Equine show "Passion and Goblin of the Andalusian Horse"

Cordoba: an equestrian region

Spain is characterized by having a rich equestrian culture, and in the Cordoba region they undoubtedly show off with equestrian shows that leave attendees speechless. Cordoba is and will remain an equestrian region and that…

Turkoman horse breed

The extinct Turkoman horse breed

Horses have given their contribution to practically all the cultures of the world. Since the human has existed, the horse has been the animal that has remained there not only providing company but also as…

Requerimientos nutricionales del caballo

Relevance of Horse Nutritional Requirements

The horse is a large mammal. It can be said that they are among the largest animals on the planet. Its imposing beauty leaves many breathless, this is a noble animal and has contributed to…

Horse racing in Spain after Coronavirus

Active horse racing in Spain

The coronavirus pandemic practically paralyzed the entire planet so far this year. Therefore, all activities were affected. Horse racing is among the activities affected by coronavirus in Spain. Only essential activities such as the health,…

Queen Elizabeth II and her horses

Queen Elizabeth II and her love for horses

Horses have accompanied the human since it existed, therefore this animal has contributed greatly to the evolution of this. Well, it functioned as a means of transport and in turn as a friend.  For these…

Type of Horse Pastures

Types of horse pastures and its importance

The feeding of the animals must be balanced and with the nutritional requirements specific to the animal. In the case of horses, nutritional needs usually vary depending on the age, size, weight, gestation and activity…

Einstein miniature horse

Einstein horse, the most miniature on the planet

Horses have existed since ancient times. They have provided human beings with their company. Within its species there is a great variety of sizes, races and colors, there are also from the wildest to the…