Diving Horse

The Diving Horses Show

As the man evolves he has also gone backwards in terms of the treatment of animals. This to the extent that circuses, dolphinariums, and all those shows that are made with animals have emerged. It…

Maracay racecourses

Maracay racecourses

Maracay, a city linked to the animal world. The city of Maracay is closely related to the animal world. Beginning with the origin of its name and the importance of horses, its zoo and Maracay…

Role of the horse

The present and future of the role of…

The present and future of the horse The horse is as old as the human itself. This majestic mammal of great size has served as a faithful companion of the human's adventures. Likewise, the horse…

Swimming horse race

Swimming horse race in San Fernando de Apure

Swimming horse race in San Fernando de Apure In previous articles we have mentioned several horse races that take place in Spain. Today corresponds the turn to make mention of Venezuela where in its splendid…

Paul Walker Tamer

Paul Walker horse tamer

The behavior of horses tends to be rough or nervous. Even sometimes horses can be difficult to handle by man. That is why there are people who are dedicated to dealing with the behavioral problems…

A good horse trainer

A good horse trainer

A good horse trainer For a horse to follow the orders of the rider or owner, a training and a trainer are required. This trainer must comply with certain characteristics that make him capable and…

Ishbak Shehadeh

Ishbak Shehadeh The horse healer

Ishbak Shehadeh The horse healer. In the equine world there are many aspects to take into account when having horses. Since it entails a routine veterinary control, and in turn if it presents disruptive behaviors,…

Recreational riding

Recreational riding

Horse riding takes place in many countries and is part of attractions of tourist destinations. This is how in Europe has been implemented related to equestrian tourism. Therefore, there are sites such as clubs or…