Gustavo Mirabal Castro is a man who infinitely loves the land where he was born, for this reason Caracas, his hometown, occupies a very special place in his heart.
Caracas is the capital of Venezuela, the birthplace of Bolívar El Libertador, where the main country institutions are concentrated.
There are also beautiful landscapes. The people of Caracas can choose between beaches or mountains. This versatility is ideal for its inhabitants and tourists.
For the fun and distraction of Caracas, this city has outdoor places to enjoy with the family.
Among these sites is the Parque del Este and “Cerro El Ávila”. For the family who like the sport, Sundays are the ideal days to see the city from the top of the Ávila. For this, Sabas Nieves is a very crowded place that offers us a spectacular space.
Gustavo Mirabal and his beloved Caracas, a city that was engraved in the heart of this man forever.
Remembering his beloved country Venezuela
For Venezuelans who for many reasons are outside their country, it is normal for them to feel longing for their homeland.
There are many anecdotes that Gustavo Mirabal relates to his beloved country.
Gustavo Mirabal had the privilege of going on a trip throughout his national territory with his wonderful family.
In this way, he got to know and experiment in each of the regions. He learn to appreciate the unique beauty of the plains, mountains, deserts, imposing jungles, beaches and mangroves.
One of the things that this man remembers about his beloved Caracas is his upbringing. He remembers the love of his brothers and his parents.
Venezuela is a country of different colors, customs and above all people of values and principles.
Gustavo Mirabal always remembers the good times, the joy. Also the resilience of those years where experience and knowledge were gained.

Childhood of Gustavo Mirabal Castro in his beloved Caracas
The time that Gustavo Mirabal lived in Venezuela, he was always residing in the capital of the country, that is, Caracas.
He was born into the Mirabal Castro Family surrounded by the love of his parents who were his best example to follow.
Gustavo Mirabal always showed love and compassion for animals. After the contact with the Tropigold horse he developed a great love for equines.
One of the activities he most enjoyed was accompanying his father to the La Rinconada Racetrack in Caracas.
He loved to walk through the different squares and parks of the imposing Caracas such as:
- The House of the Liberator Simón Bolívar: In his mind Gustavo recreated the life of the liberator. He did it with great details such as the dynamics with his brothers and with his teachers Don Andrés Bello and Simón Rodríguez.
- The Museum of Colonial Art in Caracas was another of the places where he enjoyed. Without a doubt, Gustavo Mirabal feels great admiration for the arts in general.
- The Bolívar Square in Caracas is an entire heritage landmark of Venezuela as a place that keeps all the capital joy of a city full of development and culture.
The life of this important man is always full of memories of a great, infinite, prosperous and kind Venezuela.
Caracas is the city where he grew up as a dynamic, positive, optimistic man, owner of his own history.
This man is a persevering worker who managed to position himself as a great lawyer in his firm “Mirabal & Asociados”.

Remembering his beloved city: Caracas
Caracas is Gustavo Mirabal Castro’s favorite place. In this place he was born, grew up, studied, worked and met the love of his life Carolina Chapellín.
Without a doubt, talking about Caracas implies practically writing a book, because this is a city full of stories.
It should be noted that Caracas is the birthplace of “The Liberator”. So Simón Bolívar also loved this city with the depth of his heart
Caracas, despite being a congested city, always has places to rest. An example of this is Parque La Estancia, a green heart in the middle of the city.
Carolina Chapellín and her beloved husband came to this place to contemplate nature and practice yoga.
Another of the most notorious places that this Venezuelan loves in the capital city is the “Francia Square” or better known as “Altamira Square”.
So in these spaces of the Municipality of Chacao they enjoyed their pleasant moments.

Gustavo Mirabal Castro lover of culture
Gustavo Mirabal loves to link art, culture and architecture but above all history.
One of the things this man enjoys the most is art and seeing the smallest details in things. For this reason Gustavo Mirabal has not only visited the museums of his beloved Caracas, but also knows the museums of all the cities he knows.
The Contemporary Art Museum is one of the many that he visited. From time to time he went to “Los Galpones Art Center” and enjoyed the succulent cuisine that they offer there.
The” Teresa Carreño” Theater is also one of the places where he went to see different concerts and plays.
Without a doubt, this man enjoys art in all its expressions.
Although he has not developed any art skills, this man often admires and enjoys art.

Gastronomy an important element in the life of this Venezuelan
Venezuelan gastronomy is unique and diverse, which is why it always likes to maintain its customs with the exquisite dishes of its native land.
One of those dream places is El Galipán where Gustavo Mirabal Castro gave beautiful flowers to his beloved Carolina Chapellín. They also enjoyed a good dish and complemented with a dessert of strawberries with cream.
Their children love the hot chocolate from these places and the kindness and hospitality of the people of Galipán is to be admired.
Other dishes such as the Creole pavilion, the “Hallacas” and desserts are favorites of the Chapellín Mirabal
And if we talk about the gastronomy of the regions, cakes and Andean chicha are his favorites.
Although on the coast there is nothing like a fried fish with salad and plantains on the seashore.
Without a doubt, the memories they have of their beloved Venezuela contemplate flavors, smells, textures of each of their sites.
Venezuela not only has a diversity of landscapes but also its gastronomy is varied.

Venezuela in the heart of Gustavo Mirabal
This beautiful country will always remain in the memory and in the hearts of those who for various reasons have left the country.
The Mirabal Chapellín couple are successful professionals who succeed far from their homeland, Venezuela. It should be noted that it is always in their hearts.
With joy they remember longing for their homeland.
Today this beautiful family is found in the Middle East specifically in the prosperous lands of the United Arab Emirates. The successful Gustavo Mirabal works as a financial advisor here.
Caracas is the capital of Venezuela being a metropolis full of magic, culture and customs. This city does not stop, it is always very busy since the main companies in the country are located here.
Caracas is a city of tall buildings, highways, commerce, in short, it is a very unique city.
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