Animals are God’s most wonderful creation, so they have served as companionship to human beings. Over time, dogs, cats and some birds are the most common pets that man usually has in their homes. However for the most eccentric tastes. On the one hand some have pets like mice, snakes or guinea pigs that turn out to be more exotic. Some have some larger pets such as horses and donkeys, like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
To have these last animals you must have a suitable space because they are large animals. Miniature horses, ponies and mini donkeys often work as pets. The latter is the mascot of famous Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Regardless of the animal you choose to have at home, ideally keep it in the best possible condition. This means that you must have space to have fun, a balanced diet with the right nutritional requirements. It should also have strict veterinary control (vaccines, vitamins, routine exams among others). Having a pet is fun but also a responsibility.
It should be noted that if you are going to have a pet at home, it is conducive to the opportunity to stimulate the adoption of animals. Well, there are many of these on the street, so it’s worth giving them a second chance. This applies to horses and donkeys as they are also victims of abandonment.
These pets have been the company of the famous actor during the quarantine of the coronavirus. From this vision he has promoted the love for animals and the possibility that they will serve as companionship in these moments of isolation that we are living. We leave you a video about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s relationship with his exotic pets.
Arnold Schwarzenegger an equine lover
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous 72-year-old Hollywood actor, this man has a pet that is usually very unique as he is a mini donkey.
This little donkey is called Lulu and it has become quite a sensation on social media. This is one of the pampered of this famous American actor.
In January you saw the first photos of the unusual equine pet.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s fascination with equines has already been seen, as he has reported videos of his equine pets on previous occasions.
As an example of this a few months ago he climbed to TikTok, a clip helping his beloved pet Whiskey, a pony, exercise.
This certainly excites the millions of followers around the world. In addition, it is nice to see that celebrities love and respect animals.

An adoption advocate: Arnold Schwarzenegger
For people who talk about adoption, their actions must be consistent. In that sense Arnold Schwarzenegger not only loves animals. But adopting animals, in the case of his horse pony Whiskey was adopted more than a decade ago
This already says a lot about the person and his big heart. Therefore we must follow the example of this great actor.
Well, you probably can’t adopt a horse or donkey, but if it’s easier to adopt a dog or a cat. This will vary depending on the person’s tastes, available space and their ability to provide them with what is necessary.
The important thing here is to give so many animals a second chance that needs it.
This certainly excites the millions of followers around the world. Besides, it’s nice to see celebrities love and respect animals.

Activities with your pet the whiskey pony
On social media, specifically on your Instagram account you can see how Whiskey accompanies your new partner.
In this way they walk together through one of the offices of the former governor of California,
There they interact with a woman and even eat there. Therefore on that tour he was accompanied by his little horses.
These donkeys are a species native to North Africa and the islands of Sicily.
These mini donkeys are ideal since their size does not exceed one meter.
The usefulness previously given to these small donkeys was to transport water to the villages.
Arnold Schwarzenegger as an environmental activist has sought to give his mini donkey a better life.
In the world of cinema there are recognized actors with a great heart to undertake philanthropic works for the environment.
That’s why Arnold Schwarzenegger not only adopts animals. But he’s also an activist. This great actor founded Regions of Climate Action, a non-profit environmental organization supported by the United Nations (UN).
Currently, activism with their pets also concerns strengthening quarantine measures. Below is a video on the subject.
R20 Foundation – Regions of Climate Action
The renowned actor carries out an initiative through his organization called R20 – Regions of Climate Action.
In this sense this body led by Arnold Schwarzenegger carries out the execution of green infrastructure projects. This initiative is aimed at the field of waste optimization, renewable energy and energy efficiency.
This is in order to establish relationships between public authorities, technology partners and financial investors.
An integrated approach to activating green infrastructure progress and financing.
As we can see these initiatives are aimed at implementing large projects that have a harmonious relationship with the environment.
In this sense this is what is managed as trends in the present and in the future of sustainable constructions.

Arnold Schwarzenegger an actor with a big heart.
The great American actor Arnold Schwarzenegger has not only excelled in his films. It has also marked an indelible mark on preserving the environment.
There’s definitely a whole move in Hollywood that bets on a better world. Among the actors that stand out are the following: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Joaquín Phoenix, Leonardo Di Caprio among others.
Definitely Arnold Schwarzenegger is very well accompanied for this quarantine. Animals are very good company. If you can’t have a mini donkey you can opt for a dog or a cat. That way you won’t feel isolated and you can discover the love of animals.
There are also many people in the artistic environment who are immersed in this wonderful activist movement for a better world.
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