieve all the goals that have been set at the beginning.


Planning in personal life – Gustavo Mirabal: The man who planned his success | Panampost.

In life we ​​must have a goal and a good planning to achieve the goals that we set ourselves.

Maickel Melamed expressed the following in relation to dreams:

“If you dream it, make it happen”

Dreaming about it is very easy, but from there to when dreams are crystallized there is a long path. We have to turn dreams into goals, plans, activities and little by little we move towards what we want.

Beyond dream “dreams”, we must be captured and shaped it. In this way, with small actions that add up, success can be achieved both personally and professionally.

Personally planning is very important. It allows us to prepare before embarking on a new project or goal..

Proper planning helps us:

  • Achieve clarity: planning becomes evident many of the activities we must perform to achieve our goal.
  • Estimate resources: having a clearer vision of what we must do to achieve our goal or complete our project also what resources we will need for this.
  • Cushion risks: when we anticipate possible future scenarios. It becomes easier to make better decisions about the path we should follow to achieve our goal.
Personal life planning - Gustavo Mirabal | Panampost
Personal life planning – Gustavo Mirabal | Panampost

Carolina Chapellín: A highly planned wife – Gustavo Mirabal: The man who planned his success | Panampost.

One of the things that Gustavo Mirabal and his wife Carolina Chapellín agree on is their love for horses. But the second revolves around the importance of planning.

For this reason, the Mirabal Chapellín spouses are highly planned. They go always in the direction of achieving the goals that they propose. This applies on a personal, family, professional and business level.

Without a doubt, from the list of things to buy for the house to the dream vacations, they have always been planned. Both always are taking into account the smallest details.

Carolina Chapellín values ​​the importance of planning on a day-to-day basis. Although there are things that sometimes can get out of control when planning. Even so, when one is foresighted, situations are better addressed at a given time.

As a mother, she teaches her children the importance of planning in their homework and in their duties at home. This helps them better understand their duties and rights.

Spouses Mirabal Chapellín: A picture of the family
Spouses Mirabal Chapellín: A picture of the family


Gustavo Mirabal the Venezuelan who planned his professional side and his internationalization

Some people are more planned than others. But if something is inscribed in Gustavo Mirabal’s DNA in his skill and need to plan.

Just as Gustavo Mirabal planned his personal and family side, so he has planned every aspect of his life.

Applying the basic principles of your planning to every aspect of your life.

The first thing is that Gustavo Mirabal has always set goals to achieve. And those goals, while measurable and achievable, have always been challenging. Not a few people plan to internationalize their law firm at age 30.

The other aspects of his vision of life were achieved through experience. Experience in the banking and insurance sector was critical to estimating the resources needed to achieve its goals.

The insurance industry also provided valuable statistical tools to cushion risks. Undoubtedly actuarial sciences have played a fundamental role since then in his life.

These goals were set with their respective deadlines. While deadlines are one of the things that require more adaptation in planning, it is also true that they are indispensable.

For Gustavo Mirabal, internationalization would be on a 10-year time horizon in the future. However, his first steps would be completed years earlier than expected.

It also occurred with the estimation of financial and technical resources to achieve the proposed results. His facet of avid reader made it easier for him to ensure the knowledge necessary for his two professional aspects: lawyer and financial advisor.

But we cannot forget that the tools of planning are valid in every area of our lives. This is how the amateur jumping rider facet also benefited greatly from Gustavo Mirabal’s planning.

G&C Farm a dream that became a project

Well, his equestrian training was always on hand with one of the companies that gave him the most satisfaction: G&C Farm. Gustavo Mirabal understood that to run a breeding and horse training farm he needed personal experience.

Knowing the horses and everything around them needed intimate knowledge for which their experience as a rider was just the tip of the iceberg.

This is how when thinking of a horse-breeding farm Gustavo Mirabal identified the need to be a successful rider. This would provide you with direct knowledge and experience in the area.

His victories would account for the successful selection of horses and their training. But it would also provide you with the necessary contacts in the exclusive world of jumping riders.

That’s how he met Nelson Pessoa and other famous riders such as Sergio Alvarez Moya. But his preparation didn’t start in Spain, even in the U.S. His preparation began at the age of 10 when he first rode horses in the club to which his father Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos, another passionate equestrian, took him.

In Venezuela, Gustavo Mirabal already had a passion for horses and business. Following in his father’s footsteps, as we will see later, Gustavo decided to start a horse-breading business.

Located in Upper Hatillo, Venezuela, the embryo began to develop from what would eventually become G&C Farm.

There he began his journey to prepare himself as a rider, breeder and equestrian businessman.

It was his father Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos who induced this equestrian passion that he felt. But let the next section tell you a little more about Gustavo Mirabal Bustillos’ life.

G&C Arrayan - the winner
G&C Arrayan – the winner

In summary

Gustavo Mirabal: The man who planned his success | Panampost, did it with great care taking into account all “the edges”.

His wife María Carolina Chapellín de Mirabal was an invaluable support. As an administrator she knows very well the benefits of planning.

Planning is valid at the personal, family and institutional level, in all areas planning is of great importance.

In the case of Gustavo Mirabal, he gave him the necessary relevance to achieve success in various areas.

Here is an interview with this outstanding Venezuelan:



Contreras, E. (2009). La importancia de la gestión financiera en la creación de valor. [En línea], disponible en http://www.areaminera.com/contenidos/entrevistas/73.act



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