In the equestrian world it is important to integrate a multidisciplinary team when dealing with horses. In this team it is important the joint union of criteria of the veterinarian, trainers, riders, blacksmiths. It is vital that the horse is known to see strange behaviors that may indicate that something is not right. For this reason, the role of the farrier is very important, as is the good health of the horse’s feet. Guaranteeing the welfare of the animal. The farrier Hans Castelijns, is a multifaceted and versatile man since he combines his profession of farrier and veterinarian. In this way he has dedicated himself to the hardware and equine podiatry throughout his career.

Hans Castelijns professional training
In 1985 he began his training as a farrier in the veterinary clinic “” Bosch en Duin “” of Utrecht – The Netherlands. Where continues to obtain in 1989 the farrier diploma awarded by the Region of Tuscany, Italy. Convinced of the need for continuous training and facilitated by his knowledge of Dutch, Spanish, English, French, Italian and German he frequents with interest conferences and seminars on equine ironwork and podiatry as well as visits to blacksmithing teachers in several countries of the world (Spain, Italy, France, Switzerland, England, USA).
In 1993 he enrolled in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the “Universita degli Studi di Perugia” – Italy.
The sections of interest of Hans Castelijns are:
- The foals in development, as well as diagnosis and therapy of lameness (in particular the problems related to the foot)
- Beside his practical work in the sector he develops: didactic activity as a lecturer in conferences, conferences. Also practical laboratories of hardware and veterinary.
- He has played an important role as an external speaker at the University of Veterinary Medicine of Perugia.
- Contributes to articles for European journals such as El Errador and offers consultations for products of materials used in the hardware and podiatry.
- On the other hand, it gives training and updating courses.
Published articles and conference documents of Hans Castelijns

- Ya tenemos el diagnóstico. Ahora como l’herramos? (2016) (“We already have the diagnosis. Now how do we farrer it?”)
- Ejecuciones posteriores y terapéuticas de las patas traseras. (“Posterior and therapeutic executions of the hind legs”)
- Puntuación con el corazón y la prueba: uso apropiado del corazón de hierro. (2016) (“Score with the heart and the test: proper use of the heart of iron”)
- Zapato El miembro trasero para el rendimiento y la terapia. (“Shoe The rear limb for performance and therapy”)
- Uso apropiado de la barra de zapatos para el corazón cuando se trata de heridas de pezuña (2016) (“Proper use of the shoe bar for the heart when it comes to hoof wounds”)
- Hufbeschlag mit Herz und Verstand. Der optimale Einsatz von Herzstegeisen(2015) (“Horseshoe with heart and mind. The optimal use of heart-piercing iron”)
- Los fundamentos de la herrería como preludio a la herrería terapéutica. (2015) (“The foundations of blacksmithing as a prelude to therapeutic blacksmithing”)
- Calzado para tendón, ligamento y patología articular.(2014) (“Footwear for tendon, ligament and joint pathology”)
- Intensivkurs in Hufbeschlag und Podologie(2014) (“Intensive course in horseshoeing and podiatry”)
- Un caso de fundador dos a la onicomicosis de una derecha derecha. (2014) (“A case of two founder to onychomycosis of a right right”)
- Favorise una conformation correcte pour le futur cheval athlète (2014) (“Promotes a correct conformation for the future athlete horse”)
In conclusion, we can see how the human being can combine several trades and professions that complement each other. In effect, a sample of its excellence with its presentations, articles and the legacy that it is leaving in future generations through teaching.
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