Hans Heinrich Isenbart

Hans-Heinrich Isenbart (II)

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As we remember from the previous article about Hans-Heinrich Isenbart, we discovered that he is one of the most remembered equestrian commentators, as well as a great horse expert.

He was not a one-dimensional man, on the contrary he was a versatile man who excelled in various activities. Despite this, his passion for horses left a deep mark on his German compatriots and many generations. Today we will delve into the life and work of Hans-Heinrich Isenbart.

From the media point of view, Hans-Heinrich Isenbart had his 5 minutes of fame during the coverage of the 1956 Olympics.

Let’s not deceive ourselves, this man was famous for many things, but for that reason they will remember him by siembra. Below we can see a video of the performance of his compatriot Hans Günter Winkler and the comments of Isenbart.

Hans Günter Winkler on Halla winning the Olympic Gold in Stockholm 1956

During that event, rider Hans Günter Winkler suffered a muscle tear in the groin in the individual team qualifying round. Despite this, Hans Günter Winkler continued in the contest.

Despite the difficulties, Winkler and Halla (the mare that rode) achieved double Olympic gold, in individual and team competition. The pain and sacrifice of Hans Günter Winkle and the obedience and intelligence of Halla awarded him two gold medals.

What was the contribution of Isenbart to the Winkler-Halla moment?

Only in the voice of Hans-Heinrich Isenbart could the emotion of that moment be transmitted. This emotion is reflected in the words that made him famous when in full transmission he said:

“Und Halla lacht, als wüsste sie, um was es geht”

And Halla laughs, as if it knows what it is.

Hans-Heinrich Isenbart

The words of Hans-Heinrich Isenbart went beyond a funny comment. He knew that Halla’s intelligence allowed him to be aware of what was happening.

Hans-Heinrich Isenbart’s understanding of horses was reflected in several publications, most notably “The Great Horse Book” published in 1977. This book has been the inspiration of many generations.

Hans Günter Winkler
Hans Günter Winkler

“The Great Book of the Horse” by Hans-Heinrich Isenbart


The most recongnized work of Isenbart is “The Great Book of the Horse”, a masterpiece that every horse fan should know. It covers from the origin of horses on earth. The life and role of horses through the different ages of human history and their relationship with man. Describe the fundamental role played by the horse in different human activities. Finally, his dressage and training is also explained.

It covers all the knowledge that fans of horses should have and is a reference work that has been cited on numerous occasions from popular science books to university thesis.

His prose turned into loose anecdotes that can be read as tales associated with horses but whose research makes him faithful to the historical role of the horse. Titles like “The Film of a Fall” or “those who did not finish the race” take us to an anecdote that makes the book both scholarly and fun as if it were a collection of stories.

Hans-Heinrich Isenbart was passionate about horses and likewise a scholar of them. Science and emotion together formed a figure that will remain in the hearts of all horse lovers. In the next article on Isenbart we will propose to explore what was his thinking about horses and their intelligence. See you soon.









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El encanto del caballo Andaluz

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El encanto del caballo Andaluz

Así como se titula este artículo es lo que queremos plasmar en estas líneas mostrando el mágico encanto del caballo Andaluz. A lo largo y ancho de los continentes que conforman la tierra hay diversidad de razas de caballos. En este sentido nos enfocaremos en la raza de caballo andaluz que proviene del continente europeo específicamente España. Este caballo es uno de los más antiguos que existe y también es llamado como pura raza española.

En su existencia como raza pura ha sido portador de nuevas razas entre las cuales podemos mencionar las siguientes: caballo azteca, lipizzano, mustang,  el lusitano entre otros. Cuando una raza tiene ese rol de aportar sus genes para la creación de nuevas razas es porque tiene unas características únicas que hacen de él un ejemplar autentico y especial.

Cómo bailan los caballos andaluces

Historia del caballo andaluz

Como ya hemos mencionado anteriormente el caballo andaluz es una raza sumamente antigua. Su nombre público es Pura Raza Española. El caballo andaluz es uno de los ancestros portadores del caballo de Sorraia. Esta raza de caballo a pesar de que se le atribuye a la historia española también tiene sus ejemplares que han crecido en una población llamada Alentejo en Portugal.

Bajo el mandato del Rey Felipe II, este instituyo la creación de la cabaña caballar. Apuntando así los cimientos definitivos con la finalidad de lograr que el caballo Pura Raza Española prosperara. En consecuencia, alcanzar su auge en los siguientes años. Con el fin de alcanzar este objetivo  creó las Cuadras Reales de Córdoba. Allí  ubicó a los mejores sementales y  yeguas de todas las jurisdicciones. De allí se originó la famosa Yeguada Real que luego se convirtió en la Yeguada Nacional.

Desde siempre esta raza ha tenido gran fama a nivel mundial. Sin embargo hubo una época en que las cosas cambiaron de parecer pues la aparición de carreras de caballo le resto popularidad. Esto debido a que sus características no lo hacían candidato para su participación allí.

Inversamente de ello su reproducción siguió estando muy extendida en activa en diversas regiones del país.  Hoy en día son famosos lo uno porque representan un incoo del país y por otro porque deleita  los espectadores con sus maravilloso pasos en el baile.

Características físicas y psicológicas del caballo Andaluz


  • El caballo andaluz posee unas cualidades maravillosas siendo sumamente elegante.
  • Sus orejas tienen dimensión mediana, es musculoso, su cola es ancha y larga y sus crine también tienen esta singularidad.
  • En relación a su color el tordo es el más notorio en esta raza de caballos
  • Hoy en día se permiten todos los colores de capa con la excepción del pío. Sin embargo en épocas anteriores sólo se aceptaban el negro, el tordo y el castaño.
  • El comportamiento del caballo es de vital importancia. Por ello el cumplimiento y el valor son dos formas del caballo andaluz.
  • En cuanto a las medidas de su alzada oscila entre los 155 centímetros hasta los 175 centímetros.
  • Sus ojos son sumamente expresivos mostrando así la alegría que lleva por dentro.
  • Este caballo se considera un animal fácil de tratar sin que haya sido educado.
  • Posee una gran inteligencia que se puede domar con Pues este se expresa de un modo correcto a las instrucciones que se le dan.
  • Por otro lado es un animal de complexión fuerte. Siendo capaz de resistir las altas temperaturas. Otra de sus cualidades es que se recupera de dolencias con rapidez. Estas dos particularidades le dan ventaja sobre otras razas.
  • Por último, se puede describir como un animal miedoso y en algunos momentos muestra reacciones imprevistas.
  • Se considera como una raza de caballo sumamente dócil.

Diversos usos del caballo Andaluz

En relación a los diversos usos que se le pueden dar al caballo andaluz está el de montar lo que lo hace ideal para ir de paseo. Además también tiene sus funciones en la doma clásica donde muestra sus distintos atributos. Así mismo, en la doma vaquera  y en el rejoneo

El caballo andaluz por ser un icono del país español es famoso por sus bailes. Es entrenado para coreografías que son dignas de ver.


La cría y reproducción del caballo Andaluz se realiza en España así como en diversas partes del mundo. La ventaja de la crianza de estos animales donde de alguna manera cuentan con cierta libertad es que pueden vivir en grupos. De esta manera se pueden brindad cálida compañía. Sin embargo hay ejemplares que están disponibles a la venta en corto tiempo de haber nacido. Los que permanecen en grupos lo hacen hasta aproximadamente los cuatro años. Puesto que luego de allí son entrenados y domados.

Estos caballos deben ser muy bien atendidos pues si la finalidad son las competencias requieren cuidados especiales. Aunado a esto una buena alimentación, hidratación entre otros.

Curiosidades del caballo Andaluz

En la génesis del caballo andaluz tiene partes de varias razas que ejercen influencia en la raza que es hoy en día. Entre ellas se encuentran el árabe, el bereber. Así mismo,  éste ha dejado su marca genética otras razas de las cuales unas de las más resaltantes son el Cleveland Bay y el Quarter Horse.


Su participación en las guerras ha sido activa lo largo de la historia de la humanidad.  Una de las características que lo hacen especial es su valentía. Por ello es uno de sus atributos principales por las cuales es utilizado en las corridas de Toros.


Por otra parte donde más resalta es en las competencias del salto de obstáculos así como en diversas disciplinas de la equitación. Sin duda alguna es una estrella en el baile de allí que también los llamen caballos bailadores.


En cuanto al valor económico del caballo andaluz hoy en día. Este posee un valor dependiendo de varios elementos como la edad, raza, sexo. Sin embargo, en líneas generales el importe de los caballos andaluces varía entre los 4000 y los 6000 euros. Un monto representativo y elevado esto motivado a que es una raza de gran relevancia e icónica en España.

Para finalizar…

Hoy en día existen aproximadamente unos 180000 caballos Andaluces o de Pura Raza Española como se le llama de manera oficial. Estos se encuentran registrados en unos cuantos  países del mundo. Este caballo goza de gran popularidad pues es muy estimado a nivel mundial. Este se encuentra presente en muchos países de Europa y  América.

Como podemos ver en la evolución de esta raza tiene influencia sobre varias razas. Pero a su vez también tiene la marca genética de la raza de caballo árabe. Por otro lado existen ejemplares tanto en Europa como en América. Así que probablemente se siga reproduciendo como raza pura o como cruce genético de otras razas.

Esta raza una vez más muestra la inteligencia, fuerza e ímpetu que caracteriza a los caballos en sí. Para España esta raza de caballo tiene un significado muy especial. Es un símbolo de su país. Por ende los españoles se sienten sumamente orgullosos de esta raza. Como muestra de ello se pueden ver los eventos de doma así como coreografías donde los principales protagonistas son estos maravillosos animales.


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Ludger Beerbaum

Ludger Beerbaum: From the donkey to the horse

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Germany is one of the countries whose hobby is beyond doubt. From equestrian photography to its participation in the world equestrian games they give account of it. This is the country that gave birth to the famous German rider Ludger Beerbaum whom we will meet today.

Germany as an equestrian country

Germany is the country with the highest number of medals in the world equestrian games. The German medal count almost doubles the number of medals the US has.

Germany has 92 Olympic gold medals and the USA has only 50 medals. USA is second in the historic medal count.

More interesting is when we compare the number of inhabitants. Germany have 83 million inhabitants versus 326 million in the USA. This indicates that Germany with a quarter of the population has obtained almost twice as many medals.

Germany is 625% more effective than the United States in Olympic equestrian sports. We could say that the Germans are 625% more fans of horses. Without a doubt, it is a curious fact …

Stallion Colestus and Ludger Beerbaum: Youngster Cup CHIO 5* Aachen 2014

German representatives in our lines

Germany looks like an equine-addicted society (or equine-lover depending on who you look at it). There we found many riders, trainers and equestrian world stakeholders.

We have already dedicated several lines to Hans Heinrich Isenbart in the past. Isenbart is a renowned equestrian commentator and writer of the “Great Book of the Horse” a reference work.

Likewise, among the German riders we already dedicate some lines to Hans Günter Winkler. Winkler stood out for getting medals for him and for the German equestrian team despite an injury.

The German equestrian stands out in the world panorama and how could it be different they have a big space in our heart and our lines.

Today, as we indicated at the beginning of the article, we will talk about Ludger Beerbaum, a leading rider of modern showjumping.

Who is Ludger Beerbaum?

Ludger Beerbaum is a famous German rider, considered among the best in the world. With four Olympic medals to his credit it would be enough to be an icon in his country, but he is also the rider with the most victories in German championships.

Ludger Beerbaum family

Ludger Beerbaum is the eldest of the brothers. Monica and Ruth the little ones in the house and her brother is also a prominent jumping rider.

His father, Horst Beerbaun, was a farmer who dreamed that his son learned horsemanship and from the beginning Ludger showed great skill for horsemanship.

In his house Ludger has a beautiful family that he always has close to. Your house and the horse stable are on the same property.

He is married to the beautiful Arundell Davison. Ludger Beerbaum has 3 children, Alexander his eldest son is the product of a previous relationship and together with Arundell he has two beautiful daughters named Mathilde and Cecilia Sophie.

Beerbaum was born in the city of Detmold. Detmold is the largest city in the district of Lippe which is located in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Ludger Beerbaum & his wife
Ludger Beerbaum & his wife

Why is it said that Ludger Beerbaum was “from the donkey to the horse”?

A local myth says that Ludger emerged from difficult circumstances to reach the most difficult Olympic victories. This legend tells how Ludger learned to ride with a donkey because he had no more resources and it was his perseverance and talents that led him to stardom.

Nothing is further from the truth than that story, because although its history is very interesting it is also totally different. Ludger himself has been responsible for denying the myth forged around him saying:

“The donkey existed. I was in Count Metternich’s stable in Adelebsen, but I rode it less than three times. “

Ludger Beerbaum

How did Ludger Beerbaum become a rider?

Ludger Beerbaum Young
Ludger Beerbaum Young

His father Horst Beerbaum dreamed that his son would learn horsemanship at the local riding school, but little Ludger, aged eight, was not interested in learning. Along with this, the coach of the riding school shouted and scolded strongly the students who did not pay attention to the indications which frightened Ludger. Ludger himself admitted being “terrified” by the coach’s behavior.

Given these circumstances Ludger moved away from riding but thanks to a very close friend who met after classes in the stables began to have contact with these beautiful animals. Thus the love for horsemanship began its journey in the life of Ludger Beerbaum.

Immediately he showed an enormous talent for horsemanship and with only 18 years he reached the first place in the German youth championship.

What has been the path of Lueger Beerbaum in horse riding?

Ludger Beerbaum is an Olympic, European and German multimedallist. So we can describe its enormous trajectory and results:

  • Four (4) Olympic gold medals in 1988, 1992, 1996 and 2000.
  • Four (4) medals in the world equestrian games: Gold in 1994 and 1998, silver in 1990 and bronze in 2006
  • Nine (9) medals in the European Equestrian Jumping Championships.
    • Five (5) medals in team jump: Gold in 1997, 1999 and 2003, Silver in 2007 and Bronze in 2001
    • Four (4) medals in individual jump: Gold in 1997 and 2001, Silver in 2003 and Bronze in 2007
Ludger Beerbaum
Ludger Beerbaum

What are the future projects of Ludger Beerbaum?

Currently Ludger Beerbaum runs a stable that bears his name as a brand “Ludger Beerbaum Stables”. There they meet different activities such as:

  • Training of horses and riders
  • Stables service for horses
  • World class stallions service
  • A marketplace for the purchase and sale of horses worldwide.

This is one of the great projects of Ludger Beerbaum that joins the development of equestrian sports in China with whom he has had numerous contacts.

Ludger Beerbaum today, tomorrow and always

He is an integral sportsman who has become a promoter of equestrian sport, a family man who enjoys past successes. Still, Ludger Beerbaum does not lean on his successes and continues to plant and harvest triumphs in the equestrian world.

Ludger Beerbaum - Zinedine - WC Geneva 2012

A German icon and a sample of why the Germans are so successful in each field they decide to venture. Ludger Beerbaum is a pop-star of the German establishment.







If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

https://gustavomirabalcastro.online or http://gustavomirabal.com o http://gustavomirabal.es







Ingmar De Vos - FEI's President

Ingmar De Vos – FEI’s President

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Ingmar De Vos – President of “Fédération Equestre Internationale“.

In the world of sports there are institutions that establish the regulations under which such sports are governed for a better performance.

These institutions allow that everything is duly written at the moment of presenting a particular or exceptional situation. These institutions are responsible for:

  1. Establish the regulations that participants must respect.
  2. In case of violating any of these rules are also responsible for applying the corresponding penalties such as fines or suspensions.
  3. Indicate the direction for the development and growth of said sports to be in tune with the social changes.

Therefore, these organizations merit people with great leadership with the right skills to take charge. In this field, the “Fédération Equestre Internationale” or more known as FEI is the International Federation for Equestrian Sports. The FEI is the sports organization that has the function of regulating equestrian sports.

Currently who serves as president of the International Equestrian Federation is Ingmar de Vos who we will discover as an expert manager and leader of the equestrian world in the next lines. Let’s meet him.

Ingmar De Vos: "These are exciting times" | FEI Ordinary General Assembly 2018

Who is Igmar de Vos?

Ingmar de Vos
Ingmar de Vos

Ingmar de Vos a Belgian sports manager, born on August 5, 1963. Within his academic career he has many  following degrees:

  • Political Sciences
  • Master in Political Science
  • Master in International and European Law
  • Business Administration
  • Sports Management (Belgian Olympic Academy)

His political studies were taken at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel a German-speaking university which gives an idea of his versatility

His preparation in the political, legal and management fields make him a versatile candidate. He is not satisfied with performing well in his field but is constantly growing


In relation to the work environment began his career as a counselor of the Belgian Senate and later gave the 180 degree turn to the sports world.

In the sporting world, Ingmar de Vos started in the equestrian world nothing more and nothing less than in the Equestrian Federation of his native country.

This 55-year-old Belgian has an equally active family life. Ingmar de Vos is married to Sabine Cox. Together Ingmar and Sabine have four children: Olivier, Philippe, Jacco and Flo

What is the work experience of Igmar de Vos?

We know that Ingmar de Vos is the current president of the FEI. But we want to know how this excellent manager came to that place of honor

In relation to the work environment, as mentioned above, Ingmar de Vos began his career as a counselor in the Belgian Senate.

Later, he made the leap to the equestrian world, starting in the Equestrian Federation of his native country. There he assumed the role of general director in 1990. Subsequently he assumed the role of General Secretary of the Belgian Equestrian Federation from 1997 until 2011.

During his tenure with the Belgian National Federation, he assumed an extremely active, important and highly responsible role. From there he led the team of his native country of Belgium in the World Equestrian Games competitions of the International Equestrian Federation in the period from 1990 to 2010. In addition to boost the country’s national team in the three Olympic Games of the year 2000 to 2008 carried out in the countries of Australia, Greece and China.

In 2011 he assumed the role of Secretary General of the FEI during the presidency of Princess Haya bint Hussein, daughter of the King of Jordan. From the General Secretariat of the FEI promoted the improvement of communication between the FEI and national federations. Likewise, it also established lines of communication with other stakeholders in equestrian sport. For this, it established the FEI Sports Forum, an annual event where the FEI deals with the issues with all those involved in a transparent manner.

In this way he radically changed the commercial strategy of the FEI and achieved one of the most interesting trade agreements for the federation with the watch manufacturer Longiness, current sponsor of the FEI.

Ingmar De Vos
Ingmar De Vos

Ingmar de Vos to the FEI’s presidency

The Haya bint Hussein left his nomination for a new presidency in 2014. With this huge trajectory, Ingmar de Vos achieves a landslide victory. He achives the victory for the election to the presidency of the FEI with 98 votes out of 131 (75%)

Ingmar De Vos was elected president of said organization in 2014 for the period 2014-2018

The five pillars of its program to the Presidency of the FEI are:

1. Service to our community;
2. Sport: Our main business;
3. The equestrian sport in the Olympic Games;
4. Solidarity: The engine of development;
5. Horses as companions.

Also in the round of acknowledgments he made special mention to his wife and his predecessor the Princess of the Hague. The latter gave him his trust and great support since he began as general secretary of the institution in 2011.

“I am very honored and overwhelmed by this great support […] and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your confidence”

Ingmar de Vos (during the election event)

Ingmar De Vos is again elected FEI’s president

Opening of the General Assembly of the International Equestrian Federation in Manama (Bahrain)
Opening of the General Assembly of the International Equestrian Federation in Manama (Bahrain)

De Vos was reelected without opposition as president of the International Equestrian Federation in November 2018 for the period 2018-2022, at the General Assembly held in Manama (Bahrain).

Ingmar de Vos pledged to take advantage of the success of his first term in office. The Belgian received unanimous support for a second four-year term from the delegates representing the 133 National Federations of the FEI.

It is the first time since 2002 that there has been an unopposed election for the FEI’s main position. The Belgian is the thirteenth president of the FEI since the Federation was founded in 1921, and only the fourth since the beginning of the International Olympic Committee.

New FEI President Ingmar De Vos
New FEI President Ingmar De Vos

“I believe in our sport, in our community and in our potential. […] These are exciting times for horse racing. We are growing, our fans are diversifying and we have seven unique and incredible disciplines to promote: heaven is really the limit!. […] Together, and this is the key word.

Together we can and will continue to develop our sport and attract new athletes, new fans and new sponsors, and we will do so by guaranteeing a great sport, avant-garde formats and excellent products world level to show the unique attributes of our disciplines and our sport. One of my highest priorities is to keep our community together because that is how we can continue to take the sport to the top. We are all on this trip together. It is not the mission from a single person, but from a community, and I am grateful to everyone in this room for all we have achieved and all that we will follow achieving. “

Ingmar De Vos during the speech of acceptance of the position of President of the FEI

Humility first of all


Also in the round of acknowledgments he made special mention to his wife and his predecessor the Princess of the Hague. The latter gave him his trust and great support since he began as general secretary of the institution in 2011.

This illustrious lawyer and sports manager has had a dazzling career in the equestrian world so much that he is the current president of the International Equestrian Federation.

Ingmar de Vos is also part of the International Olympic Committee.

Ingmar De Vos became a member of the International Olympic Committee last year
Ingmar De Vos became a member of the International Olympic Committee last year

These achievements are the product of his great academic preparation and good performance in the international equestrian scene. Hence, success lies in working according to what we want to achieve. Apparently this man has reached the peak of what is the ultimate governing body of the equestrian world.

This Belgian sports manager has transformed the FEI. He has promoted a sport and business that was believed to be in decline. Igmar de Vos will continue to speak for years to come. To learn more about this sports manager, we will talk more about him and the FEI in the next edition.









If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

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Leticia García Cotanda and Runa winners

Leticia García Cotanda – Spanish Amazon

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In the world of equestrian competitions there are outstanding amazons that leave the female genre high. These spaces have been conquered little by little by women like the Spanish Leticia García Cotanda, who not only lives in this world but also spends her time and effort to serve as counselor in the company Imper. For this reason we will deepen in relation to the multifaceted trajectory of this amazon.

Leticia García Cotanda was born on March 10 of the year 2000. Of sign piscis she is a sensitive person, lover of the animals and very kind. It is difficult to obtain personal information because it is especially reserved given his personality and his sign.

RUNA - Leticia Garcia Cotanda

Leticia García Cotanda and her horse Runa

Runa the mare of Leticia García Cotanda, was raised by Ana Beca and mounted by Paula Moya, was imposed in one of the tests of the second day of CES Valencia.

At the CES Valencia facilities the first five-star national of the season is being played. On the second day he won the 1.20 meter “Runa” (“Nicolo” and “Nursia 76”, for “Lacros”).

The Runa mare is being assembled at the CES by Paula Moya, after having run the Spanish Championship for Minors of Segovia with its owner, the Valencian Leticia García Cotanda.

Leticia García Cotanda in the Mediterranean Equestrian Tour of Oliva Nova

In the small Grand Prix of the penultimate day the Spaniard Jorge Juárez stood out and had a great performance with “U Watch” – Jorge Juarez finished with a double course without fail and in a time that allowed him to be third. Small Grand Prix was won by Josep Clayton of British nationality with his horse “Carolus K Dhi”.

The Silver Tour Grand Prix was won by Marc Battinger. The German, who is shining with his own light in the tests this week, which adds several wins, led the classification with “Cádiz”.

Álvaro Díaz was the best of the Spaniards in the table, occupying the third place with “Carlton 14”. The second place in the table was for Leticia García Cotanda jnto with “Runa” who won in the Bronze Tour 2.

This was one of the last presentations of Leticia García Cotanda towards April 2018.

Spring tour 2018 - RUNA 1.20 Leticia Garcia Cotanda


Regional show jumping championship

In relation to the CES Valencia has hosted the regional championships jumping and jumping with ponies of the Valencian Community.

In the category of Adults, Charo Ortells won the gold with “Rodin La Gaffeliere” after completing the three qualifying tests without fouls. It was necessary a jump-off to decide the silver and bronze medals, in which Laura Tomás Isach won with “Concetta 15”. The bronze medal went to Malorie Baert with “Piccolo Galant”.


Leticia García Cotanda and Runa
Leticia García Cotanda and Runa

On the other hand, it was also not necessary to jump-start in the category of Young Riders. Vincet Trutschler with “Oursun Quenny Rubin” finished without demolitions and took the gold. In addition, Ana Martinez de Vallejo with “Caspar II” was silver with four points. While Manon Gobatto occupied the third position with “Rubens Light”.

Finally, in the Juvenile category * the gold was for cedric Trutschler with “Oursun Caretanos”. Antonio Fuentes with “Al Centor” and Carmen Llácer with “Hijacker vd Horts” had to break the tie to decide the silver and bronze medals. Likewise, Leonie Truschler with “Oursun Cariana” won gold in the Youth category. Leticia garcía Cotanda was silver with “Runa”, closing the box White Orón with “Mistral”.

How is Leticia García Cotanda and her personal life?

Below we can see a video of his birthday party number 18 that is on YouTube. It is easy to smile and friendly while her performance marks her as a determined woman. Her friendships appreciate her and you can see her tears of emotion come to her.

Being a Pisces sign, he is known to be sensitive and kind. His dreamy and diverse character makes him dedicate himself to multiple activities. Some sources indicate that she is currently studying Marketing and therefore maintains her career as an outstanding Amazonas on stand-by. We hope to see you soon on the equestrian circuits.

Since his birthday is March 10 and we are March 13 from here we send him happy late birthday and we wish him to continue advancing with his dreams.

Leticia García Cotanda on a beach
Leticia García Cotanda on a beach






If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english










Samundra Manthan

The horse in Hindu culture

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The horse in Hindu culture

The horse has a special meaning in each of the different cultures. What is clear, is that many cultures agree in considering the horse a symbol of power and freedom.

However, depending on the culture to which we refer, this symbology acquires different nuances. In a world as complex as today, the nuances become abysmal differences. An immense world that looks at the horse according to its own history and relationship with equines.

One of the richest cultures in symbology and myths is the Hindu culture. That is why we have chosen the Hindu culture to study its relationship with the horse, the symbolism it represents and its place in society. Today we will analyze the role of the horse in Hindu culture

Know about seven horses of Lord Surya’s chariot | ARTHA | AMAZINF FACTS

History of the horse in Hindu culture

  • The Hindu tradition gives the horse a very important religious meaning. The horse in the Hindu culture is the symbol of loyalty, respect and power.
  • In Hindu mythology, the origin of the horse comes from the “Smoothie of the Ocean of Milk” or “Samundra Manthan” in Sanskrit. This is one of the fundamental myths of Hinduism. According to this myth the first horse called Uchaisravas, a seven-headed flying horse that is the ancestor of all the current horses. Uchaisravas is one of the nine sacred treasures that the gods made emerge from the milk of milk through their milkshake.
Samundra Manthan
Samundra Manthan
  • Later the myth of the horse in the Hindu culture continues with the fight between Brahma and Surya. The god Brahma, creator of the Universe and Surya, the god of the sun, competed for the ownership and possession of the seven horses in charge of pulling the solar disk. In this way the horses are responsible for the passage of the sun throughout the day.
Seven horses of Surya - Horse in Hindu culture
Seven horses of Surya – Horse in Hindu culture

Horse Marwari history and tradition

Considering its origin according to ancient Sanskrit writings, the horse was identified as a gift from God. This fact gave the horse a “divine” status in the Hindu religion and symbolizes light and power (the sun), and historically was only property of royalty.

Marwari Horse - Horse in Hindu culture
Marwari Horse – Horse in Hindu culture

On the other hand, the horse materialized in Indian culture at the dawn of the Vedic era, around 2000 BC. Soon the Indian rulers became linked to the horses, improving the power and prestige of their warrior clans.

Considered divine creatures, blessed by the gods and exalted by kings, the Marwari horses found their place as the most prized of war horses. This made the possession of a Marwari horse a reflection of the lifestyle of a great lord.

Combat horse in Hindu culture

The origins of the Marwari horse are lost in the mists and myths of time. It has found evidence of its breeding in a strict manner and with criteria of purity since the twelfth century. This breeding was carried out by the Rajput clan of the Rathore, rulers of Marwar.

Seven Horses of Suria - Horse in Hindu culture
Seven Horses of Suria – Horse in Hindu culture

Marwari comes from the literary meaning of “inhabitant of Marwar”. And this word, “Marwar”, is the word used in India to designate “The land of death.” In effect, the desert and the wastelands of the north of the subcontinent, an extreme geographical environment.

There are many paintings in India that represent the rulers not only with their finery, but also where they are observed astride their favorite horse. These horses had familiar and acclaimed names among their subjects.

The horse also became a sign of respect and a hero over the legends and traditions of the medieval epic of India, and especially of Rajasthan. Rajasthan is one of the states in India where legends about heroic horses have proliferated more strongly. But, it will be the subject of another article.

As we could learn, the horse in the Hindu culture has a privileged place in all its aspects. From its religion, history, values and legends, the horse permeates all aspects of its society and culture. Let us give the horse the privileged place in our heart that history has given in its annals

Seven Horses of Suria - Horse in Hindu culture
Seven Horses of Suria – Horse in Hindu culture











If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english








Hillary Duff Whispers

Verbal suggestion in Equine Therapy: A complementary strategy for relaxation

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One of the keys to success in riding is the connection between the horse and the rider. For this it is necessary that the rider be completely confident and relaxed. Likewise, relaxation is one of the keys to the success of Equine Therapy in patients. Achieving this relaxation is not easy and for this multiple strategies are used. The equinotherapy itself is designed to achieve relaxation with the heat of the horse and the cadence of it, however sometimes this is not enough for the stress of the patient. That is why today we will study a very important tool to contribute to the relaxation of the rider-patient. Today we will know the verbal suggestion.

What is verbal suggestion?

In the current era there are many books on the topics of the use of suggestion and mental autosuggestion to overcome self. In this way, various psychosomatic diseases are treated with auto-suggestion methods. The method of repetition suggestive of positive orders can also be of great support for equine therapy.

How is verbal suggestion applied in Equine Therapy?

The hypertonic patient (neuromuscular tension problem) usually strives so hard to achieve what he wants, that the same effort blocks proper coordination of movement. This can be the product of laterality disorders or other psychomotor problems

Spectrum of muscular control and tension
Spectrum of muscular control and tension

Hypertonic patients are agile and fast, they capture everything immediately and if they do not grasp it, they can invent it. They are people who want to do everything at once and that causes them tension. They are restless people, they remain in a state of turmoil and for this reason it is difficult for them to be constant and concentrate.

Due to this degree of excitement they maintain a high degree of muscular tension reaching rigidity. That is why relaxation is fundamental for this type of patients and verbal suggestion may be the key.

Most people motivate him with words like “walk, strong, squeeze, etc” but to make a more or less coordinated movement, be it hands, arms or legs, first you need to relax the contracted muscles and acquire normal muscle tone , then the desired movement becomes easy and light.

Because of this, and as we will see below, the words used to motivate this type of patient must be appropriate to the psychomotor condition imposed by hypertonia. Let’s see below how to do it.

Verbal suggestion on Equine Therapy
Verbal suggestion on Equine Therapy

How to apply verbal suggestion in patients with hypertonia?

The horse is very helpful in this process because the patient is asked to be carried away by the horse. Little by little the patient learns that the horse is the one that works and moves through it, and that it can easily advance in space without effort.

Using the words “easy, soft, light” in a repetitive way, the patient begins to desist from his excessive effort resulting from hypertonia. In this condition the patient is able to acquire an adequate muscle tone through relaxation.

Relaxation is the basis for learning a coordinated and correct motor pattern over time. Convincing the patient that moving is easy, we can help him to let the horse do the work and “show” which is the correct psychomotor coordination pattern. Physical work will record this in the patient’s mind and “learn by doing”

Guided Deep Muscle Relaxation

Exercises to stimulate Verbal Suggestion

When performing the neuromuscular exercises the therapist can repeat rhythmically in a soft and low voice “it is easy”, “my arm is relaxed”, “soft”. These verbal commands and many others, to the therapist’s consideration, gradually penetrate into the patient’s mind, contributing to their relaxation.

In addition, they can be reinforced at home with similar verbal commands. With this, the achieved achievements concerning the relaxation and the improvement of the incorrect motor patterns are surprising.

This also applies to cases of hypotonia, in which case strong words given loud and firm will be used. This increases mental and physical attention. Sometimes patients cooperate extraordinarily and learn from the system of mental auto-suggestion, using it also outside Equine Therapy sessions. Applying verbal suggestion and autosuggestion both inside and outside Equine Therapy sessions we can accelerate the progress of the patient.

Verbal suggestion: the power of the word

The Power of Words
The Power of Words

Finally, we should not forget the positive stimulus to the patient by means of the words “very well”, “beautiful”, “perfect”. The recognition at all times of the even more insignificant achievements are of great importance for therapy. These work as feedback and produce joy, motivation and cooperation in the patient.

As we have seen through the article, the word has power. There is a saying that says that “the words are blown by the wind”, but the verbal suggestion shows us the opposite.

By knowing the power of the word we must also take care to say the right words so as not to cause harm, because both good and bad words have the same power. Hands on the job we will take full advantage of that healing effect of the words well chosen and well said.






Gross, E. (2006). Equinoterapia: la rehabilitación por medio del caballo. Sevilla. Editorial: Trillas.


If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english






Vanesa Ribes and her daugther Lucía Borreda

Amazon and Trainer Vanesa Ribes

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Amazon and Trainer Vanesa Ribes

At present there are outstanding Amazons who leave the female genre high in equestrian competitions. These spaces have been conquered little by little by women. In this group of women who have discarded this Vanesa Ribes of whom we will speak today.

Vanesa Ribes not only lives in the world of riding, but also spends her time and effort in assuming the role of teaching. For this reason we will deepen in relation to the career of Vanesa Ribes


His love for horses began at age 12. He went to a summer camp where they offered horse riding as an extracurricular activity. She had never been hooked on a sport but horse riding made her fall in love. What started as a hobby has ended up being his profession

The riding in his case was not hereditary because his father is an architect. Therefore, for a long time his working life was linked exclusively to architecture. Vanesa Ribes studied Delineation and worked in her father’s architecture office.

What does the horse mean in the life of Vanesa Ribes?

Vanesa Rives believes that in her life the horse is everything. All their way of life revolves around the Horses.

And she has had the great luck that both her husband, Fede Borredá, and her daughter, Lucía, are passionate about horses. Our life revolves around equines.

Vanesa Ribes and her family
Vanesa Ribes and her family

What is the professional career of Vanesa Ribes?

  • In its beginnings like amateur and rider of category of minors, was Champion of the Valencian Community in Juvenile in 1995.
  • Runner-up of the Valencian Community in adults in 1996.
  • She obtained the bronze medal in adults in 1997
  • She also won a bonce medal in adults in 1998, with “Mariachi”, a Spanish-Arab-Spanish-Spanish horse that stood out and earned his break with that victory.
  • Ribes currently leads the Ribes Team, which is a classic dressage team for riders of all ages. Together with the children and parents, they form a great team.

Have Vanesa Ribes ever considered leaving riding?

Vanesa just stopped riding for the most beautiful thing that can happen to a woman, give birth to her daughter Lucia.

What was the best student of Vanesa Ribes?

It says that “like father like son”. The best student of Vanesa Ribes was her daughter Lucia.

Since she was very little she was always the first one in everything, to help in whatever was needed. Both she and her husband Fede did not want to pressure Luicía to participate in the riding because they felt that she could abhor her in the end. One day Lucia told him:

“Mom, you listen to everyone and me, I am your daughter, you will not let me do anything, I want to compete”.

Lucia Borredá Ribes

Then they took the opportunity to introduce Luicia to the horses and buy her first pony, “Camelot”. Camelot was the one who made him take more strength even in this world and today is an excellent rider.

What are the care for horses?

Vanesa Ribes
Vanesa Ribes

The Ribes Team is made up of trained riders and competition horses. We must be attentive to many aspects to maintain the health of the horse. Among the aspects that must be found are:

  • Physical training
  • Balanced feeding
  • Physical state of health with constant evaluations
  • Psychic state of the horse attending to mood swings.

For this the Ribes Team has in its staff a diverse group of professionals, among which are:

  • Veterinarians
  • Professional farmers
  • Physiotherapists

All of them contribute their grain of sand to keep the Ribes Team at the highest level of performance. Each one contributes his knowledge to be in the best possible conditions

What is the right type of food for horses?

In terms of food, we must specify that each horse has its particular needs and we must be attentive to them. The team must have a wide variety of feed that is adapted to each of the specific needs of horses. In addition to having the professional advice of an equine nutritionist who supports them.

As we have seen, Vanesa Ribes has stood out as a rider and as an equestrian trainer. With the passage of time women acquire a more important role in high level horsemanship. Vanesa Ribes is a pioneer among the Amazons and today we recognize her contribution.






If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english








Bucephalus the great horse

Bucephalus the great horse

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The story of Alexander the Great is famous, his conquests, successes and failures. Still few know the history of Bucephalus, his horse, the companion that made possible a great part of these feats.

What made Bucephalus so special?

The name Bucephalus means Ox head. They gave it that name because of its rounded head and the width of its forehead. On his forehead rested a white spot in the shape of a star. This stain was considered a sign of providence over the special abilities of Bucephalus.

Other ancient historians indicate that the spot was shaped like a bull’s head and that it was located on the back of the animal. In any case the stain was interpreted by all the oracles as the confirmation that we were before someone special.

How did Bucephalus and Alexander the Great meet?

Bucephalus was acquired by King Filipo II, father of Alexander the Great, by 13 talents (the currency of the time) given the complexion and beauty of the horse. The horse after the purchase began to be reticent and savage so no one was able to ride it, neighing and kicking.

Alejandro, being an observer, noticed that Bucephalus ‘s annoyance was the fear produced by his own shadow. With a skilful movement he made Bucephalus turn his face towards the sun and while he was blinded by a movement he rode him.

Alejandro Magno - Bucéfalo

His father before such feat launched a phrase that became famous expressing:

“Son, look for a kingdom that matches your greatness, because Macedonia is small”

Macedonia’s King Filipo II

Alejandro being so young and surpassing many adults, he became the only one who managed to ride Bucephalus. This caused that his father saw signs of greatness in him that later the historio only confirmed.

The friendship between Alejandro and Bucéfalo

From the precise moment Bucephalus was ridden by Alexander, a deep friendship between Bucephalus and Alexander was born. So much so that Bucephalus was only allowed to ride by Alexander the Great. The future emperor and his horse began their history recognizing the greatness of one in the other and vice versa

What was the special care for Bucephalus?

Alexander the Great’s care for Bucephalus was such that he applied ointments to his legs after military campaigns. This ended up becoming and becoming the application of the rest bandages. Nowadays, ladies use rest stockings to improve and stimulate the circulation of the legs.

Likewise, Alexander the Great provided it with the best food for Bucephalus. I get to pamper it by feeding him apples while placing the head of his horse in his lap. Alejandro’s love for his horse was admirable but this link generated a connection and trust between horseman and rider who managed to make them one in battle.

Thanks to the food and careful care entrusted by Alexander the Great, Bucephalus reached 30 years of age.

The tragedy – Bucephalus ‘s Death

Alexander the Great remember Bucephalus in his death
Alexander the Great remember Bucephalus in his death

With the aches and pains of old age afflicting Bucephalus ‘s quality of life, Alejandro entrusted permanent care to his horse.

When Bucephalus begins to present respiratory problems his care is entrusted to a slave tattooed in blue. His permanent care was desired since it was presumed that his departure was near. The function of the slave was also to give notice to Alexander the Great as soon as he was in his last throes.

A few weeks later Bucephalus lay down on the ground presaging his death. Immediately alert Alejandro to accompany him on his way from life to death.

Alejandro immediately showed up at his friend’s deathbed. He kneels beside her and places his head in his lap to let him go with his caresses.

After expiring his last breath, Alejandro covers its head  to give him peace and prevent his tears from falling on his body. In his pain he calls his friend Hephaestion to comfort him.

Tributes to Bucephalus

Alexander the Great founded and named in honor of his horse, friend and fellow warrior the city Alexandria Bucefala or Bucefalia. Even in his death, Alexander the Great among his deliriums asked “Bucephalus is fine?”

The story of Alexander the Great and Bucephalus is the story of friendship that transcends the limits of races and differences to become one only in love. A story to inspire us.







If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english











Physiotherapy with Equines

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Physiotherapy with Equines

The human being goes through his life for situations that limit his physical, mental or emotional development. Either because he is born with conditions that limit him or from an unfortunate event they acquire some limitation or disability. These limitations can be permanent or transitory and it is the job of the medicine to treat them to eliminate these limitations or mitigate their effects.

To this end, medicine ventures into traditional and alternative therapies that help improve the health of the human being. This is especially true after tragic events that in some way limit the quality of life of the subject physically, emotionally or mentally.

Thanks to this implacable search, the medicine discovered that horses are very useful in different therapies. This is how physiotherapy has been developed with equines. In recent times, this therapy has attracted a lot of attention and is increasingly used in patients with complex pathologies.

Equine Assisted Therapy

What is the scope of physiotherapy with equines?

Physiotherapy is a discipline within the field of health that treats mainly physical conditions and that generally can not be treated with pharmacological attention.

Physiotherapy with horses helps to alleviate the symptoms generated by limitations of physical fitness or can even eliminate the limitations that have been caused by accidents or postural problems.

It is important to point out that physiotherapy with equines ranges from prevention, healing and palliation of musculoskeletal and postural problems. Within this wide range we can treat multiple people despite the fact that the use of horses is not limited to physiotherapy.

From the relationship established in physiotherapy sessions between equines and people and the way it stimulates the patient. The patient experiences a feeling of total improvement and relaxation.

What are the Physiological benefits of Physiotherapy with Equines?

Physiotherapy with Equines
Physiotherapy with Equines

Some of the benefits of physiotherapy with horses are:

  • Stimulation of equilibrium and straightening reactions
  • Stabilization of the patient’s trunk and head
  • Strengthening attention capacity and balance
  • Increase in psychomotor coordination

In this way physiotherapy with equines allows:

  • Increase the ability to adapt
  • Work memory thanks to rhythmic impulses
  • Enrich the patient’s vocabulary by allowing themselves to experience new experiences

What are the physiotherapy techniques with equines?

Equine therapy or also called hippotherapy uses the horse’s therapeutic principles. This type of therapy is recommended especially for people who have physical disabilities.

In hippotherapy or equinotherapy, the body heat of the horse is taken into consideration, as well as the nervous impulses. The three-dimensional movement of the equine is essential to stimulate the patient.

In therapeutic riding it is possible to stimulate motivation, attention, concentration, tactile, auditory and olfactory sensitivity. This is how not only impact on musculoskeletal problems but also on other sensory and psychological aspects

In physiotherapy with equines, “adapted riding” is used as a technique, which is practiced as a playful or sporting option.

In the latter, it is necessary to create adaptations in the riding equipment of the horse so that the person has access to the equine, overcoming the limitations that it may have for it.

Physiotherapy with Equines
Physiotherapy with Equines

Why should there be a health professional during physiotherapy sessions with equines?

The process described above requires the presence of a health professional with ethics. This health professional is responsible for establishing therapeutic routines as well as mechanisms to ensure safety. In the sessions a qualified physiotherapist should be present to direct the session. He must have the skills and knowledge to help patients.

Again, the most significant thing of the physiotherapist is that among his work he has the great responsibility of designing and planning the sessions. This must take into account the capabilities and needs of each patient. For this reason each session is unique in itself as the therapy evolves with the progress of the patient.

Accordingly, in each physiotherapy session with horses three stages are developed, which are: greeting, development and farewell.

What are the stages of a physiotherapy session with equines?


In this first moment the link between the rider (patient) and the animal is strengthened, it is predisposed to create the conditions for the rest of the activity.


The person participates in a series of activities designed always to achieve the objectives that have been previously designed.

These activities respond to the needs based on the diagnosis of the patient and can be very varied. For example: those that have to do with the care of the animal, the activities of riding, incorporation of objects that complements the equine therapy.


The patient says goodbye to the animal, to continue with his activities. This stage is important to set learning and strengthen the bond between the patient and the equine.

Finally, we can not lose sight of the follow-up from other health specialists to assess the scope of physiotherapy with horses.

We can say that physiotherapy with equines is one of the vanguard therapies and we can see it spread for its multiple benefits. It has the versatility to become a tool to prevent, cure and alleviate the effects of physical limitations on human beings.



Fisioterapia – oline.com (Análisis de Video). (17 de junio de 2015). Terapia asistida con animales – Equinoterapia – Visión general desde la fisioterapia  [Video en Línea]. Disponible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB5fgFqrqtE

Fundación ACAVALL (Análisis de video) (22 de octubre de 2017). Estructura de una sesión de Terapia asistida a caballos. fisioterapia  [Video en Línea]. Disponible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udTubzSWTpU


If you want to know more about Gustavo Mirabal or Equestrian Word, go to:

http://gustavomirabal.com/  or  http://gustavomirabalcastro.online/english




