Do you want to know if the magi will visit Spain despite the Coronavirus? Christmas traditions are very special and ancestral. Many of them are related to the religious traditions of each country. In Spain one of the most important traditions is the tradition of the wise men. But just as coronavirus has upset many of our daily routines, it has also done so with our traditions. Today we will talk about the magi in Spain in Coronavirus times.
Para leerlo en Español: Los reyes magos en España en tiempos de Coronavirus
In Spain, the magi or the treen wise men mean festivals, festivals, celebrations and so on. The coronavirus pandemic forces us to maintain social estinement first and foremostic.
This social estating has caused the “presence” to decrease in our activities either out of necessity or obligation of the authorities. In this way many of our activities have become virtual or online activities.
From Christmas shopping to concerts and events, everything has migrated to virtual media.
Classes are taught online for kids and boys. Purchases are made online. Events are streamed or broadcast on television.
On Spanish television we can see how sets are kept with much fewer people. Sometimes we can see the empty sets beyond presenters and interviewees.
Competition programmes have also changed to accommodate the need for social estating.
Increased social estating makes society and social interaction feel cold. But there are ways to warm our hearts and feelings. Today we will see how one of the oldest traditions in Spain is kept alive thanks to the perseverance of the people.
Today we will see how the wizard kings are received in times of coronavirus.
Below is a video of how the receptions of the wizard kings were traditionally made in Spain before the Coronavirus
Table of Contents.
Where does the tradition of the wise men come from?
The wise men are biblical figures who appear in the new testament with the arrival of the child Jesus. That is why his figure is intimately related to Christmas and with it to the arrival of the child God.
Let us remember that Spain’s religious tradition is eminently Catholic Christian. The kings of Spain are considered Catholic and therefore religious traditions have great relevance.
Likewise the traditions of kings are linked to the monarchical tradition of Spain. Let us remember that Spain’s political system and culture are linked to the monarchy. This is how Spain’s political system is now a constitutional monarchy.
In this way the relevance of the figures of kings, nobility and traditions have a high value.
But where does the figure of the magi come from? Does it appear in the Bible? How are magician kings celebrated in Spain? More importantly, can magi be celebrated in Spain in times of coronavirus?
This last concern was what motivated the leaders of Spain to look for creative ways to preserve tradition.
These and many other questions will be cleared in our next lines. No doubt the magi are a very rich tradition that we hope will be preserved for many more years.

The magi in the Bible
“When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wizards came from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is the king of the Jews, who was born? Because his star we have seen in the East, and we come to worship him.”
Thus begins the Biblical passage of the Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 2 verse 1-12). It follows in this passage that there is no further information about magicians in the Gospels considered canonical.
However, more details appear in Thomas’s apocryphal (not considered divine-inspired) gospel. Among them is the number of magicians and their names, Melchor, Baltazar and Gaspar.
Beyond the names, biblical history mentions that such words concerned Herod as a political leader. He thought that a king for the Jews would mean rebellions and conflict and therefore sought to obtain as much information as possible.
Undoubtedly in Herod’s plans was the elimination of any competition for political power. He asked the magi to inform him of the child’s location when they returned so that he could go and “venerate” him.
This is how Herod was prepared to end the life of the little newborn, Jesus the child God. And in the Bible it says:
“[The magi] having heard the king left; and the star they had seen in the east was ahead of them, until they arrived, stopped at where the child was. Seeing the star, they rejoiced with great joy. As they entered the house, they saw the child with their mother Mary, and prostrate themselves, worshipped him, and offered him present: gold, incense, and myrrh.”

The magi and the celebration of innocent saints
But the magi after visiting Jesus and carrying their gifts from Myrrh, Gold, and Frankincense receive a revelation. In that revelation they learn of Herod’s plans and decide to return by another path.
This episode is told in the Bible as follows:
“But when they were warned by revelation in dreams that did not return to Herod, they returned to their land by another way”
Herod later realizes that the Magi failed to fulfill his promise to tell him the exact place of birth. Because of this Herod orders the death of all children under the age of two in Bethlehem.
From this is born the commemoration of the innocent saints that is celebrated in Africa and Rome on 28 December. Although this commemoration has no chronological connection to the event, if it has a symbolic-spiritual connection.
Undoubtedly one of the things Christmas has is that it is full of symbolism and traditions. But let’s take a little look back at the future of the celebrations.
What is a celebration of the wise men in Spain like in times of coronavirus?
In the different localities and autonomous communities of Spain have been organized to maintain the spirit of the Magi. This is how they have organized activities considering social estating and precautionary measures.
Therefore in the town of Parla, children can deliver their letters to the pages of the Magi. But they can do this by appointment by calling a number at a specific time. This will prevent agglomerations for the delivery of the letters.
They will also be able to send the letters via email via the email address [email protected].
The Magi will receive the keys to all the houses in order to deliver the requests of the letters “keeping all the health security measures in force”. It’s definitely a great initiative.
The events will be broadcast by the social networks of the city council.
You will have storytelling and outdoor theater activities and having the right social estating.
In the Toy Valley (El Valle del Juguete) in Alicante, the official reception of the Magi will be streamed. This transfer will take place through the Also through it you can send the cards to the wise men.
This official reception will be held through a horseback riding for the enjoyment of large and small.

The Magi or the Tree Wise Men in Spain will continue to arrive despite the coronavirus
Undoubtedly the wise men will arrive in Spain and will not be frightened by the coronavirus. A tradition of thousands of years that will go forward thanks to the efforts of thousands of people with a great heart.
Without a doubt we will be able to see that our traditions will require adaptations but with a little effort we will get ahead.