Today everything moves based on finances, which is why it is so important to obtain a basic knowledge of how to handle them.
Finance is an area of business administration and economics that studies the change of capital from the micro to the macro. In this sense, it does so from transactions between individuals, companies or countries.
In addition, finances evaluate elements of the utmost importance for decision making. Among these elements is uncertainty and the risk that business activities entail.
On the other hand it is inclined to the study of obtaining capital for investment in productive goods. It also studies the investment decisions of savers.
The finances correspond to a space of the economy that studies the obtaining and administration of money and capital. That is, finance studies the use and obtaining of financial resources.
It is responsible for seeing the entire cycle because it sees financing, as well as investment and savings.
In this installment we will address the wide world of finance and the importance it has for people, companies and even governments.
The world of finance is paramount when it comes to making important decisions. Finance evaluates the situation from a broad and inclusive point of view. That is why the world of finance studies how companies, people or countries are responsible for making important decisions. These decisions have to do with investment, saving and spending in fluctuation contexts.
Finance concept
The concept of finance refers to:
- The analyzes, techniques and decisions taken.
- In a certain period of time.
- By the state, companies or individuals.
- For the use and management of money and other assets.
- This is a branch of economic sciences.
On the other hand there are economic science experts who point to finance as an art. Well, it is extremely confusing to achieve a balance between the income of money, its expenditure. Likewise, the risks in the investment must be taken into account.
In addition the fundamental elements of the world of finance how much to save, spend, invest, lend. Also consider the risk you can get.

Types of Finance
The world of finance has its own classification among them we can see the following:
Corporate finance:
The focus of corporate finance is on increasing business profits. To achieve this you need investment and subsidy.
The way to carry out this work is from the evaluation of their actions. These finances are usually related to investment banking.
The bank takes into account the weaknesses of the corporations and their form of solution is from the transfer of capital. From there it is very likely that certain associations will occur.
Personal finance:
These are much easier to address and refers to expenses, income, savings, investments, risks. All this is seen from a small perception as it refers to families. However, you must be very organized if you want healthy finances.
This type of finance usually has great relevance since it is not the amount of income of a person. But the way he carries these, hence the importance of keeping a detailed record of income and expenses. If it is not carried clearly it can result in permanent debts.
Today the issue of financial education is very much in vogue. This applied to the personal sphere has its positive effects on the economy of the person who puts it into practice.

Public finances:
This is macro, that is, they cover areas of the states. The components that are taken into account are the following:
- Public expenses and public revenues,
- Indebtedness, both external and internal,
- Expenditures on goods and services produced by the states and in parallel with them.
In the case of the world of countries’ finances, they must be very careful with respect to their fiscal policies, since these have direct effects on the macroeconomy.
In this way it affects what has to do with consumption, investment or savings. This occurs both in the general population and in large companies.
The states can opt for deficit, surplus or equilibrium balances. This refers to the effect between income and expenses can be negative, positive or equal to zero.
- Deficit balances: Companies gain some savings and investment capacity.
- Surplus: States increase their ability to invest and save.
The study and proper management of the world of finance have great advantages among them we can mention the following:
- Efficiently manage personal resources.
- Frequent with the world of finance specifically business.
- Enforce attractive and enjoyable professional opportunities.
- Make well-based decisions of public interest as a citizen.
The world of finance in Commercial Law
This is one of the areas addressed by Commercial Law, which is why Gustavo Mirabal ventured into this area. Well, banking experience made him see an extremely broad perception of what the world of finance represents.
The great Venezuelan Gustavo Mirabal Castro has excelled in other countries through his profession. Well, he has been dedicated to providing advice on the world of finance.
The importance of the world of finance
The world of finance is of great importance both for the global scope of governments and large corporations to the smallest companies and individuals. Gustavo Mirabal recognizes the importance of the world of finance and that is why he has spent so much time deciphering it.
Various elements must be taken into account so that finances result in a positive way regardless of whether it is a country, company or person. Well, this will result in economic growth and therefore has a positive effect on the population. Gustavo Mirabal manages in depth each of the variables of the world of finance to boost the personal and family finances of his clients.
The world moves through finances. That is why we talk about the world of finance. As most of the activities of goods and services involve a monetary movement of sale, investment, savings among others.
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