Pure Blood Lusitano - A Ciara Doone Rush Photography (https://doonerush.co.uk/hero-the-pen-llyn-lusitanos)

The Pure Blood Lusitano: Power and nobility

Each animal has its own nature, and hence the virtues, so is the Pure Blood Lusitano. With a cultural origin, it is one of the oldest horses on the animal kingdom. They were initially called…

Samundra Manthan

The horse in Hindu culture

The horse in Hindu culture The horse has a special meaning in each of the different cultures. What is clear, is that many cultures agree in considering the horse a symbol of power and freedom.…

Ardennes horse breed

In the equine world there are many breeds of horses. Each one with its uniqueness that differentiates it from the rest. However, they converge on a common point, because they are beautiful, noble animals that…

Gypsy Vanner

Gypsy Vanner Horse Breed

Gypsy Vanner Horse Breed The horse is one of the largest mammals on the planet earth. As for its characteristics dazzles with its elegance. Now, of this species there are many breeds of horses, where…

Caballo Frisón-Gustavo-Mirabal-Raza

Horse breeds (part 2)

We already committed in the previous article to make a list of the Horse breeds in an endless task. But little by little we can go over the most known and the most valued breeds.…


The Akhal-Teke

A photograph of a horse that recently went viral is captioned "the most beautiful horse in the world." Beauty, of course, is subjective—and whether this caption rings true for you depends on whether you admire…