El caballo en la música

The horse in music and farm work songs

We have seen the horse in the fine arts, such as in painting, sculpture and also in cinema and comics. Today it's the turn of the horse in the music and the so-called work songs…

Alirio Palacios: An equestrian artist

Alirio Palacios is a Venezuelan plastic artist known for his great versatility that stood out in his career as an equestrian artist. He is a Venezuelan artist who has left his mark thanks to his…

Centauros, Mitad hombre, mitad caballo - Mitología Griega - Gustavo Mirabal

Centaur, mythological creature

Centaur, a combination of the human and the equine The centaur is a very important creature in Greek mythology. The authors agree that their form and behavior is the metaphor for the struggle between reason…

Milagros Inesperados - Películas sobre derecho y justicia

Films about law and justice

Reflection on what justice means as a society is not only desirable but also necessary. It is the way we translate the morals and ethics of society into practical terms. Sometimes there are undefinitions, but…

Estatua dedicada al Mio Cid en España - El caballo en la literatura universal

Equestrian sculptures – Top 3 – The horse…

Throughout history the artistic manifestations have been diverse about what surrounds him and the important themes. That is why the horse has been a recurring theme in the artistic theme. Today we will cover an…

Amy and Spartan - Heartland

Horses in transmedia – Galloping from book to…

The transmedia storytelling is increasingly present in our lives. But what does transmedia storytelling mean? The transmedia storytelling is one that runs between several media at once, either in a complementary way or as multiple…

Pintura-George Stubbs -Gustavo Mirabal-Arte

The horse in painting through history

We commented in our article on "the horse in universal literature" that the first artistic expression where the horse had been reflected was in painting. In the cave paintings, man recorded his closeness to the…

Tornado and Zorro - Famous Horses

Zorro: A Masked Hero on Horseback

Zorro is the hero who marked the childhood of at least 4 decades. A powerful rider equipped with a sword and his intelligence makes a difference and does justice. Zorro is the masked hero par…