The Galician Wild Horse and its future of extinction
On the planet there is already a long list of extinct animals and others in dangers of extinction. Precisely the breed of horses that we will board in this delivery is in danger of extinction.
In this regard, it is important that the authorities take appropriate measures to prevent this from happening.
The Galician PureBrer Horse (PRG) is its official name. This equine is a subtype of horse breed Equss Caballus.
This particular breed is the only equine breed native to Galicia – Spain.
At the end of the twentieth century, the Galician Wild Horse was in a state of danger of extinction.
But later a program in order to achieve its recovery and preservation was proposed a goal. That is why at the end of 2007 its population was raised to approximately 1300 equines.
Without a doubt this is a tradition that has decades and where adults and adolescents are involved. On the other hand, it is usually an activity that attracts visitors from other regions of the country.
However, these specimens have declined today. So there is a risk that this tradition will disappear in time and become only a memory of the past.
This is one of the reasons why you must fight to keep alive the specimens of that horse from Galicia.
Characteristics of the Galician wild horse
Considering that there are many breeds of horses, each breed has characteristics that make them unique.
- These animals called Galician wild horses or as they are also known as purebred Galician horses are docile in nature. It should be noted that this is when it is raised in a stable.
- They have a cross elevation of between 120 and 140 centimeters.
- Head, wide and flat forehead, expressive eyes, helmets are small and strong.
- The limbs are thin, short and strong.
- The mane and tail are very populated, with a loose mane of strong and thick hairs.
- Its layer must be chestnut or black. If you have other colors does not fit that classification of Galician wild horse breed.
- This breed is considered as an energetic, vigorous and small horse, adapted to the mountains of the Galaico Massif or Galician massif.
Place where the Galician wild horse breed inhabits
This horse remains in the mountains of the region of Galicia. Specifically northeast of the Iberian Peninsula.
This breed is concentrated in the provinces Of Pontevedra and Lugo.
They live in areas of wide mountains and mountains, where shrub vegetation abounds and with little population density.
The Galician wild horse enters the categorization of the domestic horse or Celtic pony-type tarpán.
This horse is undoubtedly an important part of the native fauna of this region.

Factors influencing the reduction of the population of the Galician wild horse
One of the factors involved in the decline of the population of these horses is the entry into force in 2012 of a decree of the board regulating the species. This results in the costs being high for anyone who wants to have a horse. All this due to the requirements that regulations require for a person to have a horse of these at home.
The presence of wolves in the area is also one of the causes of the progressive extinction of the Galician wild horse.
The fires of recent years have also directly affected the species.
In 2006 there was a pitiful event where the fire was the protagonist:
“That was terrible for the horses. In our area and throughout the south of Pontevedra hit full, it was an irreparable loss”
Unfortunately, man’s hand has intervened in the extinction of many animals. The wild Galician horse does not escape this reality.

Contribution of the Galician wild horse to the ecosystem
These horses are also known as “garranos”, and make a great contribution to the ecosystem where they live.
Laura Lagos, researcher at the University of Coruña, said:
“Their efficiency in biomass control makes them a key ally in fire prevention, helping to keep the mountains cleaner. The horse not only eats the buds of “tojo”, but also the wood”.
The importance of this equine in the region of Galicia is fundamental. This equine directly contributes to eliminating the “tojo”.
The “tojo” is an abundant shrub in the Galician mountains that reaches heights of up to two meters. This plant has the unique characteristic that it burns with extreme ease.
This is why this horse is an element of great relevance in the prevention of fires.

Rapa das Bestas of Sabucedo: A tradition close to disappearing
With the decrease of specimens of the Galician wild horse. In this sense the president of the Rapa das Bestas de Sabucedo Association, Paulo Monteagudo, organizer of a festival that extends its roots beyond the sixteenth century.
This tradition takes place starting the month of July. They also descend from the mountain to the animals that inhabit approximately 50 square kilometers.
These equine specimens have their manes cut, dewormed them, and let go again.
Because horses have decreased it results in fewer and fewer manes available.
This situation has shown that in just a decade they have halved. If the trend is not broken, there will be no annual curro (roundup) or Galician wild horses. “It’s only a matter of time.”
Not for nothing, Sabucedo’s is declared of international interest.
In addition these horses are one of the great tourist attractions of the Galician summer.
The Galician horse: a heritage to be preserved
The Galician wild horse is an indigenous specimen of the region of Galicia – Spain.
Considering that this country retains a rich equestrian culture, they should pay special attention to making measures more flexible so that people can have a copy at home.
In addition to facilitating the measures of protection of conservationists towards this breed of horses.
Ideally, these horses should maintain their role in fire prevention and make them important for life in the region.
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